Medical Massacre, Or Enlightened Medicine? 'Doctors say CDC should warn people the side effects from Covid vaccine shots won't be a walk in the park.' Be warned to expect severe re...
Religious and Spiritual Medicine for Pandemics According to a Gallup Poll released in December, frequent church attendees were the only group in the U.S. that did not experience a mental ...
Climate Treason This has been a year of treason, and next year will be worse. Betrayal has become popular among politicians, health officials, and even sc...
CoronaVirus Vaccine Era Well, one thing we can know one thing for sure is that Bill and Melinda Gates are happy this week because we have entered the CoronaVirus ...
Vitamin D & Ivermectin Better Solutions to COVID than Vaccines People are dying, but what are they dying from? Is it an all-powerful virus that is doing hundreds of thousands of people in, or is it med...
Insanity of Cardiology En mass, we are like deer in the headlights being run over by doctors and hospitals who have no idea how cruel and absurd they can be. The...
Launch of Third Edition – Hydrogen Medicine This third edition of Hydrogen Medicine will explore hydrogen gas, hydrogen water, oxygen (O2), and carbon dioxide (CO2). Combining these ga...