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Using Vitamin C for Heart Disease, Cancer and Cell Protection

Published on December 18, 2012


Researchers at the University of California say that participants who took about 500 milligrams of vitamin C supplements per day saw a 24 per cent drop in plasma C-reactive protein (CRP) levels after two months. Recent research suggests that CRP may be a better predictor of heart disease than cholesterol levels. "C-reactive protein is a marker of inflammation, and there is a growing body of evidence that chronic inflammation is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and even Alzheimer’s disease," said Dr. Gladys Block, UC Berkeley professor of epidemiology and public health nutrition and lead author of the study.

Dr. James Enstrom from the University of California studied the vitamin intake of over 11,000 people for 10years. He found that 300mg of vitamin C a day reduced risk of heart disease by 50 percent in men and 40 percent in women. Doctor G. C. Willis found that people taking 1,500mg of vitamin C a day for 12 months reversed plaque while those who didn’t take vitamin C had worsening plaque. It is clear that vitamin C is necessary for vascular health.

Low levels of vitamin C in the blood are linked to a more severe form of peripheral artery disease, an often painful condition in which the leg blood vessels become blocked.– Circulation Journal of the American Heart Association

Even when there is not a single outward symptom of trouble, a person may be in a state of vitamin C deficiency. Optometrist, Dr. Sydney Bush’s retinal artery observations has documented reversal of atherosclerotic plaque with Vitamin C supplementation. Retinal photograph taken in 2002 (below) reveals artery disease (vessel narrowing, drop out of some vessels). Retinal photos on the right confirm that pericorneal arteries have widened and some reappear after daily vitamin C supplementation.

Description: DSC0204
The pericorneal arterioles and capillaries can be divided into ten degrees of scurvy allowing the accurate prediction of how much or how little vitamin C is present in the body.

In the full blown Vitamin C deficiency disease called Scurvy, the structural elements of the body literally fall apart. Collagen is broken down and not replaced. The joints wear out, the small arteries begin to crack and degenerate, the skin shows easy bruising and bleeding as small vessels rupture throughout the body, and the teeth may loosen and fall out.

Dr. Linus Pauling said that heart disease is a manifestation of chronic scurvy, and atherosclerotic plaque is a mechanism evolved to repair or patch blood vessels and arteries damaged by chronic vitamin C deficiency. Heart disease, diabetes and strokes are also directly connected to magnesium deficiencies.

Vitamin C, Cancer and Oxidative Stress

A research team at the University of California, Berkeley found new evidence that vitamin C can significantly reduce levels of oxidative stress, which is associated with a variety of chronic diseases, for people exposed to environmental tobacco smoke. Vitamin C also seems to ameliorate imidacloprid[1]-induced oxidative damage by decreasing LPO (lipid peroxidation levels) and altering antioxidant defense systems in the liver.[2]

Vitamin C has been studied in conjunction with vitamin K3 as an adjunct in cancer treatment[3] but vitamin C is an important independent antioxidant with a key role in protecting cells from oxidative challenge and cell death from oxidative stress. When used in combination with other antioxidants like glutathione and other medicinals like magnesium, bicarbonate and iodine, one can do considerable damage to cancer cells even while these same substances provide new strength to healthy cells.

Richard T. Lee, MD, and his colleagues at the Harvard Medical School, tested 880 chemical compounds for their effect on embryonic stem cells derived from mice.[4] The stem cells were pretreated so that they would emit a green color if they grew into heart muscle cells.  Of all 880 compounds, which are approved for use in people, only one promoted activity in the stem cells, and that was vitamin C.

In the experiment, Lee and his colleagues treated embryonic stem cells with vitamin C for 12 days. During this time, large numbers of the stem cells began transforming into heart muscle cells called myocytes. The cells even began to beat rhythmically, as normal heart cells do.  In addition, vitamin C prompted the expression, or activation, of several cardiac genes, which would have further directed the behavior of the heart cells.

At the proper (high) dosage vitamin C lowers Lp(a),[5] and it promotes the natural production of ubiquinone (CoQ10) – Vitamin C Foundation

IV vitamin C is a wonderful treatment when people are on the edge between life and death with the power to bring people back from the brink. Oral vitamin C could never begin to compete with intravenous application until recently. I have the privilege and pleasure of introducing to the world a innovative vitamin C product called Ultimate Protector that ushers in a new form of oral antioxidant therapy.

