Treating Clinical and Subclinical Myocarditis Every single person who has been vaccinated for COVID or has been infected and are suffering what is called long hauler effects needs to pay...
Understanding the Cruelty and Cost of Genetic Vaccines There are people on this planet that take pleasure in hurting other people. Then there are people so mentally programmed, so insensitive tha...
Is Hydrogen Medicine For You? If one wants to live an extraordinarily long life, plan on breathing hydrogen gas. For me, it has been telling, and you can see it on my fac...
Stay Warm & Well All Winter Long While Cutting Your Heating Bills "The bottom line to this essay is heat yourself, not your home," and I will show the most cost-effective way to do that with infrared. The c...
I am Angry as Hell, and I Am Not Going to Take It Any More Perhaps I should have titled this essay beyond anger because there is so much to be angry and indignant about it could kill us with stress h...
Batman and Robin Medicine Magnesium and cannabinoids blend magnificently. I like to think of them as the "Batman and Robin" of the medical world. So sure, we can brin...