Apple’s next move is software for improving people’s lives and health. Just like tablets, pocket computers, and digital music players are now part of the mainstream, a battery of new devices will transform healthcare and fitness management for the betterment of society in the future. That future is here now, and in terms of diagnostic capacity and depth, it just will not get better. Apple is ambitious yet their designs are more for tracking than real data gathering capacity.
With the VedaPulse, Eastern and western medicine meet head on with this objective, fast measurement (5 minutes) device that makes results immediately available, to provide an overview of the homeostasis (internal environment and the main regulatory mechanisms of the human body) processes and responses in the human body.
If you have ever dreamed of being a master diagnostician one can now stand on solid science with a computerized reading of a person’s pulse. The VedaPulse’s monitoring of physiological data takes practitioners onto a level of diagnosis that only masters of Chinese, Tibetan and Ayurveda medicine could achieve. Now even patients themselves can do the test, or use a remote unit and have the results analyzed by one’s doctor from a distance.
In Oriental Medicine, we recognize that dealing with people’s diets is the deepest aspect of treatment besides dealing on the soul level. Today there are hundreds of people saying thousands of things about diet and we often have to trust our instincts about who and what to follow. Some people hook up with professionals who can type or profile one’s specific body’s needs based on blood and metabolic profiling.
One cannot go wrong following good general guidelines and stay away from processed foods, eat organic, avoid GMO like the plague, and definitely go low sugar. However, if you can get an exact diagnosis that translates into very specific dietary suggestions you will be on more solid ground to base your recovery or health on.
The VedaPulse delivers by giving people specific foods to eat or avoid depending on the computerized results evaluated objectively without practitioner bias. The VedaPulse analysis of the physiological parameters within the cells activity and microcirculation of the human body systems via a scientific and precise monitoring of heart rate variability is a new frontier that has been developed by brilliant Russian researchers.
Specific diet recommendations are just the beginning of what this diagnostic testing will show. It will also show one’s stress level and this is very important because the vast majority of people constantly live in a state of permanent stress without thinking what dangers it threatens. The problem is that it is difficult for a person to understand their own internal stress level. That is why a stroke or heart attack happens so suddenly and unexpectedly.
Diagnosis of one’s health level (vital energy), one’s biological rate of aging, and what is called one’s adaption level, which roughly translates into how one is using one’s energy, are just some of the things the VedaPulse touches on in an objective, non-invasive and repeatable basis. For oriental practitioners it will even give a precise profile of all the acupuncture meridians and their condition.
Heart Rate Variability
The basic premise of this technology revolves around something called Heart Rate Variability (HRV). HRV, in fact, is a scientifically researched phenomenon that measures the variability in the R portion of the QRST wave of a typical heartbeat. Over time, even with a regular heartbeat there is variability between the beats. The more variability, the healthier the heart. The higher the heart rate variability, the greater are the potential reserves of the body to adapt.
Reduced HRV has been shown to be a predictor of death after heart attacks, so doctors know to monitor patients with less HRV more carefully when they are recovering from MI (Myocardial Infarction) or open-heart surgery.
The last two decades have witnessed the recognition of a significant relationship between the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and cardiovascular mortality, including sudden cardiac death. Signs of either increased sympathetic or reduced vagal activity are evident in HRV patterns. There are now many commercial devices that provide an automated measurement of HRV giving the cardiologist and other researchers a seemingly simple tool for both research and clinical studies.
In assessing the heart rate variability, the analysis of the cardiointervalogram wave structure is carried out by the VedaPulse and the activity of the three regulatory systems is distinguished – the activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system, and the activity of the central nervous system, which manifests through the humoral system.
Cardiointervalogram reflects an effect of the various regulatory systems on a heart rate (sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system and an effect of the humoral system). To accurately determine an effect of these regulatory systems, in the wave structure of a cardiointervalogram they detects three types of waves, depending on their duration.
HF – high frequency, fast waves. Their duration is 2,5-6,6 sec., the oscillation frequency – 0,15-0,4 Hz. This range is associated with a parasympathetic activity.
LF – low frequency, medium wave. Their duration is 10-30 seconds, the oscillation frequency – 0,04-0,15 Hz. This range is associated with an activity of the sympathetic division.
VLF – very low frequency, slow waves. Their duration exceeds 30 sec., the oscillation frequency of 0.04 Hz. This range is associated with an activity of the central nervous system (humoral regulation).
Systematic and significant associations between personality traits are related to autonomic balance as measured by the ratio of low frequency (sympathetic) to high frequency (parasympathetic) activity. Openness, aggression, avoidant attachment, and forgiveness were found to relate to several HRV variables.[1]
Primal Regulatory Factors
Sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the mobilization of domestic resources of the body. Parasympathetic system is responsible for relaxation, recreation, preservation and accumulation of vital energy. Humoral regulation is one of the earliest evolutionary mechanisms of vital process regulation in the body, carried through the body fluids (blood, lymph, tissue fluid) with the help of hormones excreted by cells, organs, tissues. In organisms of highly developed animals and man the humoral regulation is subject to the neural regulation and both of them are integrated in a single system of neuro-humoral regulation.
When the sympathetic is balanced with the parasympathetic and the central nervous system it indicates a harmonious state of the regulatory mechanisms balanced by physiological functions of an organism.
The Veda Pulse measures three primary Factors
The rhythm of a healthy heart-even under resting conditions – is actually surprisingly irregular, with the time interval between consecutive heartbeats constantly changing. A number of studies have shown that HRV is an important indicator of both physiological resiliency and behavioral flexibility, reflecting an individual’s capacity to adapt effectively to stress and environmental demands.
