Corruption at the FDA Betrays Prostate Cancer Patients Dr. Chuck Bennett, a physician who treats end-stage cancer patients, recently reported on terrible happenings at the FDA that should destroy...
Cancer and Fear – Confronting your Oncologist "Hello, Mrs. Flatt, this is Doctor S. I'm calling about the results of your biopsy. Your tests aren't all back, but we do know the tumo...
Praying for Humanity Who is loving enough to pray for humanity? The question that arises is this: Is humanity worth praying for? It is obvious that we as a rac...
The Dark Ages of Medicine Today’s looming deficits are almost surely too large to be closed exclusively with growth. The baby boom generation is too big, and the...
Contemporary Medicine is a Disease Dr. Andrew Weil is remarkable and shares some of the communication dynamics I talked about a month ago when it came to Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby...
Medical Hero Dr. Tullio Simoncini deserves the highest award in medical science for his genius and medical courage in discovering and developing what mig...
Water Security – Water Refuges When asked to rank the most important service, 95 percent of U.S. voters put water in first place followed by electricity, heat, Internet, c...
Taking the Day Off Yes, even the most responsible of us have to take the day off once in a while. There are days when we just don’t want to work and in fact...