Light Deficiency as a Cause of Cancer

Published on July 18, 2019

If a lack of light is a cause of cancer it means that light and vitamin D can be used to treat cancer. We all know that too much sun can cause cancer, we cannot bake and burn ourselves to a crisp without consequences. However, a lack of sunlight can also cause cancer. Vitamin D deficiencies (lack of light) can lead to the development of prostate and breast cancer, memory loss, and an increased risk for developing dementia and schizophrenia. That’s the short list. Vitamin D deficiency and a lack of sun exposure takes its toll in most pathology in an insidious way, not only because of the lack of D, a crucial hormone, (it really is not a vitamin), but because of a lack of several important aspects of sunlight.

Plants love to turn toward the light, they stretch for it, and so do we. Light, heat, color, warmth, energy, electrons, electricity, electromagnetism all interact with the water that is in us bringing increased energy and ATP production. Light literally animates us because we are light. We need light.

All living cells of plants, animals and human beings emit bio-photons, which cannot be seen by the naked eye, but can be measured by special equipment. This light emission is an expression of the functional state of the living organism and its measurement therefore can be used to assess this state. Cancer cells and healthy cells of the same type can be discriminated by differences in bio-photon emission.

Light is essential, it is the backbone of life and as such can be used as a potent medicine. Though most research about sunlight’s beneficial effects and its relationship to cancer is centered on vitamin D levels that is only the beginning of light as a medicine story. In my new book Conquering Cancer, I will focus on the D3, the mitochondria and light story and other things about light that are important for cancer patients to know and understand. For now it should be understood that vitamin D levels in the blood are a direct effect of sun exposure unless one is supplementing with D3.


”It seems clear that light is the most important environmental input, after food, in controlling bodily function,” reported Dr. Richard J. Wurtman, a nutritionist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "Sometimes I get the impression my dermatologist colleagues would be happiest if we lived in caves," continues Wurtman, who recommends daily 20-minute walks at noon to get the sunlight we need.

“Sunlight dominates the chemistry of the blood. People who do not get sunlight do not have the same richness and redness of blood as do those who secure plenty of sunlight. There is not a tissue nor a function in the body that is not benefited by regular and judicious sun-bathing,” writes Herbert M. Shelton, author of Fasting and Sun Bathing.

In the 1900’s, research by Augusta Rollier led to the establishment of solaria buildings designed to optimize exposure to sunlight throughout Switzerland for the express purpose of sunbathing, which provided impressive results for fighting tuberculosis, smallpox, lupus, and even chronic diseases like arthritis.

Today cancer patients have options to harness the power of light to increase not only plasma D levels, but also other parameters of health and cellular function. Healthy sun exposure if possible (getting a little pink each day), high dosages of D3 supplementation and LED Red Light Therapy (Photobiomodulation) are the options we have to address light deficiencies as well as our cancer.

Photobiomodulation – Intense Red Light Therapy


The Science of Light Therapy began to gain broader recognition in 2001, when NASA first discovered that red and near infrared light have strong cellular regenerating effects. (Whelan, 2001) Red and near infrared light are able to penetrate deeply into our tissues and cells and influence the activation of our mitochondria. Hundreds of studies sustain the idea that Photobiomodulation (PBM) is a dose dependent technology, when properly used, can deliver profound effects on a wide variety of conditions. This is different than far-infrared and Hyperthermic Oncology.

Medical scientists themselves are suggesting that now is the time to lose the fear of exacerbating cancer by shining light on cancer. PBM increases cell death in cancer cells in response to cytotoxic stimuli. It also can kill them by pumping up mitochondrial production of ADP in both cancer and healthy cells. PBM therapy is already being used to mitigate the side-effects of cancer therapy with research showing that light can directly damage tumors, can potentiate other cancer therapies, and can stimulate patients’ immune systems.

“Cancer is helped by sunbathing. Those who get more sunlight have less cancer. Sunbathing heals cancer by building up the immune system and increasing the oxygen in the tissues. Sunlight does not cause skin cancer unless one suffers through chronic sunburn,” writes Dr. Zane R. Kime, author of Sunlight could Save Your Life.

LED Red Light Therapy is a good answer because one can usually reach maximum exposure with these new types of light beds in ten minutes or less. In a short period of time they can deliver profound effects to our cells. There is no ultraviolet light to burn the skin. However best results for cancer patients would probably be a combination of high dose D3 supplementation with LED light therapy but one should never neglect real sun exposure to receive full spectrum light.

For a number of reasons, most of us find it challenging to spend hours in the sun—at the right time of day—on a regular basis. Either we live in an area with limited sunlight for large portions of the year, or our busy schedules just don’t allow for more time in the sun. In fact, it’s estimated that Americans spend 93% of their time indoors.

If one wants health or to recover from cancer and make sure it does not reoccur, make a religion of going out into the sun without sunscreen protectors. However, for fast results, see if there is a practitioner near you with a LED Red Light Therapy bed in your area. The two different companies that have machines have practitioner search pages here and here. For optimal high dose vitamin D supplementation see here.

The Sun – Magnesium – Vitamin D

Magnesium deficiency is often misdiagnosed because it does not show up
in blood tests – only 1% of the body’s magnesium is stored in the blood.

The body cannot use vitamin D in a magnesium deficient body. Magnesium facilitates the release of calcium from the bones in the presence of adequate amounts of vitamin D and parathormone. Standard textbooks state that the principal function of vitamin D is to promote calcium absorption in the gut and calcium transfer across cell membranes, thus contributing to strong bones and a calm, contented nervous system. It is also well recognized that vitamin D aids in the absorption of magnesium, iron and zinc, as well as calcium.

