Healing with Medical Marijuana Marijuana is safe, effective and affordable medicine, which is better than anything you can get at your pharmacy except for sodium bicarbonate, iodine and magnesium chloride.
Iron Rules of Medicine There are just too many professionals out there who just do not have a clue to what is going on in their patient`s lives and that is because they fail to acknowledge and study the Iron Rules of Medicine.
Self-Diagnosis of Voltage and other Basic Physiological Parameters Voltage readings, pH tests, breathing rate, oxygen levels in the blood, basal body temperature, hydration level, and a simple color test and HRV readings are the bedrock diagnostics of Natural Allopathic Medicine.
President Trump ‘Vaccine Hero’ Trump is the first world political leader to have enough courage, and perfect sense, to confront the most terrible terrorism in the world, the chemical attack of infants with toxic vaccines.
Electron Medicine with Surgical Precision With electric surgery we electronically chip away at diseased organs or body parts with pure energy, with electrons, with voltage and of course with higher pH and oxygen at the same time.
Healing the Body with the Basic Elements of Life The best drugs are nutritional when they are concentrated at high enough dosages. Once voltage (pH) is restored to the tissues, the body can do a better job at healing itself.