The Silence Is Deafening The municipality of Fukushima has created a plan to bring radiation exposure in all inhabited areas of the city to below a microsievert pe...
Dietary Madness & Medicine It’s been years since I coined the words pharmaceutical terrorism and medical insanity, which were the best phrases I could come up...
Transdermal and Oral Cannabis Depending on why a person is using medical marijuana, treatment may be short term or continue for years. There are different forms of using ...
The Pleasures of Being I am a very private person and enjoy the deepest intimacies of being. I am also a very public one and have exposed myself in every possibl...
My Bliss Now that I am back to living in Nature, after having my nose almost exclusively in virtual territory for 15 years, I think I can give myse...
Violent Humanity The list of countries and cities disintegrating or unraveling because of violence, economic and political turmoil, lack of food and civil u...
Dear IMVA, October 2011 Dear IMVA,We have been having some big difficulties with our sites specifically with We recently transferred our si...