Magnesium is at the center of life’s ability to absorb light and
change its electromagnetic energy into organic chemical energy.

Cancer patients need light and they need magnesium.

Get Light and Vitamin D on your side.

Dr. Pamela Goodwin and colleagues retrospectively analyzed more than 500 women over a period of 11 years. Results: Women who had been deficient in vitamin D at the time of their breast cancer diagnosis were 73% more likely to die from breast cancer than those with sufficient vitamin D at the time of diagnosis, as well as being almost twice as likely to have recurrence over the 11-year period. What more evidence do doctors need for them to start recommending sunlight and or vitamin D to their patients? (See much more about this in a later chapter.)

Dr. Goodwin’s study and many others like it sustain the idea that both light itself and vitamin D should be included in every cancer patients protocol. Oncologists though would rather use the nastiest form of radiation in cancer treatment and diagnosis. They are like blind men who reject the healing healthy light in favor or near lethal dosages of nuclear radiation.


According to a scientific article in “Health & Diet Times” (June/July 1982 issue) written by Dr. Lee de Vries, MD, cancer cells self-destruct within minutes after exposure to strong intense light. What happens is that the cancerous PLANT cell changes its formaldehyde into a plant sugar molecule giving off oxygen-ozone in the process and it is this element combination of O2 and O3 which causes the disintegration of the cancer cell. There are many articles that suggest that light can directly damage tumors, can potentiate other cancer therapies, and can stimulate the host immune system.[1]

We are light, we need light, we love light so soak up the light. If you wait until all doctors agree on the value of light in cancer treatment it’s a good bet you’re be long dead from cancer or even from natural causes. Light is ‘bioactive,’ meaning light is absorbed by and affect the functioning of human cells. Light is an essential nutrient for cellular health.

Because we are the light of this world, as it says in the bible, we can use light to save our lives and live longer and prosper. Without the sun’s heat and light, the earth would be a lifeless ball of ice-coated rock. The sun warms our seas, stirs our atmosphere, generates our weather patterns, and gives energy to the growing green plants that provide the food and oxygen for life.

Light does the same to our cells so it is the basis of our health along with water, hydrogen, oxygen and CO2. So to ‘let your light shine before men’ one has to stand in the light and absorb that light.
The truth is that, the majority of Americans and their doctors have been tricked into believing that the sun is somehow toxic, a carcinogen, and an overall deadly health hazard that should be avoided at all costs. This is why most of us slather ourselves in toxic chemicals in sunscreen every time we plan to go outside. These chemicals get absorbed directly into our bloodstreams where they do not do us any good.

For Practitioners


Photobiomodulation therapy (PBM) offers practitioners of all types a new way of helping their patients in a timely efficient manner. Good medicine does make good business. Any kind of practitioner can employ this technology and even beauty parlors could get in on this for it is excellent for the skin. Sports medicine is already employing PBM because it increases athletic performance and healing. Practitioners could top out at 40 sessions a day per light booth so the revenue can be quite high. Sports. This kind of technology certainly belongs in corporate health programs.

In searching for a practitioner near you both principle companies that make top end equipment were included. However, it seems that the TheraLight models are superior and certainly more economical. That said these light beds are extremely expensive unless one is going to expand one’s practice or make a business using them. TheraLight models start at 50,000 and go up to 75,000. NovaThor starts at 120,000 and reaches as high as 140,000.


A more cost affective option to transmit the same wavelengths of light come from another company. For home use or even clinical use PlatinumLED’s new BIOMAX lights feature a patent pending R+ | NIR+ spectrum which merges five different wavelengths of red and near infra-red light: 630nm, 660nm, 810nm, 830nm and 850nm. Both R+ and NIR+ spectrum arrays are used in conjunction with one another. The result is a superior LED therapy light that powerfully penetrates through skin, muscle and connective tissue, promoting healing and cellular regeneration all the way to and through the bone.

Not only will these targeted and combined frequencies stimulate the mitochondria they will reach deep into the body at a cost extremely less than what you will see with more expensive light beds. We are talking about prices for a strong full body system would start at 1,500 but one could expand and increase that to 3,200. However, for localized topical treatment one can start for as little as 400 dollars.

Special Note to Oncologists

Twenty-five years ago Dr John Ott investigated the background to a report that children at a school in Illinois had five times the national rate of leukemia. He found that all the pupils who developed leukemia had been in two particular classrooms. In these two rooms the teachers always kept the large curtains completely drawn across the windows to reduce glare and distraction, and to keep the children’s attention on schoolwork.

The day will come when using cancer causing nuclear radiation at near fatal dosages to treat cancer will be considered barbaric. Using harmful radiation for diagnosis is also exposing patients to more cancer causing toxicity. When will mainstream oncologists see the light and begin to use healthy healing types of radiation for both diagnosis and treatment? The spirit in which my writings on light and the development of a powerful natural protocol for cancer is written with the hope of eventually seeing the end of toxic chemotherapy and radiation in the practice of medicine. Does anyone think humanity will actually miss these brutal therapies? Do oncologists think there will never be a better way and that we are stuck with these therapies for eternity?

[1] Photomed Laser Surg. 2018 May 1; 36(5): 241–245.Photobiomodulation and Cancer: What Is the Truth?

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Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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