Ultimate Protector™ offers unprecedented ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity) values that act as an overwhelming antioxidant blanket that will smother inflammatory free radical fires. It will reduce pain, inflammation and reduce oxidative stress in humans quickly if taken in high enough dosages. Within a few short days of a million or two ORAC units a day, one can realize significant relief.

Free radicals are highly unstable, reactive molecules with an unsatisfied electron pair. They scavenge the body in search of electrons, thereby damaging cells, proteins and DNA. Free radicals arise from both internal and external sources, including breathing, metabolism, inflammation, pollution, sunlight, exercise, smoking and consuming alcohol. Oxidative stress occurs when free radicals are inadequately neutralized by the body’s antioxidant defense system, or when they overwhelm antioxidants.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) contributes a wide range of benefits. Vitamin C is known to perform many critical functions within the body involving detoxification, tissue building, immune enhancement, pain control, and controlling or killing pathogenic organisms. It is known to be helpful for wound and bone healing, healthy skin and eyes, fighting infections, stress control, toxic exposure, and repairing damaged tissue of all types.

At very high dosages administered intravenously vitamin C is also known to be able to treat and bring cancer into remission even with late-stage cancer patients. It does this by creating hydrogen peroxide—which goes on to kill cancer cells directly. “Findings give plausibility to IV ascorbic acid in cancer treatment, and have unexpected implications for treatment of infections where hydrogen peroxide may be beneficial,” wrote researchers in 2005. National Institutes of Health scientists confirmed the concept that vitamin C is selectively toxic to cancer cells and that tumor-toxic levels of vitamin C can be attained using intravenous administration.

Even though IV C is being used in burn units around the world, including in the U.S., and has been adopted by the military for this purpose, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) refuses to fund any studies using intravenous C in patients.

Our immune system requires vitamin C. The more stress we are under (infection or exposure to cold, emotional problems, etc. all produce stress to our systems) the more vitamin C we need to remain healthy. Without minimum levels of vitamin C our cells are more easily overwhelmed by the stress and distress of life’s challenging events.

Vitamin C can help curb the growth of cancer cells, according to New Zealand scientists who claim breakthrough research to provide the first real evidence of a connection between the vitamin and cancer remission. – Professor Margreet Vissers University of Otago’s Free Radical Research GroupCancer Research journal in 2010

It is not exactly the vitamin C that does harm to cancer. It is vitamin C’s capacity to reduce oxidative stress. The more that stress is removed the easier it gets to treat cancer and every other disease. The adaptive capacity of a cell ultimately determines its fate when it comes under stress. Oxidative stress occurs when our cells generate dangerous byproducts known as free radicals. Free radicals, highly reactive molecules with unpaired electrons, roam the body in search of other electrons and in the process, seek out and destroy healthy cells. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals and by the ORAC5.0™ test results, it seems apparent to me that Ultimate Protector™ is more effective than any other antioxidant supplement available today.

Description: Ultimate Protector  Description: Ultimate Protector - Super Antioxidant Formula
180 caps $29.70

It is not every day that one can introduce a new generation of supplements that can make all the difference in treating cancer—or anything else. As we age and as we stress our cells enter decline that is measurable in terms of inflammation and oxidative stress.

Nrf2, a Protein Messenger that Binds Itself to DNA

Superoxide dismutase, better known as SOD, is an important antioxidant defense in nearly all cells exposed to oxygen. SOD is turned on by Nrf2 and is made by most cells to detoxify superoxide, a compound that the immune system deploys to destroy invading microorganisms.

Nrf2, a protein messenger that binds itself to DNA, is the master regulator of the body’s aging process and is critical in the fight against oxidative stress.[6] Nrf2 communicates with cells, instructing them to do what they’re already designed to do. Nrf2 transcription factor activators allow the body to make its own antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase.

Ultimate Protector™ delivers a lot of antioxidant firepower into the nucleus of the cells having over 30 activators across a very broad spectrum of fruits, vegetables, and herbs. The product includes a broad range of bioflavonoids and plant polyphenols that work together with vitamin C to defend the body against all five major classes of free radicals in the body. This formula provides over 30 fruit- and vegetable-based antioxidants and Nrf2 activators to offer full spectrum protection in complete synergy with high-quality vitamin C.

