Dangers of Wi-Fi & the iPad I got quite a few letters in response to my endorsement and use of Apples iPad so I want to address the issues of danger that come from li...
iPad Knowledge Machines & Autism No matter what the stress and distress of life is, we need to move forward no matter what—especially if children are part of our lives. ...
Apples – Pectin – Intestinal Formula Dr. Hank Liers, came out with an intestinal formula that I have been using in my family for over a year and it is a must to keep in one's ...
Chemotherapy Stimulates Cancer Growth Gene mutations are part of the process of cancer, but mutations alone are not enough to cause cancer to take hold and spread, thus threaten...
Finding Paradise – Returning to the Garden “There is a paradise in this world; whoever does not enter it will not be able to enter the one in the hereafter.” Profound wor...
Avoiding Heart Disease & Strokes At a recent conference of the Indian Society of Cardiology hosted by Madras Medical Mission, doctors focused on non-pharmaceutical interven...