Medical ignorance is epidemic and nowhere is this more evident than in how contemporary medicine views and treats thyroid cancer. Overtreatment of thyroid cancer with radioactive iodine is rampant even though there is substantial uncertainty about the indications for radioactive iodine for thyroid cancer. Radioactive iodine absorbed by the thyroid can injure the gland.
There was a large increase in the proportion of thyroid cancer patients receiving radioactive iodine between 1990 and 2008 even though radioactive iodine is a cause of thyroid cancer. Between 1990 and 2008, the percentage of patients treated with radioactive iodine climbed from 40 to 56 percent, and hospitals varied widely in their use of iodine. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, there are more than 40,000 new cases of thyroid cancer every year in the U.S.—a number that’s been climbing steadily.
The downsides of radioactive iodine are clear: the therapy saps patients’ energy and ups their risk of developing new cancers down the road, and it costs thousands of dollars. “There are a lot of patients who are receiving radioactive iodine for what is considered low-risk tumors,” said Dr. David J. Sher, a cancer expert at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. “These patients generally have a superb prognosis without radioactive iodine.”
How senseless can oncologists get?
Pretty senseless! The first thing you see on many different medical sites is the following medical ignorance—“The Cause of Thyroid Cancer is Unknown.” This is really not true but they say it is true to hide decades of deliberate movement away from the vital importance of iodine, not only for thyroid health but for general health as well. Because non-radioactive iodine acts to block radioactive iodine from being taken into the thyroid gland, it can help protect the thyroid gland from injury.
Nobody in contemporary medicine wants to step out and just say it as it is—that iodine deficiency causes thyroid cancer. Some sites to their credit do say that certain risk factors for thyroid cancer include:
- A history of thyroid disease (iodine deficiency)
- Exposure to radiation, especially in childhood
- An inherited abnormal gene or a bowel condition called FAP
- Having low iodine levels
- Goiter (iodine deficiency)
The iodine deficiency we get is partly a result of toxicity from fluoride and bromine. Bread has ten times more bromine in it than it used and the sources of fluorine are nearly ubiquitous today. So who does not need iodine? I find that nearly everyone needs more than they are getting. – Dr. Garry F. Gordon
As far back as the early 1920s, L. Goldemberg showed that fluoride was displacing iodine, rendering the community hypothyroid from iodine deficiency. The thyroid-stimulating hormone output from the pituitary gland is inhibited by fluoride, thus reducing output of thyroid hormones. Fluoride competes for the receptor sites on the thyroid gland and so do mercury and bromide. This contamination might also invite an autoimmune response. Western medical science has allowed itself to be totally corrupted by its pharmaceutical masters and cannot even bring itself to acknowledge fluoride and bromide as thyroid disrupters and causes of certain thyroid cancers.
Iodine Deficiencies
People who have low iodine levels are more likely to get thyroid cancer than those who do not. Low iodine levels also cause goiter (an enlarged thyroid) and this increases the chance of developing thyroid cancer. If there are low levels of iodine in the soil where you live, there may be low levels in your drinking water and any local milk, meat or vegetables you buy. Smoking can also lower iodine levels. Pregnancy increases the body’s demands for iodine.
If certain people had their way they would now take iodine out of salt, which is the only way the masses of humanity have access to supplemental iodine even though the dosages provided are far too low to protect the thyroid from the onslaught of chemical and heavy metal contamination. It is just because of the vast contamination affecting everyone that the thyroid needs to be protected with increased levels of iodine.
Doctors who would leave the population exposed to worsening iodine deficiencies are playing a cruel game. Iodine is extremely important since the cells need it to regulate their metabolism. Without it, people are known to suffer from swollen glands in the throat, thyroid diseases, increased fluoride toxicity, decreased fertility rates, increased infant mortality rates, and (with severe deficiency) mental retardation. It has been theorized that iodine deficiency is one causal factor of ADHD in babies of iodine-deficient mothers.
Iodine deficiency slows all the systems of the body: The digestive system becomes sluggish, nails grow more slowly, skin and hair become dry and dull, tendon reflexes stiffen, sensitivity to cold increases, and the pulse slows. Iodine helps form who we are to such an extent that a deficiency can lead to a dulling of the personality, deterioration of attention and memory, and an increase in irritability due to fatigue and extreme apathy. “The group we are most concerned about is pregnant women, who need more iodine anyway,” says Dr. Robert Utiger, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. “There is the possibility of irreversible damage to the fetus if the mother is deficient,” Utiger adds.
When faced with a radioactive cloud, as is everyone in the northern hemisphere thanks to Fukushima, it is absolutely imperative that we take iodine, whatever iodine you can get your hands on. If the only iodine available is topical iodine that is not suitable for oral use then you should paint your body and your children’s bodies with it. Few people have ready access to the Nascent iodine so will not enjoy its ease of application in repeated measured dosages that are more gentle to the system, thus yielding fewer side effects. Because Nascent is in the atomic form (I¹), it is absorbed faster and that can also be advantageous in emergency situations when fighting infections with it. Its only downside is the expense of having to use so much of it, so for those who cannot afford it and cannot get their hands on it, I recommend Lugol’s, which has been around and used heavily for 150 years.
Dr. Brownstein writes, “If there is enough inorganic, non-radioactive iodine in our bodies, the radioactive fallout has nowhere to bind in our bodies. It will pass through us, leaving our bodies unharmed. It is important to ensure that we have adequate iodine levels before this fallout hits.”
Dr. Michael B. Schachter says, “The treatment dose when a person is iodine insufficient is generally between 12.5 mg and 50 mg daily. Preliminary research indicates that if a person is iodine insufficient, it takes about three months to become iodine sufficient while ingesting a dosage of 50 mg of iodine daily and a year to achieve that while ingesting a dosage of 12.5 mg of iodine daily.
Because of the continuing radiation, it behooves us to start taking the highest dosages tolerable to protect not only our thyroids but also all the glandular tissues as well. Iodine protects the thyroid, breasts, prostate and ovary glands as well as other tissues in the body from radioactive iodine whether used by mad doctors or ingested from the environment.