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Low Body Temperature as a Cause of Cancer

Published on July 8, 2019


Lowered body temperature leads to lower immune system strength and that is why it should be taken into account as a cause or contributing factor to cancer and its progression. Low body temperature usually happens from being out in cold weather. But it may also be caused by alcohol or drug use, going into shock, or certain disorders such as diabetes or low thyroid.

Having an under-active thyroid changes the way body heat is generated and maintained. This is why most people with an under-active thyroid and Hashimoto’s will have lower body temperatures than average. Thyroid hormones determine how much of the energy molecule called ATP (adenosine triphosphate) will be produced by the body. ATP is the energy currency in the cell, and the more you have it, the better you will be at generating heat. Low thyroid, and thus lowered body temperature is a direct result of iodine deficiencies. This is but one of many reasons that iodine supplementation is essential.   

People with low body temperature have a weak reaction to even the most ideal medicines and therapies so even if other factors led to a person’s cancer low body temperature will hinder treatments. As the body’s core temperature decreases all cellular energy decreases. As the body temperature cools the production of hormones, neurotransmitters, and other body chemicals necessary for normal healthy regulation decrease. The over-cooling of peripheral blood returning from cold legs and feet becomes more severe it causes depression of the temperature in the vital organs with slowing of metabolic processes, particularly in the brain and medullary centers.

For thousands of years traditional oriental doctors have know that cold is a main cause of disease. Low body temperature makes it very difficult to vanquish cancer because for every degree below normal one’s temperature drops one loses approximately 25 percent of one’s immune system strength. As you can see from the blow chart there is a mathematical relationship between basal body temperature and immune strength.


When we get sick our temperature goes up and every doctor knows our fever is there to put our immune systems into overdrive. We shall see there is a treatment that some oncologists use to raise core body temperature and that is infrared therapy, which one can apply all night or 24/7 if one is bed bound. So an infrared mattress is something to serious consider. There is even a special branch of oncology that uses heat to go in for the kill on cancer cells called Hyperthermic Oncology.

“Give me fever and I can cure every disease,” said Hippocrates about 2,500 years ago. Healing professionals all over the world heal with a similar approach. In fact, heat applications permeate all of the world’s cultures throughout the millennia. Many Naturopathic healing methods have incorporated the practice of increasing the body’s temperature.


The history of oncological hyperthermia started from some evidences of cancer cure by concomitant febrile diseases described in XVIII-XIX centuries. It seems that the inhibition of tumor growth by high fever caused by malaria was for the first time described by de Kizowitz (France) in 1779. In 1866, Busch (Germany) described the complete remission of histologically confirmed face sarcoma after two erysipelas infections with subsequent 2-year disease-free survival. He then used the intentional contact with erysipelas infection to treat several patients. Apparently, in the second half of XIX century, the practice of infectious febrile therapy was quite common not only in Germany and France but also in Russia, and it was used to treat a wide range of diseases including mental diseases. In 1882, Fehleisen discovered Erysipelas agent—Streptococcus pyogenes. He inoculated live bacteria to seven cancer patients and achieved complete remission in 3 cases. Bruns in 1887 reported a case of complete remission in a patient with multiple recurrent melanoma after Erysipelas with temperature over 40°C for several days, with 8-year disease-free survival. He also collected 14 reported cases of erysipelas in proven malignant disease: in most cases there was complete and stable remission. The method was called febrile therapy and hyperthermia per se was only one component of the complex body reaction, and it was not considered as a separate treatment modality.

Chronic fatigue syndrome and low body temperatures are symptoms of mitochondrial failure. As the body’s core temperature decreases cellular energy also decreases thereby leading to profound and chronic fatigue that is not relieved by sleep. The normal functions of maintenance, repair and cleansing are slowed, and problems develop when body temperatures drop below normal. When the body temperature is low, the body cannot maintain its homeostasis/balance in the way it was designed. The actions of enzymes, vitamins, minerals and essential body chemicals become "depressed."


The adaptive capacity of a cell ultimately determines its fate when it comes under stress. Far infrared treatments reduce the stress on the cells by not only nourishing them with light and heat but also by increasing nutritional sufficiency of oxygen and by increasing cellular respiration, so more toxins and wastes leave the cells. More good things come in and bad things go out meaning detoxification pathways work more efficiently when body temperature is normal.

