Who should take Statin drugs? No one! However, one in four Americans takes statin drugs. But cardiologists wish many more would addict themselves to statins because they estimate that only 30 percent of the public that should be taking statins take them. The pharmaceutical industry has convinced both patients and doctors that these drugs will prevent health problems down the road when they cause them. Ten years ago, I wrote an essay entitled ‘Run from your Statin Recommending Cardiologist.’ It was so clear back then that cardiologists were making a colossal mistake by recommending statin drugs over magnesium, with tragic consequences.
Cardiologists promote medicines that cause the heart problems they treat. Like oncologists who use substances and tests that cause cancer to treat cancer (C.A.T., P.E.T. scans, chemo, and radiation), cardiologists will gladly give you the wrong medicines and make sure you do not contemplate taking what’s good for your heart and vascular system.
Don’t even try to tell your cardiologist that magnesium deficiency is the cause of most cardiovascular diseases. Lower magnesium concentrations are found in most heart attack patients. People do not die of heart attacks; they are dying of magnesium deficiencies. People with magnesium deficiencies are 50% more likely to die. (See much more on this below.)
Today, if you want to increase your chances of having cardiac arrest or many other heart problems, see your cardiologist, for they will undoubtedly prescribe a statin drug with hyped-up benefits and downplayed side effects. However, well-known side effects are numerous and sometimes deadly.
Some people who take statins report having muscle pains,
tenderness, or weakness. Statins may damage the muscles.
For decades, statins have been heralded as the reliable heroes in the battle against heart disease, and yet heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the United States and globally. You would think by now, humanity would have caught on to the pharmaceutical scam. How much evidence do we need that cardiologists, like many other medical specialists, are part of the causes of the diseases they treat?
A new expert review suggests that long-term use of statins is accelerating coronary artery calcification instead of providing protection. The review, published in Clinical Pharmacology, suggests statins may act as “mitochondrial toxins,” impairing heart and blood vessels muscle function by depleting coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), an antioxidant cells use for growth and maintenance. Multiple studies show statins inhibit CoQ10 synthesis; thus, anyone foolish enough to follow their cardiologists’ advice should supplement their diet with COQ10.
CoQ10 is vital for producing ATP, the cell’s fundamental energy carrier. Insufficient CoQ10 inhibits ATP production, resulting in an energy deficit that could be a significant cause of heart muscle and coronary artery damage.
“We believe that many years of statin drug therapy result in the gradual accumulation of mitochondrial D.N.A. damage,” according to the authors. A 2022 study published in Biophysical Journal linked reduced ATP to heart failure. A 2008 study published in BioFactors reaffirms the statin–CoQ10 link. Researchers evaluated 50 statin patients for side effects like fatigue and muscle pain.
Cardiologists Disregard Cancer Implications of Statin Use
An old and forgotten study in the Journal of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention reports that women who have used cholesterol-lowering statin drugs for more than ten years have double the risk of two common types of breast cancer: invasive ductal carcinoma and invasive lobular carcinoma.[i]
Scientists have long known the toxic effects of statin drugs, and multiple animal studies have proven an association between statins and various types of cancers. Experts at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre in Seattle, US, also found the chances of getting invasive lobular carcinoma, which accounts for ten to 15 percent of breast cancers, went up almost 2.5 times in some women on statins long-term.
Published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), Dr. Thomas B. Newman and co-workers showed that all cholesterol-lowering drugs, both the early drugs known as fibrates (clofibrate, gemfibrozil) and the newer drugs known as statins (Lipitor, Pravachol, Zocor), cause cancer in rodents at the equivalent doses used by man.
Dr. Gloria Troendle, deputy director for the Division of Metabolism and Endocrine Drug Products for the F.D.A., noted that the cholesterol-lowering drug gemfibrozil belonged to a class of drugs that has repeatedly been shown to increase death rates among users. Moreover, Dr. Troendle stated that she does not believe the F.D.A. has ever approved a drug for long-term use that was as cancer-causing at human doses as gemfibrozil.
The Real Reason to Run From Your Cardiologist
Western medicine’s obsession with cholesterol misses the boat entirely. The cholesterol-heart disease connection that pharmaceutical companies use to sell billions of dollars of statin drugs is still largely theoretical and not clinically borne out in practice. In contrast, the case of magnesium is scientifically unassailable. The fact that 50% of people who die from heart attacks do not even have high cholesterol reveals a gaping hole in medical reasoning and cardiac care.
