Uranium, Mercury, Cancer & Diabetes
Hyperinsulinemia may promote mammary carcinogenesis. Insulin resistance has been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer and is also characteristic of type 2 diabetes.[1]
Diabetes and cancer, which are both are expanding dramatically in the world today, can in great part be traced to the increasing radiation, heavy metals and chemicals to which we are all being exposed. Every physician knows that radiation can lead to cancer but few are aware of the connection between heavy metals, general chemical exposures, and cancer. Fewer still understand the connection between toxic exposure and diabetes. See my book New Paradigms in Diabetic Care for a look at how toxicities run head-on into nutritional deficiencies to create diabetic conditions.
Making a connection between radiation and diabetes may seem ludicrous to physicians who recommend and administer dangerous radioactive CAT and PET scans because they are in full denial that they are using tests that cause cancer to diagnose and treat it. Modern medicine is at the head of the line in terms of actively downplaying the rising dangers of both radioactivity and mercury because it’s an industry whose paradigm includes exposing patients directly to these dangerous substances.
One in ten Chinese adults already has the disease and another 16 percent are on the verge of developing it, according to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The rate of increase is much faster than we’ve seen in Europe and in the U.S. and tracks the most rapid increase in air and water pollution ever seen on earth. China is home to the most diabetics in the world as it is home to the worst pollution.
“Depleted (DU) uranium is highly toxic to humans, both chemically as a heavy metal and radiological as an alpha particle emitter,” writes Dr. Rosalie Bertell, Canadian Epidemiologist.[2] A new study, conducted by biochemist Dr. Diane Stearns at Northern Arizona University confirms that, separate from any radiation risks, cells exposed to uranium will bond with the metal chemically.[3]
Uranium and phosphate have a strong chemical affinity for each other and the DNA and mitochondria are loaded with phosphate so uranium is a DNA and mitochondria deep-penetration bomb. The uranium is attacking on fundamental cellular levels while mercury offers a knockout punch by attacking the sulfur bonds so essential for insulin’s proper function.
Exposure to radiation causes a cascade of free radicals that wreak havoc on the body. Radiation decimates the body’s supply of glutathione.
Metals such as iron, mercury, arsenic, lead and probably aluminum play a role in the actual destruction of beta cells through stimulating an auto-immune reaction to them after they have bonded to these cells in the pancreas. It is well documented in the medical literature that chemicals and drugs can cause temporary or permanent insulin-dependent diabetes.
Both mercury and uranium oxide are floating in the environment like invisible clouds that have spread out everywhere. They are raining down on us, damaging and damning our future.
Simultaneous exposure to mercury and uranium shows significantly more damage to the kidneys than when exposure is to each metal singly. Lead and aluminum are common metals that have been shown to radically increase the toxicity of mercury so when we have many chemicals, heavy metals, and increased exposure to radiation from medical tests and other sources, we have serious damages to cell physiology that we need to treat.
Thiol poisons, especially mercury and its compounds, reacting with SH groups of proteins lead to the lowered activity of various enzymes containing sulfhydryl groups. This produces a series of disruptions in the functional activity of many organs and tissues of the organism. – Professor I.M. Trakhtenberg[4] – Russia
Nephrotoxicity of the kidneys with necrosis of proximal tubules has been seen to increase significantly with dual exposure to both uranium and mercury.[5] In February 2007 the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) reported that the number of new cases of kidney failure jumped 114 percent. The burden of renal disease is also growing rapidly in India. The mean age of ESRD (end-stage renal disease) patients requiring dialysis in India is 32-42 years compared to the 60-63 years in the developed world. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a worldwide public health problem.[6]
Dr. Lisa Landymore-Lim in her book Poisonous Prescriptions explains clearly how many drugs used by the unsuspecting public today are involved also in the onset of impaired glucose control and diabetes. She explains using the example of the drugs streptozocin and alloxan, both used in diabetes research to make lab rats diabetic, and Vacor, a rat poison known to cause insulin-dependent diabetes in humans. Allopathic medicine has to face up to the fact that many drugs, including most surprisingly the antibiotics including penicillin as well as an entire host of others, causes changes in the beta cell and/or insulin function.[7]
It is through mercury’s attack on these sulfide bonds (SH) that mercury is able to change the biological properties of proteins and change important physiological functions. Chemicals, heavy metals and radiation combine to act on the very same cellular enzyme pathways. The interaction of lead with sulfhydryl (SH) sites causes most of its toxic effects, which include impaired heme synthesis, inhibition of erythrocyte Na/K ATPase, diminished RBC glutathione, shortened RBC lifespan, impaired synthesis of RNA, DNA and protein and impaired metabolism of vitamin D. Lead may also affect the body’s ability to utilize the essential elements calcium, magnesium, and zinc.