The Ultimate Protector™ ORAC5.0™ test results reveal an incredible overall ORAC value of 173,000 µmole TE/gram an extremely high value. In addition, the results show that the formula offers excellent protection against all of the five major types of free radicals. Specifically, the results show values of 6,300 µmole TE/gram for peroxyl radicals, 5,900 µmole TE/gram for hydroxyl radicals, 2,500 µmole TE/gram for peroxynitrite, 106,000 µmole TE/gram for super oxide anion, and 52,000 µmole TE/gram for singlet oxygen. Since six capsules of Ultimate Protector contain 2.81 grams of the formula, the overall daily ORAC value is 486,000 units (173,000 x 2.81) when the recommended dose is taken. To the best of our knowledge there is no other product that even comes close.

When one takes 12 capsules of this new vitamin C product one is employing a squadron of fire trucks with a million units of ORAC firepower to put out the flames and the smoke of excessive oxidative stress and the damage and pain that goes with it. If critically ill people dosed at 24 capsules (about 3 grams of actual C) they would be employing 2 million ORAC units.

Futureceuticals developed a product that was specifically designed to address ORAC5.0™ testing. They chose plant ingredients that they knew would address each of the free radicals being tested. The result was a product that had an overall ORAC5.0™ test result of 40,000 µmole TE/gram. Based upon this we thought we might get something in that ballpark or a little better because of the vitamin C. When we saw the 173,000 µmole TE/gram for Ultimate Protector™ we were thrilled! It is particularly impressive that we had excellent coverage against all 5 free radical types.

– Dr. Hank Liers

The ORAC for simple vitamin C is 492 micro moles per gram TE. 1.5 g of vitamin C alone would give 738 ORAC units (492 x 1.5)—not much compared to 500,000 ORAC units that the Ultimate Protector™ is rated to yield. ORAC is essentially a measurement of the ability to quench free radicals (antioxidant ability). The cost would be $2.33 per day for a million ORAC units (12 capsules), which should compare well to expensive and inconvenient intravenous treatments.

The new ORAC5.0™ test gives this type of testing a new and more complete approach and understanding of what goes on in the basement of cell life.[7] There will be some criticism that ORAC is an “in-vitro” test and does not tell you what will happen in the body and this is in part true. However, it has been shown from scientific studies that high ORAC-value foods and food extracts are healing. The 500,000 ORAC value is beyond anything seen before so it is not easy to appreciate the clinical significance of having so much healing firepower so easily accessible. In my mind I have used phrases like “cutting edge” and “next generation,” but whatever we use to describe this product, it is clear to me that no other nutritional supplement offers this level of protection.

[1] A systemic pesticide

[2] The role of vitamin C as antioxidant in protection of oxidative stress induced by imidacloprid; El-Gendy KS, et al; Food Chem Toxicol. 2010 Jan;48(1):215-21. Epub 2009 Oct 13.

[3] The association of vitamins C and K3 kills cancer cells mainly by autoschizis, a novel form of cell death. Basis for their potential use as coadjuvants in anticancer therapy; Verrax J et al; Eur J Med Chem. 2003 May;38(5):451-7.

[4] Takahashi T, Schulze C, Lord B, et al. Ascorbic acid enhances differentiation of embryonic stem cells into cardiac myocytes. Circulation, March 31, 2003. Electronic publication in advance of print.

[5] Lipoprotein (a), or Lp(a), consists of an LDL particle covalently attached to apolipoprotein (a). In numerous studies elevated plasma levels of Lp(a) are positively associated with increased risk of atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction and stroke. There are some experts who believe Lp(a) may be the single most important lipid in assessing one’s true risk of developing these conditions.

[6] The Nrf2-signaling pathway mediates multiple avenues of cytoprotection by activating the transcription of more than 200 genes that are crucial in the metabolism of drugs and toxins, protection against oxidative stress and inflammation, as well as playing an integral role in stability of proteins and in the removal of damaged proteins via proteasomal degradation or autophagy. Nrf2 inteNrf2 interacts with other important cell regulators such as tumor suppressor protein 53 (p53) and nuclear factor-kappa beta (NF-κB) and through their combined interactions is the guardian of healthspan, protecting against many age-related diseases including cancer and neurodegeneration and may contribute greatly to longevity.

[7] Orac testing had until recently been focused on the single free radical peroxyl but now expands its testing to include antioxidant activity against 5 of the most important free radicals found in humans. These are hydroxyl, peroxyl, peroxynitrite, singlet oxygen, and superoxide anion. In a patent pending analytical laboratory method, Total ORAC FN combines all 5 measurements into a single, easy-to-use test result.

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Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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