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Cancer Theories

Published on March 22, 2010

Two basic theories of cancer have existed up to now:  (1) the viral theory and, (2) the trophoblast theory. There is a recognition that cancer cells share some properties with placental cells found in pregnancy. The classic experiments of Warburg on the respiratory pattern of cancers of various species and tissue origins reveal a high uniformity from tumor to tumor. Yet what these cells actually are is in doubt.

The trophoblast theorists claim when you look at internal cell morphology, all cancer cells are exactly the same as trophoblast cells.  Outwardly, cancer cells appear different because the trophoblast cell is reacting to different parts of the body in which it finds itself.  90% of a tumor, for example, is comprised of benign somatic cells that are responding to the 10% carcinogenic action of the trophoblast cells. Yes, this sounds like one is talking about yeasts and fungi invaders.

Normal, healthy cells in our body grow in a very orderly and well-controlled way, living for a set period of time and then dying on schedule. When a normal cell dies, our body replaces it with another normal cell. Cancer cells grow in an uncontrolled manner. One malignant cell becomes two, two become four, four become eight, and so on, until a mass of cells (a tumor) is created. Tumors remain small until they’re able to attract their own blood supply, which allows them to obtain the oxygen and nutrients they need to grow larger. But again this does not in the least suggest what these cancer cells actually are – human cells on the rampage, or yeast and fungi staking out their ever increasing territory?

The image of the normal colon tissue, at left, shows well-formed oval-shaped glands, evenly lined with a single, organized layer of cells indicated by arrows. The image of the cancerous colon tissue, in contrast, shows highly disorganized cancer cells stacked upon each other in an apparently random fashion, exactly what we would expect from fungi invaders as well as human cells running amok.

The predominant viral theory says that outside agents invade your body, or that somatic (good) cells mutate into cancer cells, and that there exists an infinite number of different cancers. The trophoblast theory of cancer was postulated over a hundred years ago by Scottish embryologist John Beard, a professor at the University of Edinburgh.  He and subsequent researchers say that, morphologically, there is only one type of cancer cell, the trophoblast cell.  The trophoblast cell has a natural body function:  it arises from the meiosis (cell division) of a woman’s diploid totipotent cells after fertilization.

It really matters how we conceptualize cancer and the process that leads to its proliferation in the body. The theory that malignant cancers are false-placentas (trophoblast theory) was first formulated by Beard in 1902 when he observed that placenta cells resemble cancer cells. He also noted how malignant cancers act in the same way that placenta cells act in the mother’s womb; they attach to the uterus and “eat” through it to obtain a blood supply. Beard also found other out-of-place trophoblast cells in great numbers throughout the body. These cells are placenta-like and do not differentiate into specific tissue, but lie dormant. Beard called these cells “germ” cells. They have properties similar to stem cells, and Beard believed that these cells are the seeds of cancer. Notice again how Beard and almost all medical scientists since assume these cells are human cells that seem to be  like plecenta type cells but none of this proves anything about what the cells actually are.

I remain stunned at the hesitancy of American physicians to try harmless antifungal approaches for anything but vaginal yeast.– Doug Kaufmann

Not a week goes by that we don’t find yet another medical or societal reference to fungi causing human misery. In September 1999, Johns Hopkins medical researchers confirmed that virtually all chronic sinus infections were due to fungus. Fungus makes poisonous byproducts called mycotoxins. Antibiotics are one class of mycotoxins. The fact that mycotoxins can cause cancer is not up for grabs. Even the American Cancer Society admit: “Mycotoxins are genotoxic carcinogens, and exposure begins in utero and in mother’s milk, continuing throughout life; these conditions favor the occurrence of disease.” (Murphy, et al. American Cancer Society Textbook of Clinical Oncology, 2nd ed. 1995)

Dr. MJ Dvmanov, a professor of medical mycology says, “A disease caused by a fungal mold is called a mycosis. Often a fungal infection, a mycosis, abscess or a fibroid immune response to the presence of fungal mold is called a cancer. Two of my recent studies involved a 26 year old female with a large mold growth in her left lung that required surgical removal and a 65 year old male with a brain “cancer” that was later diagnosed as being 2 different fungal mold growths. Mold produces many toxins and exposure to some molds result in a cancer or unnatural cell growth both hyperplasia and metaplasia. I have investigated cases where initial diagnosis was cancer and later from biopsy and culture identified as a mold growth. Far more deaths are caused by a fungal mold than anyone would believe. Dr. Leyland H. Hartwell’s Noble Prize in Medicine Lecture in 2001 introduced the fact that in culture cancer cells just like fungal mold, often described by histopathologists as undifferentiated carcinomas, are immortal just like fungal mold in that they continue to grow even outside the body, when normal human cells do not. If cancer cells are not human cells, then what are they, fungal mold?”

In looking at live blood, you can clearly “see” that there are forms that look like bacteria, micro-organisms and parasites that not only are in the blood, but that over time can grow and can change their shapes.

Fungi will also live almost anywhere. They have been found growing in the harshest of environments, in the desert and polar regions, in the sea and on rocks.

Candida albicans will shift from yeast form to mycelial fungal form and start to invade the body. In the yeast state, Candida is a non-invasive, sugar-fermenting organism, while in fungal state it is invasive and can produce rhizoids, very long root-like structures.

Fungi are serious enemies. “When the nutritional conditions are precarious, many fungi react with hyphal fusion (among nearby fungi) which allows them to explore the available material more easily, using more complete physiological processes. Fungi are capable of implementing an infinite number of modifications to their own metabolism in order to overcome the defense mechanism of the host,” says Simoncini.

When fungi are fed the food they love they become more virulent. Their ability to penetrate and root into the intestinal walls, for example and invade the cells is increased. They not only attach themselves to human tissues but can actually invade the cells where they become quite at home. Thus they are not secondary but primary infections that have been helped along with runaway antibiotic usage, dental amalgam, flu vaccines laden with mercury, mineral deficiencies and by terrible modern diets infected with molds and yeasts as well as many potent poisons.

Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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