There are three things that determine the toxicity of radioactive materials:
Chemical effects – Uranium is chemically very toxic.
Radioactive effects (includes half-life and energy released) – One gram of DU (1/20th of a cubic centimeter) releases 13,000 alpha particles a second. One alpha particle can cause cancer under the right conditions and certainly it has the capacity to wreck havoc in beta cells and everywhere else.
Particle size – In the nano particle range (diameter of 0.1 microns or smaller) the particulate effect (non-specific catalyst or enzyme) is far more biologically toxic than the first two effects. This is why DU is so devastating.[8]
The Chernobyl incident was a major humanitarian disaster, which has resulted in a plethora of health problems that are still far from being fully recognized. Most studies analyzing the medical consequences of this catastrophe have so far focused on diseases such as thyroid cancer, leukemia, immune and autoimmune pathology[9],[10] even though an increase in the incidence of type 1 diabetes mellitus, a disorder involving the immune system, was observed within the residential population of Hiroshima among survivors of the atom bomb detonation.[11] Studies have also shown that thymectomy and a sub-lethal dose of gamma radiation induces type 1 diabetes in rats.[12]
Researchers at the Pediatric Hospital A. Meyer, Florence, Italy studied this question by assessing the incidence of the disease in children in Gomel, Belarus in the years subsequent to the Chernobyl disaster. The results of the study seem to confirm the hypothesis of the influence of environmental pollution subsequent to the Chernobyl accident can cause diabetes.[13]
Mass screening for diabetes mellitus has been conducted on 64,000-113,000 atomic bomb survivors resident in Hiroshima City since 1961. From 1971 to 1992 a 2.7-fold increase in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus was observed in males and a 3.2-fold increase in females.[14]
Liquidators of the aftermath of the Chernobyl accident (LCA) who had worked within the 30-km zone for not more than three months in 1986 and early in the year 1987, were examined in 1988-1992 and again in 1997-1998. Hyperinsulinemia was recordable in these workers with normal and abnormal body mass index[15] for the space of 3 to 12 years after the accident. Hyperinsulinemia, as the researchers saw it, was related to direct or indirect action of irradiation because those persons with prior acute psychogenic stress along with those who are healthy have been found to be free from hyperinsulinemia. The possibility cannot be ruled out that hyperinsulinemia is a predictor of increased body weight gain and obesity in these workers.[16]
We have a significant and documented increase in the incidence of type 1 diabetes in children and adolescents after Chernobyl in the radioactively contaminated area of Gomel compared to Minsk. – Heinrich Heine University – Dusseldorf, Germany
Dr. Chris Busby, the scientist who revealed increased radiation levels over England after the last attack on Iraq, has made a link between everyday radiation exposure and a range of modern ailments: “There have been tremendous increases in diseases resulting from the breakdown of the immune system in the last 20 years: diabetes, asthma, AIDS and others which may have an immune-system link, such as MS and ME. A whole spectrum of neurological conditions of unknown origin has developed.”
According to Moret, it won’t take more than two days for the uranium particles to reach India from Iran. Egypt, the Middle East, Central Asia and Pakistan would also be affected.
The probability of a war in Iran is quite high but no one in the world of responsibility – no one in the media or in government – is warning the world of the consequences, which are astronomically high. This part of the world just went hot with all the fires in Russia burning up the forests and soils full of radioactive fallout from previous disasters. A war would double and double again (and worse) the rising toxicities from multiple sources. Easily the peoples of this part of the world are going to meet their makers before others from dramatically less polluted and destroyed areas.
Almost a quarter century after the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear meltdown in Ukraine, its fallout is still a hot topic in some German regions, where thousands of boars shot by hunters still turn up with excessive levels of radioactivity. In fact, the numbers are higher than ever before. Forest soil in regions that were hit hardest after Chernobyl – parts of Bavaria and Baden-Wuerttemberg in southern Germany – still harbor high amounts of radioactive Cesium-137 that the boars burrow into and eat their favorite truffles. This is the proof that radiation contamination for nuclear accidents (of which there have been more than several in the old USSR) and from depleted uranium wars is much more widespread than officials admit.
