The Best Treatment for Vaccine and Viral Induced Myocarditis

Published on February 16, 2022

This essay presents a medical discovery significant for those suffering from COVID vaccines and viral-induced myocarditis. We propose that the perfect, most fundamental treatment for myocarditis is magnesium chloride and chlorine dioxide. Magnesium because myocarditis is inflammation of heart tissues. Though doctors like to ignore it, magnesium controls and smothers the fires of inflammation and is The Ultimate Heart Medicine.

Chlorine dioxide should be employed for myocarditis firstly because myocarditis is usually caused by viruses, sometimes bacteria, and other pathogens, which chlorine dioxide can easily take out. The second reason is that chlorine dioxide will also reduce inflammation, and thirdly because it will rush oxygen into the heart tissues.

We live in a new age of medicine because the old age of modern medicine has just suicided itself and can be trusted for nothing helpful. This suicide started with the deliberate creation of COVID through gain of function research, the work of madmen. And then, the human race was subjected to 10 billion doses of experimental genetic vaccines. Thus the landscape of the world of health has changed. The human population is paying a high price in terms of vast increases in sudden death and extraordinarily high cancer rates and other diseases across the board. On top of this, hospitals have been turned into death camps mistreating patients with astonishing cruelty and malpractice.

So everyone out there needs to change their ideas if safe and effective medicine is dear to their hearts. We need a universal protocol that is effective for both COVID viruses and dangerous COVID vaccines. Too bad there is no treatment for dangerous governments and medical regulatory organizations.

The common denominator between the virus and vaccines is the spike proteins. So though myocarditis is are jumping-off point, we will see that our universal suggestion for everyone is this medical combo of magnesium and chlorine dioxide. It is not just for heart patients. It is for all patients. Two Tiger Tank Medicines. Both can be administered intravenously for critical or near critical patients. For everyone else, it could be both oral and transdermal.

It is important to note that chlorine dioxide prevents spike proteins from sticking to ACE2 receptors on blood vessels, so this small substance is applicable for COVID infections and damages done by the spike proteins the COVID vaccines command the body to make.

Special Note: The blood clots and other disorders of the blood that affect the heart will be covered in the next chapter. Vaccine recipients are being clobbered by increasing clotting, and infections, when left untreated, also end up with severely compromised blood.

COVID Vaccines and Myocarditis

Reports have suggested an association between the development of myocarditis and the receipt of messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines against Covid-19. However, myocarditis is estimated to affect thousands of adults and children in the U.S. and around the world each year. 3.1 million cases of myocarditis were diagnosed in 2017 (statistics posted in Lancet, November 2018).

The U.S. military’s own Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) shows:

  • Acute Myocardial Infarct Reports By Year up 343%
  • Acute Myocarditis Reports By Year up 184%
  • Acute Pericarditis Reports By Year up 70%
  • Pulmonary Embolism Reports By Year up 260%
  • Nontraumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Reports By Year up 227%

Myocarditis is a disease that causes inflammation of the heart muscle. This inflammation enlarges and weakens the heart, creates scar tissue, and forces it to work harder to circulate blood and oxygen throughout the body. The inflammation reduces the heart’s ability to pump and causes rapid or irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmias).

Common symptoms of myocarditis can include, but are not limited to:

  • Shortness of breath, especially after exercise or when lying down
  • Fatigue
  • Heart palpitations
  • Chest pain or pressure
  • Lightheadedness
  • Swelling in the hands, legs, ankles, and feet
  • A sudden loss of consciousness

Magnesium – The Ultimate Heart Medicine

Low magnesium levels can
be a predictor of heart disease.

Because magnesium is essential for healthy control of blood vessel function, blood pressure regulation, and regular heart contractions, a deficiency in magnesium increases the risk of conditions such as endothelial dysfunction, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias,[i] and sudden death from cardiac arrest.

Magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of the heart. Magnesium’s role in preventing heart disease and strokes is generally well accepted, yet cardiologists have not gotten up to speed with its use. Magnesium was first shown to be of value in treating cardiac arrhythmias in 1935. Since then, numerous double-blind studies have shown that magnesium is beneficial for many types of arrhythmias, including atrial fibrillation, ventricular premature contractions, ventricular tachycardia, and severe ventricular arrhythmias. Magnesium supplementation is also helpful in angina due to either a spasm of the coronary artery or atherosclerosis.

A magnesium deficiency is closely associated with cardiovascular disease. Lower magnesium concentrations have been found in heart attack patients, and administration of magnesium has proven beneficial in treating ventricular arrhythmias. Fatal heart attacks are more common in areas where the water supply is deficient in magnesium. The average intake through the diet is often significantly less than the 200-400 milligrams required daily.