The term “heart rate variability” means that minute-by-minute (or even second-by-second) your heart rate fluctuates depending on internal and external stimulus. When we are young and/or more physically fit, we have greater heart rate variability, which means that our cardiovascular system is responding to various stimuli and is being appropriately controlled by several different neurological factors.
As we age, there is a decline in the plasticity of the heart to react moment by moment to any changes in the need for blood flow and oxygen to the rest of the body; physical inactivity has a similar effect. Therefore, sedentary individuals and older adults usually have low heart rate variability. Low heart rate variability is associated with greater risk for cardiovascular events.
The normal variability in heart rate is due to the synergistic action of the two branches of the ANS, which act in concert with mechanical, hormonal and other physiological mechanisms to maintain cardiovascular system parameters in their optimal ranges and to permit appropriate reactions to changing external or internal conditions.
I have spent many years studying the deep limbic system and it was new
information for me to learn that the core cells of the amygdala synchronize
to the heartbeat. The amygdala literally marches to the beat of the heart’s drumming.
Dr. Daniel Amen
Heart-rate variability is a powerful, objective and noninvasive tool to explore the dynamic interactions between physiological, mental, emotional and behavioral processes. With the VedaPulse we assess the state of the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which controls our heart and breath rates, gastrointestinal tract movement and gland secretion among other internal bodily functions.
The normal variability in heart rate is due to the synergistic action of the two branches of the autonomic nervous system (ANS)—the part of the nervous system that regulates most of the body’s internal functions. The sympathetic nerves act to accelerate heart rate, while the parasympathetic (vagus) nerves slow it down.
The sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the ANS are continually interacting to maintain cardiovascular activity in its optimal range. They permit appropriate reactions to changing external and internal conditions.
One of the VetaPulse system strengths is its ability to measure changes in your physiology from one assessment to the next. This allows the trained practitioner to monitor how the chosen treatments are working.
Herbal Remedies
One of the things I love the best about the VedaPulse is the specific herbs (teas) one should take to improve one’s condition. Herbs were extremely important in the times before clinics or hospitals. Doctors were not available to everyone then either, and medications as we know them today were nonexistent. Today of course, we have plenty of toxic pharmaceutical medications, and we can easily kill ourselves with them.
Pharmaceutical companies have always known that many of these plants do indeed contain substances that aid in treating diseases and so they spend millions researching and trying to copy natural substances. It makes sense, when we are trying to heal from diseases, to use nature to help us out. Food, herbs and even aromas are all within the range of an objective pulse test. The secret magic to the recommendations are the thousands of years Ayurveda, Chinese and Tibetan medicines have been studying and using natural substances for healing. In these areas by comparison modern day doctors and nutritionists know next to nothing!
Free Freight to my Readers: Any of my readers who use my name with the VedaPulse people will get free freight anywhere in the world. When they are ready soon with their remote pulse devices, I will be offering to my online clinic clients the service of reading and interpreting the results.
Personal Note: I am a medical intuitive type/empath and my wife trusts my medical perception where it matters the most—with our own children. I am like the old time physicians. I never used tests much though I always do register the diagnosis of doctors and laboratories, even though they are often wrong.
In oriental medicine, doctors are trained to use their eyes, nose and hands to feel what is going on inside of a patient. I trained with pendulums and studied radionics for decades until the answers would arrive before the questions, developing my sixth sense to a high degree.
I really do not think it is that hard to tell if a person is dying compared to being in glorious radiant health. I do not need a blood test or a CT scan or a biopsy to tell me the difference. One of the things we use our medical intuition for is to probe into deeper issues, which often remain a mystery to regular doctors who see people only on a physical level.
Getting to the bottom of one’s health issues is not easy. When struggling through all my own issues it was not until I started following the indications and suggestions of the VedaPulse that I started to come out of a long and deep dark place. Repeated diagnoses through the weeks using the VedaPulse yielded a consistent diagnosis showing my autonomic and central nervous systems badly out of balance.
Medical Sonar
We can trust the VedaPulse because we can trust our own pulse and our own heart to be sensing and reacting—on a beat-by-beat basis—to the conditions inside all the organs in the body. The heart is like a great sonar or radar pulse that spreads out like a tidal wave throughout the body. As the pulse goes through each organ and system, an echo is sent back and can be read at the pulse. The return or feedback to the heartbeat varies depending on the condition of each organ and system. In the end reading Heart Rate Variability at the pulse is like looking at a radar or sonar screen reading the definition of the environment, which in this case is us.
In the future it is this objective universal type of diagnosis that will become standard and all practitioners and patients will be served by new standards of accurate diagnosis that penetrates to the core of each of our lives. There is little to no reason for dangerous diagnostic tests, not only because they are dangerous and toxic, nor because they are too often wrong, but because they really do not lead us anywhere even close to a cure for what really ails us.
We all know that chronically ill patients do not get better—they are medicated. American health care system, which many critics have quite rightly dubbed a “sick care” system, has been made worse by Obamacare, which adds a kind of schizophrenia to medicine.
Doctors are not telling patients the truth—that medicines will not make you well—in the end, they only make one sicker and more drug dependent. “While Americans comprise only 5 percent of the world population, we consume an incredible 50 percent of Big Pharma’s drugs, as explained in Jeff Hays’ documentary film, Doctored. Make no mistake. These drugs are meant to keep us imprisoned in poor health, not heal us.”
[1] Open Journal of Social Sciences, 2013. Vol.1, No.6, 32-39, Nov. 2013.