Medical scientists and doctors in general are heartbreakingly wrong in their ideas of just how much increased background radiation the human body can withstand without long-term effects. Public health officials across the board tend to grossly underestimate the dangers[17] and medical officials are out there claiming, as usual, that toxic substances are actually good for your children. They say that about mercury and they say that about radiation. Meaning they don’t lose any sleep after exposing patients to massive doses of radiation for medical tests they deem necessary.
According to Moret, depleted uranium is the “Trojan horse of nuclear war. It is the ultimate weapon of mass destruction.” The pyrophoric nature of depleted uranium causes it to burn at very low temperatures. This makes it an ideal radioactive gas weapon. “Once it gets vaporized, microscopic particles of uranium oxide remain suspended and form the radioactive component of dust.”
That Trojan horse has already come to roost in Great Britain, where radiation levels, weeks after the last war in Iraq started, went up by a factor of eight from normal levels. Dr. Busby calculated that some citizens in different parts of the country would have inhaled about 26 million particles of uranium oxide. Like Troy burning, the blood in Britain’s citizens is smoldering. Matt Hunt, science information manager at Diabetes UK, said: “By 2010, we estimate that the number of people with diabetes in the UK will increase by around 30 percent to three million.”[18] Thirty percent in three years is a catastrophe.
It’s literally raining mercury and the government is still exploding uranium weapons on American soil but the CDC is only concerned about influenza and the bird flu. Because of this they themselves are recklessly adding to our already heavy body burdens of mercury insisting we get our yearly flu shot, which has about 3,000 trillion atoms (25 mcgs) of mercury in it.
Dr. Dayna Kowata wrote, “I have noticed an upward trend in uranium toxicity in my pediatric patients and not just those with autism. The affected patients come from the Temecula/Murrieta area of southern CA. One of my autistic patients has had an extremely difficult time chelating this metal. We’ve had success with all other heavy metals but the uranium remains consistently high. We’ve used oral DMSA and EDTA.”
Uranium levels 54.6 times the U.S. standard were found in water supplies in a village near Icheon, about 25 miles northeast of Osan Air Base, according to a South Korean government environmental report. South Korea’s Ministry of Environment said it was not ready last week to release its full uranium survey of 93 sites in South Korea, but it issued a news release on its findings. Uranium levels measured 1,640 micrograms per liter in Janpyeong-ri village near Icheon.
“A recent analysis of my hair ordered by my physician indicated a uranium level that is about five times the maximum reference range. How alarmed should I be with respect to this result? I am not exposed to uranium by occupational hazard, as I’m an office manager in a very clean environment. Past ingestion may have been the result of private well water, but I’ve not ingested any of this well water for six years now,” reports one patient.
The most important question of our times is: What is the safest most effective way to remove uranium, mercury and an army of other toxins in our and our children’s bodies?
[1] Diabetes Care. 2003 Jun;26(6):1752-8. Type 2 diabetes and subsequent incidence of breast cancer in the Nurses’ Health Study. Michels KB
[3] A radioisotope of an element will bind best to the same substrates which a non-radioactive isotope of the same element will bind. Dr. Stearns has established that when cells are exposed to uranium, the uranium binds to DNA and the cells acquire mutations, triggering a whole slew of protein replication errors, some of which can lead to various cancers. Stearns’ research, published in the journals Mutagenesis and Molecular Carcinogenesis, confirms what many have suspected for some time – that uranium can damage DNA as a heavy metal, independent of its radioactive properties. The biochemical reaction of heavy metals can cause genetic mutations, which in turn can curtail cell growth and cause cancer. Heavy metals that are also radioactive amplify this effect and can cause distortions in shape and thus function even of red blood cells.
[4] Trakhtenberg, I.M. From Russian translation. Chronic Effects of Mercury on Organisms. In Place of a Conclusion
[5] Biol Trace Elem Res. 2001 Winter;84(1-3):139-54.
[6] In February, 2007 The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) reported that the number of new cases of kidney failure jumped 114 per cent, from just fewer than 1,100 in the first year to more than 2,100 cases in 2004, adding that the incidence of Type 2 diabetes jumped during the same period. In the United States (US), there is a rising incidence and prevalence of kidney failure. The number of patients enrolled in the end-stage renal disease (ESRD) Medicare-funded program has increased from approximately 10,000 beneficiaries in 1973 to 86,354 in 1983, and to 452,957 as of December 31, 2003. In 2003 alone 100,499 patients entered the US ESRD program.
