Iodine Deficiency is a Risk Factor for Breast Cancer In Dr. Sherrill Sellman’s book, What Women Must Know To Protect Their Daughters From Breast Cancer, she says, “Breast cancer will alway...
Iodine for Breast Cancer Treatment The single most important nutrient to prevent or treat breast cancer is iodine. Women with a history of low iodine levels (hypothyroidism) face higher levels of cancer.
Iodine Deficiency and Radioactive Iodine Cause Cancer and Thyroid Disease Medical ignorance is endemic and nowhere is this more evident than in how contemporary medicine views and treats hyperthyroidism and thyro...
Sources and Uses for Iodine / Iodine to Rescue Anyone who tells you to stay away from iodine is a medical idiot. Actually that statement does not cover the story of medical cruelty and ...
Prostate Cancer – Treatment Choices Congress has not been willing to change the basic economics of health care nor is it interested in changing how medicine is practiced in the...
Cancer Patients Need to Know More About Cancer Not many words can stop you in your tracks and uproot your entire life like the word cancer. About 2 million people in the United States wil...
Iodine Treats and Prevents Cancer In concert with its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions, iodine affects several molecular pathways that are part of differentiation a...
Transdermal Breast Cancer Treatments Natural Allopathic Medicine has a potent protocol for breast cancer. I am almost finished with Surviving Breast Cancer and feel compelled ...
Cancer Patients Should Know More Than Their Oncologists Do you remember sayings about knowing oneself? Lao Tzu said, "He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened." There are m...