Personal Communication to Dr. Sircus Readers
It has been a long time since I wrote a personal note to my readership. I guess I got out of the habit. Plus, I am a certified recluse livin...
Oxygen and carbon dioxide are the most basic nutrients the body needs from second to second and water comes in right behind these two most necessary gasses. Hydrogen, Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) make up a holy medical trinity, which together can perform wonders with patients if one knows how to use them correctly. Fortunately, it is easy to balance the three gases, and everyone will be able to do it at home.
Carbon dioxide is a nutrient as well as a product of respiration and energy production in the cells and its lack or deficiency is of itself a starting point for different disturbances in the body. Carbon dioxide is a harmless, colourless, non-toxic, natural gas that is the key link in the carbon cycle of life. To call it “pollution” and turn the world upside down in a futile attempt to affect the climate, while ignoring REAL pollution, is an obscenity.
Dr. Ray Peat says, “The suppression of mitochondrial respiration increases the production of toxic free radicals, and the decreased carbon dioxide makes the proteins more susceptible to attack by free radicals. The presence of carbon dioxide is an indicator of proper mitochondrial respiratory functioning. In every type of tissue, it is the failure to oxidize glucose that produces oxidative stress and cellular damage.” Thus Dr. Peat concludes, “A focus on correcting the respiratory defect would be relevant for all of the diseases and conditions (including heart disease, diabetes, dementia) involving inflammation and inappropriate excitation, not just for cancer.”
"Over the oxygen supply of the body carbon
dioxide spreads its protecting wings."
Friedrich Miescher
Swiss physiologist, 1885M
CO2 has been found to lead to the better coordination of oxidation and phosphorylation and increased the phosphorylation velocity in liver mitochondria. Low carbon dioxide levels (low bicarbonates in the blood) are life threatening but usually in a backhanded way. When we are low in CO2 (from breathing too fast or lack of exercise) we are low in O2 because of negative changes in the oxygen dissociation curve, which has everything to do with how oxygen jumps on and off red blood cells.