[7]These is some structural similarity between the chemicals streptozotocin, alloxan and vacor: in each, there is at least one oxygen atom joined by two bonds to a carbon atom (C=O), which forms a carbonyl group, which is flanked on each side by a nitrogen (n) atom. This is interesting since carbonyl groups and nitrogen atoms are often reactive species due to their excess of negative charge. That is, they are electron rich sources that very often have an affinity for positively charged species such as zinc ions (ZN)2+.Therefore, they behave like magnets attracting oppositely charged species. Since insulin is stored in the pancreas in combination with zinc, the pancreas has the highest concentration of zinc in the body and could conceivably present a source for chemical attack.
[8] In Science, Volume 311 on Feb. 3, 2006, page 622-628 is an article called ‘The Toxic Potential of Materials at the Nano Level.’ It explains how any kind of material – it could be ordinary carbon or a metal that is not radioactive – if these particles are small enough (tinier than a micron which is a millionth of a meter, or one ten thousandths of a centimeter) if these particles are that small, it turns out they are toxic in themselves, whatever their composition. “That’s exactly what’s happening in the case of nanoparticles which are produced when the uranium burns upon impact and melts steel and the fine particles are so small, they act like a gas. So what you’re getting is a gas of uranium that gets transported around the world and is now proven by these latest measurements,” says Dr. Sternglass.
Depleted uranium shouldn’t be used. It’s a gas, and we’ve already signed the Geneva protocol not to use gas in warfare. It’s already illegal. It’s a metal fume. A metal fume is a gas. Dr. Rosalie Bertell International Institute of Concern for Public Health
Mankind has lived with low-level background radiation for as long as we have existed but the uranium in a DU weapon explodes on impact as it penetrates a target. It burns with an extremely high temperature (above 5,000 degrees centigrade) and in the process vaporizes into particles so small that more than half them, by mass, are smaller in size than the wavelengths of light. The minuscule radioactive particles then become airborne like a gas and will eventually extend throughout the planet. They are a phenomenon that does not exist naturally and never did before now. They are a totally new, biologically dangerous, and have global reach. These nanometer-size uranium particles are a growing part of our world since 1991 and government and military officials are incredibly cavalier about it.
“Comparing a small DU particle to a red blood cell would be like comparing a man to a 50,000-foot high mountain, a mountain twice as high as Mt. Everest” writes Rolf A. F. Witzsche. The few atmospheric nuclear-bomb tests that were conducted in the 1950s and 1960s utilized only small amounts of uranium, too little to be significant in comparison with the thousands of pounds of the stuff that have been exploded in four battlefield theatres and on many military test ranges.
[9] Kuzmenok O, Potapnev M, Potapova S et al. (2003) Late effects of the Chernobyl radiation accident on T cell-mediated immunity in cleanup workers. Radiat Res 159: 109–116
[10] Lomat L, Galburt G, Quastel MR, Polyakov S, Okeanov A, Rozin S (1997) Incidence of childhood disease in Belarus associated with the Chernobyl accident. Environ Health
Perspect [Suppl 105] 6:1529–1532
[11] Ito C (1994) Trends in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus among Hiroshima atomic bombsurvivors. Diabetes Res Clin Pract [Suppl]:S29–S35
[12] Ramanathan S, Bihoreau MT, Paterson AD, Marandi L, Gauguier D, Poussier P (2002) Thymectomy and radiationinduced type 1 diabetes in nonlymphopenic BB rats. Diabetes
[13] J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2002 Jan;15(1):53-7. Incidence of childhood type 1 diabetes mellitus in Gomel, Belarus.Martinucci ME, Curradi G, Fasulo A, Medici A, Toni S, Osovik G, Lapistkaya E, Sherbitskaya E. Regional Centre for Juvenile Diabetes, Paediatric Hospital A. Meyer, Florence, Italy.
[14] Trends in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus among Hiroshima atomic bomb survivors. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 1994 Oct;24 Suppl:S29-35. Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Casualty Council, Health Management Center, Japan.
[15] The measure correlates highly with body fat. Calculated as weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters (kg/m 2 ).
[16] Lik Sprava. 2001 Jul-Aug;(4):26-8. Analysis of irradiation dose, body mass index and insulin blood concentration in personnel cleaning up after the Chernobyl nuclear plant accident. Zueva NA, Kovalenko AN, Gerasimenko TI, Man’kovskii BN, Korpachova TI, Efimov AS.
[17] It could be possible, for instance, that a mere .001 rise in the rem could generate an increase globally in sickness. And the proximity of the source of rem increase may be less relevant than we think. Long term exposure to >0.001 increased rem overall may be actually be quite profound. Our knowledge of the effects of radiation derives primarily from groups of people who have received high doses so in reality medical science knows and understands very little about low level risks.