Fukushima World’s Radiation Nightmare Fukushima is Japan's and the world’s radiation nightmare that will not go away in our lifetimes nor our children’s or grandc...
Hell Hole on Earth Discovered at Fukushima We have a radioactive hot spot on our planet that has never been imagined before and in the face of it human technology is helpless. The Fukushima accident is enormous in its medical implications.
Fukushima Threatening Children with Thyroid Cancer Sometimes we writers wake up and read something that makes us want to turn into vengeful angels. In this case I want to swoop across the hum...
The Agony of Fukushima Disaster The Agony of Fukushima - If this is not one of the most disturbing reports you will ever read I will be surprised. If you do not take it a...
Fukushima Radioactive Iodine Emergency U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) officials calculated an annual thyroid dose of 40,000 microsieverts (or 4 REM) for infants und...
Expect Whole Range of Sicknesses from Fukushima Radiation Possibilities for a healthy life are diminishing at a rate directly proportional to the rising levels of radiation seen on EPA monitors.
Fukushima, Doctors & Treatments for Radiation In July of 2005 the National Academy of Sciences came to the conclusion that the preponderance of scientific evidence shows that even very ...
Angel of Thyroid Disease came from Fukushima I have very bad news for everyone, but especially for young children and their parents in the western United States and probably for most ...
News You Don’t Want to Read About Fukushima In a petition to United States Senators we read, “Although the initial meltdown of three reactors, from the earthquake/tsunami of March 11...
Our Hot Radioactive World is Getting Hotter Cancer rates go up with increasing levels of radiation and heavy metal contamination. Though Natural Allopathic Medicine has a full proto...