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Understanding the Condition of Cancer

Published on March 20, 2010

Understanding the Condition  of CancerHairy cell leukemia (HCL)American Cancer Society

Most of us have a concept of cancer that has been programmed into us through years of constant and deliberate misinformation. All we can think of is our DNA strands losing control of themselves creating colonies of human cells running amuck. Tell someone that their cancer is a yeast or fungi invasion and they will look at you like you are a nut.  But a major U.S. scientist says cancer – always believed to be caused by genetic cell mutations — can in reality be caused by infections from viruses, bacteria, yeasts, molds and fungus parasites. “I believe that, conservatively, 15 to 20 percent of all cancer is caused by infections; however, the number could be larger — maybe double,” said Dr. Andrew Dannenberg, director of the Cancer Center at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center.” Dr. Dannennberg made the remarks in a speech in December 2007 at the annual international conference ofthe American Association for Cancer Research.[1]

Understanding the Condition  of Cancer 2

Infections and Human Cancer, and Microbes and Malignancy: Infection as a Cause of Human Cancers are just two of a line up of books that address the crucial issue that holds the key to winning the war on cancer. Today there is a growing list of researchers finding that anti fungal medicines kill cancer cells. Scientists of the German Cancer Research Center have discovered that the antibiotic/antifungal griseofulvin counteracts tumors forcing cancer cells into cell death. Professor Dr. Alwin Krämer, head of the Clinical Molecular Hematology/Oncology at the University of Heidelberg found that griseofulvin causes cancer cells to build malformed, multipolar spindles, which eventually leads to cell death by apoptosis. In healthy cells, however, the antibiotic does not cause spindle malformations. You will find in this book many chapters on this crucial subject, which Drs. Dannenberg and Kramer are introducing here.

It would be an oversimplification though to translate the word cancer into fungi or yeast even though tumors are packed with fungi/yeast cells, which are cutting off our food supply at the pass, so to speak. In reality the meaning of the word cancer is a concept that needs to be made from a myriad of realities that go into creating what we might more accurately call the condition of cancer. For instance, when the pH drops, even by .1, the increase in acidity is interpreted by microbes, already present in the body as a sign of a dead or dying body. This prompts pathogents, first viruses, then bacteria and finally virulent yeast and fungi to reduce the body to the dust from whence it came.

Apoptosis, a genetically determined form of cell death, is involved in fundamental processes of life, like embryonic development and immune defense. Defects in apoptosis cause severe diseases including cancer and degenerative disorders. Many pathogens actively modulate host cell apoptosis in the course of infection leading to a buildup of unhealthy cells that just will not die. Induction of apoptosis is an important mechanism by which infected, damaged and dangerous cells (cancer cells) are removed from the body.[2] Cancer, fungi and yeast cells release substances that interfere with the proper functioning of immune system cells so it’s more than possible that cancer cells and infectious cells are the same cells.

Dietary factors, such as decreased intake of vitamins, minerals, calories, and protein can alter immune function. Poor nutrition makes the immune system less effective in recognizing and destroying germs. People who are malnourished are more apt to develop infections, more apt to developing cancer. In todays world one can now be obese and be malnourished. Processed foods are stripped of essential nutrients. Nutritional deficiencies are a basic cause of cellular decline and cellular infection.

Given enough time, cancer will develop whenever there is a proliferation of damaged cells. When cells are damaged, when their cell wall permeability changes, when toxins and free radicals build up, when the mitochondria lose function ability in terms of energy ATP production, and when essential nutrients are absent cells eventually decline into a cancerous condition. We can see that when a person has cancer they are literally rotting inside and dying from the loss of function, gathering infectious forces, and losing strength from malnutrition as the cancer cells eat us out of house and home.

Genetic variations, which can predispose some people to cancer, may interact with environmental contaminants and produce an enhanced effect.

Dr. Heinrich Kremer writes, “The Nobel Prize winner Professor Watson, who together with Crick discovered the double helix of DNA in the nucleus, the most prominent promoter of the 1971 “War on Cancer” succinctly declared in 2003: ‘First we have to understand cancer before we can cure it’. The background to this sobering thought after decades of most intensive research efforts and a massive capital injection is the fact that the classic mutation theory of oncogenesis has been forever shaken by newer research. Under the mutation theory a tumor colony develops from a single ‘degenerated’ body cell that through uncontrolled division is thought to pass on identical DNA defects to all daughter cells. However, it has become apparent that each individual cancer cell, even within the same tumor of a patient, features a different genetic variation.”

Cells are the building blocks of living things. Cancer is typically thought to grow out of ‘normal cells’ in the body. Normal cells multiply when the body needs them, and die when the body doesn’t. Cancer appears to occur when the growth of cells in the body are out of control and cells divide too rapidly. It can also occur when cells “forget” how to die. This is orthodox oncology’s simplistic and inaccurate concept of cancer. It divides cells into only two categories – normal cells and cancerous ones not allowing for any shade of cellular degeneration. This theory tells us nothing about the medical reason that Dr. Dannenberg says that as much as 40 percent of cancer is caused by infections.

Though chromosomal abnormalities are thought to be the cause of cancer we need to look deeper into what is really happening in cancerous tissues. For instance we can look at DNA problems creating the same type of problem which large drops in pH cause, weakening and deterioration of cell physiology. Any sign – whether its DNA, pH shifts to the acidic, cellular malnutrition, mitchondria dysfunction and cell toxicity – will create an open invitation for microbes to attack these weakened cells. Sick cells cannot help but broadcast to the environment that they are decaying, rotting and on the road to cell death.

Brain Cancer CellsBrain Cancer Cells

Cancer is much more complicated than oncologists are willing to admit with their simple genetic theories. But one looks at the full field of etiologies we end up climbing to higher perceptual understanding of the condition of cancer, of the many cellular, environmental, nutritional and even emotional conditions that set the stage for what we call cancer.

The majority of the cancer patients in this country die because of chemotherapy, which does not cure breast, colon or lung cancer. This has been documented for over a decade and nevertheless doctors still utilize chemotherapy to fight these tumors. – Dr. Allen Levi The Healing of Cancer, 1990

Everyone agrees that cancer is an uncontrolled proliferation of cells but it really does matter whether we conceive of them as out of control fungi and yeast infections or genetically triggered human cells because our concept of cancer determines how we will approach its treatment. We are in desperate need of a clear image of what cancer is and the process that leads up to it, that causes it. What could be more important to the cancer world than this?

Understanding the Condition  of Cancer 3

[2] CV Rudel: Study of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, 1994 Ph.D. at the MPI for Biology in Tübingen/Germany on virulence factors of pathogenic Neisseria

Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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