Virus, 5G and Pollution Combine to Destroy Wuhan When market participants panic, they begin to cash out of everything. Then the panic moves to the supermarkets and the shelves start to be...
The World Is Running Out Of Time That worst-case isn't here yet, the WHO insists. It isn't convinced that countries outside China need more draconian measures, but it poin...
Mild Mannered Coronavirus One encouraging aspect of the coronavirus outbreak: So far, about 82 percent of the cases — including all 14 in the United States — hav...
Deadly Viral and Economic Reapers If the bad case scenarios do accelerate the viral epidemic could be the pin that pricks the greatest bubble in the world, not only in Chin...
World Health Experts Have It Wrong And so do the financial markets. Denting sentiment are 15,000 new coronavirus infections in China that were calibrated using a new CT scan...
World Ready to Freak? Though it is still early to make predictions, if the coronavirus epidemic explodes in a place outside China the entire world will freak. Al...
They Don’t Want You to Know Basic Viral Treatments – Water is the Most Basic Treatment There has been a pathetic lack of media coverage of effective and successful approaches against viruses in general, and coronavirus in par...
A Course in Naturopathic Oncology Yesterday 26 thousand people died from cancer. More people will die of cancer in the next 30 minutes than all the accumulated coronavirus d...
Glutathione Against the Coronavirus Before we get into our main topic today on glutathione first some good news: A 35-year-old Seattle-area man identified as the nation's fir...