The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a first vaccine to treat prostate cancer. The price tag? $93,000. Of course, this “vaccine”, Provenge, doesn’t actually prevent cancer. It also doesn’t cure cancer. So what does it do? According to USA Today: “… studies show that the vaccine does help men with advanced prostate cancer live four months longer … Many men on Provenge developed mild symptoms, such as fevers, chills and headaches. One in four patients had a serious side effect … with 3.5 percent suffering a stroke …”
The USA Today article went on to say that, “Although doctors still have many questions about the vaccine, many now believe it works and plan to use it soon on patients, says Otis Brawley, the Cancer Society’s chief medical officer. Dendreon, the vaccine’s maker, said the vaccine will cost $93,000 for the series of three shots. A February analysis by J.P. Morgan estimates that Provenge has the potential for blockbuster sales of $1.5 billion a year.”
The above approach to cancer is severely lacking in intelligence so we would have to declare the vaccination approach to prostate cancer ignorant. The cost, the side effects and the clear lack of reasonable result (buying a few months of life) exposes the desperate measures the medical industrial establishment will go to preserve its power.
Dr. Joseph Mercola writes about this issue saying, “Naturally, many will say that you can’t put a price tag on life, no matter how short, but what I’m questioning is not someone’s urge to live as long as possible, but rather it’s a question of what constitutes a successful cancer treatment worthy of such an exorbitant price. To me, it seems more like a last ditch effort to squeeze every last penny out of a dying man and his family, without offering any significant hope of prolonged life in return.”
A person’s immune system is truly an amazing sentinel, quickly spotting trouble and doing away with it. It starts with the skin, which keeps most invaders at bay. It continues with complex cells produced deep in the bone marrow that attack and remember unwanted guests. As effective as it is, the immune system can be overwhelmed by highly specialized enemies such as cancer cells. But what if we could harness the power of the immune system? Could it fight more effectively? Could it beat cancer?
Intelligent doctors know the answer to these questions is affirmative. Having a diminished immune system offers one a quick ticket to cancer so strengthening it has got to help enormously. The Provenge vaccine has got to be the worst way of going about strengthening anything in the body. Vaccines in general have a weakening immune effect. Chemo and radiation therapies are famous for the immune destructive side effects. Even surgery can compromise immune system strength especially when essential physiology is ignored, as it usually is for most surgeons do not pay any attention to pre and post operative magnesium needs.
Cancer is a systemic, not a localized, disease; it is a warning from your body that our diet and lifestyle need to be changed. 80% of our genetic predisposition towards disease can either be activated or held in check by proper diet and lifestyle which have direct implications for ones immune system strength. Every one of us has some cancer cells in our body every day, and our immune system is usually successful in destroying it, so a strong immune system is a key to fighting cancer. We only notice cancer if it overwhelms our immune system and grows into a noticeable tumor.
One of the biggest challenges oncologists face comes about after treatment; how to keep tumors from coming back once the patients leave the clinic and resume their normal lifestyles and diets? To prevent cancer’s reoccurrence, one must keep the immune system strong with diet, lifestyle, some (not excessive) exercise, nutritional supplementation, and especially, a positive mental attitude.
Dr. William Li presents a new way to think about treating cancer and other diseases: anti-angiogenesis, preventing the growth of blood vessels that feed a tumor. The crucial first (and best) step: Eating cancer-fighting foods that cut off the supply lines and beat cancer at its own game. There are many ways to skin a cat the old saying goes and many ways to beat cancer but some are just supremely more intelligent than other ways.
Cancer survivors might want to try yoga to sleep better and have more energy, according to a new study to be presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting in June. It was found that those who did yoga were able to cut back on sleeping pills and slept better, as measured by a 22 percent increase in sleep quality on a commonly used scale. That was nearly twice the improvement of survivors who didn’t do the exercises. Yoga also cut fatigue by close to half, and led to an increase in quality of life.