Cannabis Cures Cancer There should be no more confusion about whether or not marijuana is effective for cancer patients. Medical marijuana is chemotherapy, natura...
Ten steps to Understanding Natural Allopathic Medicine With the ten easy lessons under one’s belt one can treat and sometimes. reverse or alleviate many diseases much more easily than regular doctors can.
Monopoly Medicine is a Killer Modern medicine is impotent against Ebola and many other viruses because they refuse to look at all the factors that lead to death and disease.
Alkaline Without Alkalinity It is critical to see that alkalinity does not depend strictly on pH. pH measures the degree of alkalinity but not its quantity.
Marijuana Side Effects / Marijuana Toxicity Cannabinoids side effects are very low comparing with other medical drugs.
Treating Ebola and other Infectious Diseases with Natural Allopathic Medicine Treating Ebola and Other Infectious Diseases. Dr Sircus new ebook now available !
Viral Infections are pH Sensitive The threat of Ebola outbreak, as well as any viral infection, is pH sensitive meaning viruses can be controlled with waves of alkalinity.