Oxygen is a Nutritional Drug The British Lung Foundation says, “Breathing in air with a higher concentration of oxygen can be used to correct a low oxygen level i...
Dr. von Ardenne on Cancer, Inflammation and Oxygen Developed in the late 1960s by Professor von Ardenne, (a student of Dr. Otto Warburg, best known for his pioneering research on the connec...
Breathlessness – The Lack of Oxygen Emergency medicine considers oxygen to be a drug used for patients with indications or risk of hypoxia (such as difficulty breathing,...
Love, Light and Comfort of a BioMat Plants love to turn toward the light, they stretch for it, and so do we. Light, heat, color, warmth, energy, electrons, bio-photons, elec...
Exercise is Powerful Cancer Medicine A study of 45 peer-reviewed articles published from January 1950 to August 2011 shows that exercisers are less likely to die of their...
Healing Ourselves with Oxygen Oxygen therapy is as wonderful as it is because more oxygen translates into more cellular energy, more healing energy and more energ...
Carpet Bombing Cancer with Invincible Oxygen This is exactly what you want to do to your cancer tumors. You want to blast them with oxygen. In my book Anti-Inflammatory Oxygen T...
The End of Toxic Chemo and Radiation There is a revolution occurring in cancer treatment, and it could mean the end of chemotherapy, as we know it now. Chemotherapy is a...