Sparkling Water The Journal of Nutrition conducted a study of sparkling and still mineral water. The study participants were asked to drink 1 liter of eit...
Southeast Asia Drought Triggers Debate Over Region’s Water Resources A drought across southern China and Southeast Asia has brought the Mekong River to its lowest level in 50 years. The drought has led to deb...
Fundamental Methodology The best way to treat cancer is to stimulate the body's own resources to destroy the invading intruders, the colonies of yeast and fungus th...
Should you trust your Oncologist Alan Greenspan dismissed as a "collectivist" myth the idea that businessmen, left to their own devices, "would attempt to sell unsafe food...
Natural Allopathic Medicine – Natural ChemoTherapy Cancer is a prime example of how heavy metal toxicity, free radical damage, pathogen infection, inflammation, mitochondria dysfunction, immu...
Prostate Cancer – Treatment Choices Congress has not been willing to change the basic economics of health care nor is it interested in changing how medicine is practiced in the...
Hemoglobin’s Oxygen Carrying Capacity Magnesium Magnesium serves hundreds of important functions in the body and one of them has to do with the efficiency of red blood cells and their capa...
Oxygen and Cancer We can live a long time without food, a couple of days without drinking, but life without breath is measured in minutes. Something so essent...
Economic Pearl Harbor – Part Two "We are certainly in a deflationary state," said David Rosenberg, chief economist and strategist with Gluskin Sheff and Associates in Tor...