Magnesium, not statin drugs, is fundamental for preventing and treating heart disease, diabetes, and arteriosclerosis; it serves as a natural calcium antagonist that normalizes blood pressure and irregular heartbeat. Magnesium is the ultimate heart drug, and tragically, cardiologists do not universally acknowledge its full utility in the treatment of heart disease.
An astonishing 40 to 60 percent of sudden deaths from heart attack
may occur in the complete absence of any prior artery blockage,
clot formation or heart rhythm abnormalities, most likely from
spasms in the arteries caused by magnesium deficiency.
Dr. Carolyn Dean
The Miracle of Magnesium.
Administration of magnesium eliminates angina pain muscle spasms, keeps blood flowing smoothly, and prevents platelet stickiness. Magnesium also produces vasodilation by direct action and indirectly by sympathetic blockade and inhibition of catecholamine release. Magnesium dilates both the epicardial and resistance coronary arteries. Magnesium also balances cholesterol and is essential for endocrine stability and function. Most importantly – magnesium prevents calcification of the heart tissues. Magnesium is a dream medicine for cardiologists; its actions include almost everything on a heart specialist’s wish list, so cardiologists who do not employ magnesium to its fullest extent should have their heads examined.
It is not an exaggeration to say that miracles in cardiac medicine would be achieved if the overwhelming preponderance of magnesium deficiency — in adults, adolescents, and the very young — were addressed instead of ignored. Dr. Sarah Myhill states: “There have been many studies showing that magnesium is beneficial in heart disease. The trouble is the drug companies do not want to know. Magnesium is a serious competitor to their money-making pharmaceuticals. And so they set up a study to deliberately blacken the name of magnesium.”
Vital Lessons for Cardiologists
In a study of postoperative I.C.U. patients, B. Chernow et al. found that the death rate was reduced from 41% to 13% for patients without hypomagnesemia (low magnesium levels). Other post-heart-surgery studies showed that patients with hypomagnesemia experienced more rhythm disorders. Time on the ventilator was longer, and morbidity was higher than for patients with normal magnesium levels. Another study showed a greater than 10% reduction of serum and intracellular magnesium concentrations associated with a higher rate of postoperative ventricular arrhythmias. The administration of magnesium decreases the frequency of postoperative rhythm disorders after cardiac surgery.
Magnesium is required for muscle relaxation. Lower magnesium
levels can result in symptoms ranging from tachycardia and
fibrillation to constriction of the arteries, angina, and instant death.
Forty percent of all heart attacks end in death. One of the most important actions of magnesium is its vasodilating effects, which improve the blood supply to ischemic areas and reduce infarct size.A ten-year study of 2,182 men in Wales found that those eating diets low in magnesium had a 50% higher risk of sudden death from heart attacks than those eating one-third more magnesium.
Going After The Children
Many doctors were incredulous about the aggressive new recommendation from the American Academy of Pediatrics (A.A.P.) for warding off heart disease in children, and for good reason. In 2008, the A.A.P. recommended broader cholesterol screening for children and more aggressive use of cholesterol-lowering drugs starting as early as the age of 8 in hopes of preventing adult heart problems.
“What data shows this helps prevent heart attacks?” asked Dr. Darshak Sanghavi, a pediatric cardiologist and assistant professor at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. “How many heart attacks do we hope to prevent this way? There’s no data regarding that.” Nor, Dr. Sanghavi added, are there data on the possible side effects of taking statins for 40 or 50 years.
“To be frank, I’m embarrassed for the A.A.P. today,” said Dr. Lawrence Rosen of Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey, vice chairman of an academy panel on traditional and alternative medicine. He added, treatment with medications without any clear data? I hope they’re ready for the public backlash.” There is no long-term data on statin use in children. “We’re talking about potentially treating thousands and thousands of children simply to prevent one heart attack,” says Dr. Sanghavi from the University of Massachusetts. “That kind of risk-benefit calculation is absent from the A.A.P.’s policy.”
[i] Long-term statin use and risk of ductal and lobular breast cancer among women 55-74 years of age;
Jean A. McDougall et al; Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention; Published OnlineFirst July 5, 2013; doi: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-13-0414; http://cebp.aacrjournals.org/content/early/2013/07/04/1055-9965.EPI-13-0414.abstract