Dr. David Jernigan says, “Much emphasis in conventional medicine is usually placed upon feverish conditions; however, a low body temperature can be a much more sinister condition. Where a fever can be viewed as an active developmental and corrective process of the healthy body, a low body temperature can never be viewed as a normal or healthy condition, nor is it a mechanism for a learning or developmental process in the body. The colder a body becomes, the slower the electrical oscillatory rate and therefore the thicker, more viscous, or syrupy the body fluids become. The more viscous the fluids become the more difficult it is for the body to push the fluids through the body. The lymph fluids that are normally supposed to bathe the outsides of all of your cells become progressively stagnant as it is too thick to move efficiently.”

“A low body temperature creates a happy home for viruses and chronic infections and is a sign of degeneration and gradual cellular death. The problem with a low core temperature is that no effective immune response can be mounted therefore no fever is generated and infections go undetected. The sickest person is one who gets the same infections but never miss a day of work because there is no response by their immunes system, so they have a false sense of wellness as healthier individuals go through healthy fevers and immune responses that may cause them to miss work. Low body temperature is the plague of the 21st century. People with low body temperature have a weak reaction to even the most ideal medicines and therapies,” continues Jernigan.



Low body temperature is the plague of the 21st century as is fast breathing, junk diets and high levels of cellular toxicity. Iodine deficiency is also a plague and is perhaps one of the main causes of low body temperature and cancer.

Dr. Brownstein clearly lays out what we would expect to find in iodine deficient individuals. When iodine is deficient nodules form in key organs leading to pre-cancerous conditions and then eventually to full-blown cancer. He says, “Iodine’s main job is to maintain a normal architecture of those tissues. With iodine deficiency, the first thing that happens is you get cystic formation in the breasts, the ovaries, uterus, thyroid, prostate and, let’s throw in the pancreas in here as well, which is also increasing at epidemic rates – pancreatic cancer. Cysts start to form when iodine deficiency is there. If it goes on longer, they become nodular and hard. If it goes on longer, they become hyperplastic tissue, which is the precursor to cancer. I say that’s the iodine deficiency continuum.”

Dr. Tina Kaczor reported that, “The first report of geographical regions with high rates of goiter having higher rates of cancer mortality was published in 1924. Ongoing epidemiological data has corroborated the association between goitrogenous regions and cancer incidence/mortality, particularly that of stomach cancer. Epidemiological evidence also suggests that thyroid disorders, particularly goiter, may be associated with breast cancer incidence and/or mortality. Other cancers associated with goitrogenic state include prostate cancer, endometrial, ovarian, colorectal, and thyroid cancer. It is not clear whether these associations are due to an underlying hypothyroid state, the presence of occult autoimmune processes, or iodine deficiency itself.”

“Breast, ovarian, and skin cysts – In addition to fixing almost all cases of breast cysts, iodine also has a remarkable healing effect on ovarian cysts,” says Dr. Robert Rowen. Though few know it swollen ovaries is a condition analogous to goiter, when the thyroid swells in response to iodine deficiency. In the case of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) the starvation of the ovaries causes them to become cystic, swollen and eventually unable to regulate the synthesis of their hormones leading to imbalances and infertility.

For many reasons beyond low thyroid and low body temperature is should start to become clear that iodine should be a part of every cancer patients protocol for iodine both treats and prevents cancer. Today’s clinicians rarely see patient with chronic disease come into their offices with a normal body temperature or normal iodine levels. 

Special Note on Climate Change and Body Temperature

As we go deeper into the Grand Solar Minimum (NASA PREDICTS NEXT SOLAR CYCLE WILL BE LOWEST IN 200 YEARS (DALTON MINIMUM LEVELS), keeping warm and healthy is going to become more difficult and certainly more expensive. Death is a cold place, life is warm. Simple principle of health. Please believe me when I say when fighting cancer we need all the warmth we can garner. The Grim Reaper takes our life from us with an icy hand. Thus far-infrared therapy will be more important than ever.

Know and Understand your Temperature

Everyone can afford a simple thermometer. Track your temperature when you first awaken in the morning, before even getting out of bed. This reflects your core body temperature, when it is not being influenced by what you just ate, drank, or your activity level. Many of you will likely be surprised to see just how cold you already are. The healthy body has daily temperature fluctuations (diurnal) with the coolest temperature upon awakening in the morning hours of 6-8 a.m. and the warmest being in the evening between 8-10 p.m.

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Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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