If you’re ever rushed to the hospital with a heart attack, intravenous magnesium could save your life. In a 1995 study, researchers found that the in-hospital death rate of those receiving IV magnesium was one-fourth of those who received standard treatment alone.

In 2003, a follow-up study of these same patients revealed an enduring effect of magnesium treatment. Nearly twice as many patients in the standard treatment group had died compared to those who received magnesium. In addition, there were considerably more cases of heart failure and impaired heart function in the placebo group. In addition to increasing survival after a heart attack, IV magnesium smoothes out arrhythmias and improves patients undergoing angioplasty with stent placement.

Magnesium helps induce nutrients in and out of cells and thus affects the life process. As magnesium has a stabilizing effect on membranes, it can be used in the treatment of cardiac rhythm disorders. The best indication is for treating torsades de pointes, but magnesium is also indicated for ventricular arrhythmias related to digitalis toxicity and tricyclic antidepressant overdose. In critically ill patients, magnesium administration proved more effective than amiodarone for converting acute atrial tachyarrhythmias.

Magnesium Modulates Cellular Events Involved in Inflammation.

One part of the body where inflammation wreaks the most havoc is in the heart. A significant contributor to permanent heart damage after a heart attack is due to excessive inflammation caused by reperfusion therapy (a treatment to restore blood flow) that patients receive at the hospital.

There are three main types of heart inflammation: endocarditis, myocarditis, and pericarditis. Endocarditis is inflammation of the inner lining of the heart’s chambers and valves. Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle. Pericarditis is inflammation of the tissue that forms a sac around the heart.

William Muller, MD, Ph.D., the Janardan K. Reddy, MD Professor of Pathology said, “Simply put, inflammation is at the root of all pathology. Once I realized that chronic inflammation becomes the disease instead of the way to eliminate the disease, I thought it was essential to learn how to regulate inflammation.”

Magnesium is at the heart of the inflammatory process; it is the prime first cause when it is not present in sufficient quantities. Increases in extracellular magnesium concentration cause a decrease in the inflammatory response, while a reduction in extracellular magnesium results in inflammation. Inflammation causes endothelial dysfunction, and activated endothelium facilitates adhesion and migration of cancer cells.[ii]

Magnesium puts the chill on inflammation. Heart disease begins with inflammatory chemicals that rage like a fever through your blood vessels. Cool the heat by getting the recommended daily minimum of magnesium, suggests Medical University of South Carolina researchers. They measured blood inflammation levels–using the C-reactive protein (CRP) test–in 3,800 men and women and found that those who got less than 50% of the RDA (310 to 420 mg) for magnesium were almost three times as likely to have dangerously high CRP levels as those who consumed enough. Being over age 40 and overweight and consuming less than 50% of the RDA more than doubled the risk of blood vessel-damaging inflammation.[iii]

Dr. A. Mazur et al.[iv] says, “Magnesium deficiency contributes to an exaggerated response to immune stress, and oxidative stress is the consequence of the inflammatory response.

Chlorine Dioxide For The Heart

By far, the most common type of heart infection that can lead to myocarditis is viral. When the body detects viruses in its system, it produces cytokines to fight them. These tiny proteins are designed to interfere with the virus’s signaling abilities and keep it from reproducing. The downside, however, is that cytokines can also inflame the heart.

As we mentioned above, chlorine dioxide is a potent anti-inflammatory. “In addition to speed and broad-spectrum activity, chlorine dioxide is anti-inflammatory by way of oxidizing free radicals and cytokines, chemicals the body releases in response to a wound or infection.[v] Deactivation of these molecules reduces scarring, pain, and irritation.”[vi]

The most common virus to cause myocarditis in the United States is coxsackievirus. This is a type of enterovirus that naturally affects the intestines, resulting in stomach flu. If it escapes the intestines and reaches the heart, however, coxsackievirus can cause myocarditis. Meanwhile, in Europe, the most common causes of myocarditis are parvoviruses and adenoviruses. In Asia, the common cause is the Hepatitis C virus, while Africa sees many infections from HIV. However, the most frequent originator of myocarditis worldwide is the SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19.

Bacterial Heart Infections

Bacterial heart infections aren’t as common as viral ones. Most often, bacteria in the bloodstream pass through without causing an infection. However, certain kinds of bacteria can latch on to already-damaged parts of the heart. Usually, this results from bacteria that live in the mouth, throat, or gut. Other common causes are tuberculosis, streptococcus, or staphylococcus bacteria.

Inflammation can result from any hostile substance in the body, from fungi to parasites to toxins and more. Some cases of myocarditis are even caused by hypersensitivity to certain drugs or insect bites, as well as unhealed heart injuries.

Not only will chlorine dioxide eliminate all of these types of infections, but it will reduce stress on the heart by contributing to the health of other organs. The heart is ultra-sensitive and responds on a beat-by-beat basis (Heart Rate Variability-HRV) to what is going on in the rest of the body.

“To learn more about the effects and benefits of Chlorine Dioxide, watch the documentary titled The Universal Antidote: The Science and Story of Chlorine Dioxide. You can watch it here:

Don’t Forget Iodine

Dr. Michael Donaldson says, “Iodine stabilizes the heart rhythm, lowers serum cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, and is known to make the blood thinner as well, judging by longer clotting times seen by cliniciansIodine is not only good for the cardiovascular system; it is vital.”

Iodine exhibits activity against bacteria, molds, yeasts, protozoa, and many viruses; indeed, of all antiseptic preparations suitable for direct use on humans and animals and upon tissues, only iodine is capable of killing all classes of pathogens: gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, mycobacteria, fungi, yeasts, viruses, and protozoa. Most bacteria are killed within 15 to 30 seconds of contact.

Dr. David Brownstein says, Iodine is essential to not only fighting off an infection, it is necessary for proper immune system functioning. There is no bacteria, virus, parasite or fungus that is known to be resistant to iodine.”

Magnesium is a Perfect Emergency Room Medicine

On arrival, emergency rooms would still want to inject it; better yet, ambulance personnel should be equipped. Dr. Sarah Myhill says, “If the help was me, I would check the pulse and blood pressure, and if not too slow or low, I would inject magnesium sulfate 4mls of 50% directly into a vein over 2-3 minutes. This opens up all the blood vessels, so the patient feels red hot. It greatly improves the collateral circulation to the heart muscle (i.e., opens up the other blood vessels) and improves blood supply to the affected muscle.”

Dr. Myhill continues by saying magnesium is also anti-dysrhythmic; it inhibits clotting and relieves heart failure. Usually, the pain of the heart attack is substantially relieved within a few minutes of I.V. magnesium. Furthermore, magnesium is highly protective against reperfusion injury. After 15 years of treating acute M.I.s in general medical practice, I have never had a patient die following an MI treated with I.V. magnesium.”

“When magnesium deficiency exists, stress paradoxically increases the risk of cardiovascular damage including hypertension, cerebrovascular and coronary constriction and occlusion, arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death (SCD),” wrote Dr. Mildred S. Seelig of the Schools of Public Health and Medicine, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

The heart requires optimum fuel for optimum performance; it needs magnesium. Magnesium is nutritional oil to the heart; it lubricates and facilitates its function. As our magnesium levels drop, the chances of our heart muscle seizing up increase.

Most People Are Magnesium Deficient

According to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, studies show that two-thirds of Americans do not consume enough magnesium. The latest government study shows a staggering 68% of Americans do not consume the recommended daily intake of magnesium, which is set way too low, meaning these statistics are understatements. Even more frightening are data from this study showing that 19% of Americans do not consume even half of the government’s recommended daily magnesium intake.

The USDA’s Nationwide Food Consumption Survey found that most Americans consumed less than the recommended daily magnesium intake. Twelve age-sex groups were studied, and this low magnesium intake was true for all groups except 0 to 5-year-olds.

[i] Geiger H, Wanner C. Magnesium in disease. Clin Kidney J. 2012; 5(Suppl 1), i25-i38.

[ii] Magnesium and inflammation: lessons from animal models] Clin Calcium. 2005 Feb;15(2):245-8. Review. Japanese. PMID: 15692164 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE

[iii] 2009 Reference:

[iv] Mazur A, Maier JA, Rock E, Gueux E, Nowacki W, Rayssiguier Y. Magnesium and the inflammatory response: Potential physiopathological implications. Arch Biochem Biophys. 2006 Apr 19; PMID: 16712775Equipe Stress Metabolique et Micronutriments, Unite de Nutrition Humaine UMR 1019, Centre de Recherche en Nutrition Humaine d’Auvergne, INRA, Theix, St. Genes Champanelle, France.Arch Biochem Biophys. 2006 Apr 19

[v] Kenyo, A.J.; Hamilton, S.G.; Douglas, D.M., Controlled Wound Repair By Antimicrobials That Alter Fibroplasia, Amer. Assn. For Laboratory Animal Science, 34th Annual Session Nov. 6-11, 1983.

[vi] Kenyon, A.J.; Hamilton, S.G., Wound Healing Studied with Alcide: a Topical Sterilant, Amer. Society of Biol. Chemists 74th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA June 5-9, 1983.

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Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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