Dr Sircus Protocol: Treatments and Products

On the first level

We offer a low-cost protocol of the most basic powerful medicinals, many of which are used in fine hospitals or should be. Hydrogen, sodium and potassium bicarbonate, magnesium, iodine, selenium, medical marijuana, oxygen, CO2, glutathione, Vitamins C and D and sulfur are the principle natural agents that can be used in intensive care wards as well as your own home. And for holistic, full-body, overnight deep-cellular detoxification click here.Included in this list is super nutritional substances like spirulina, seed nutrition in liquid form and Rejuvenate formulas. Add Lingzhi mushrooms and you have an easy to use hard hitting protocol that most intensive care doctors would envy.

Vital Reaction

The Vital Reaction™ tablet is an effervescing tablet that saturates any non-carbonated beverage with millions of molecular hydrogen nanobubbles. Vital Reaction™ tablets produce the most powerful cloud of H₂ that delivers antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and healthy cell signaling properties instantly.MORE INFORMATIONHydrogen Gas & Hydrogen WaterHydrogen Medicine InformationHydrogen InhalationeBook: Hydrogen MedicineeBook: Compendium Hydrogen Bundle

Magnesium OilWhen it comes to magnesium oil, I recommend only the best Ancient Minerals, because this product is of the absolute highest quality meaning it can be used for any application, even for eye washes and IV solutions. MORE INFORMATION How to use Magnesium Oil TherapyeBook: Transdermal Magnesium TherapyeBook: Water Based Medicine​​

Magnesium Bicarbonate WaterMagnesium bicarbonate is a complex hydrated salt that exists only in water under specific conditions. The magnesium ion is Mg2+, and the bicarbonate ion is HCO3-2. So, magnesium bicarbonate must have two bicarbonate ions: Mg (HCO3)2. MORE INFORMATIONHow to use Magnesium Oil TherapyeBook: Transdermal Magnesium TherapyeBook: Water Based Medicine

Sodium and Potassium BicarbonatesFor everyone’s convenience I suggest this bicarbonate formula, not only because it is easy to take your bicarbonate but you also get the needed potassium, which is very helpful for everyone.MORE INFORMATIONBicarb Magical Mineral SupplementeBook: Sodium Bicarbonate – Second EditionWatch Video​​

Nascent IodineNascent iodine is iodine in its atomic rather than its molecular form. It is an iodine atom that has an incomplete number of electrons meaning it can hold an electromagnetic charge. Nascent iodine has a large energy release when consumed because energy is saved.MORE INFORMATIONIodine Supplements and DosageseBook: Iodine: Bringing Back the Universal MedicineWatch Video​

Lugol’s IodineLugol’s Iodine Solution 2% contains a trace mineral that occurs naturally in the environment and is essential to the human body.MORE INFORMATIONIodine Supplements and DosageseBook: Iodine: Bringing Back the Universal MedicineWatch Video​

Selenium Tung OilImportant trace mineral for function of the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase protecting against free radical damage, especially in cell membranes.MORE INFORMATION eBook: Selenium Medicine: And the Rising Tide of MercuryWatch Video

Liquid SeedsCore, Soul and Form are part of a three-tier system designed to cleanse, restore, and build your biology up to it’s optimal level. That’s the beauty of non-GMO, seed-based products… there’s no more unspoiled, untouched form of nutrition on earth! But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t spoil yourself.MORE INFORMATIONSeed Nutrition

SublingualReduced L-Glutathione Plus:tm: is specifically engineered for enhanced absorption using ultra purity grade reduced L-glutathione and sodium bicarbonate. When mixed with distilled water or saline solution, Reduced L-Glutathione Plus:tm: becomes isotonic, making it comfortably ideal for lung, nasal, and other soft tissue contact.MORE INFORMATIONWatch VideoDetoxification Protocol

Oral sprayQuicksilver’s Phospholipid Encapsulation Etheric Delivery© system protects the glutathione from digestive enzymes that otherwise inhibit absorption of oral glutathione supplementation. In cell cultures, liposomal products have demonstrated over 100 times more efficiency for intracellular delivery than IV-based liposomal glutathione.MORE INFORMATIONWatch VideoDetoxification Protocol

SuppositoriesSuppositories provide similar results to IV methods of administration (achieving about 70% to 80% absorption rate compared to IV) since the ingredients in the suppository are absorbed by the wall of the rectum and carried straight into the systemic circulation (circumventing the entero-hepatic portal system where ingredients are broken down in the liver).MORE INFORMATIONWatch VideoDetoxification Protocol

Hemp OilFaster, stronger and more effective, Quicksilver Scientific’s liposomal delivery of Nanoemulsified Colorado Hemp Oil far outpaces tinctures. The advanced technology behind this groundbreaking liquid delivery method makes for precise dosing and immediate effect.

MORE INFORMATIONeBook: Medical Marijuana Second EditionWatch Video

HEMP OIL “GOOD DAY” SALVE2 oz jar Salve Cream, Organic hemp CO2 extracted, Vanilla scented, Amino acids, Sugars, Vitamins, Pigments, 100% Organic Coconut Oil, 100% Natural Bees Wax, 100% Pure Vanilla, Hemp Oil.MORE INFORMATION eBook: Medical Marijuana Second EditionWatch Video​​​

Vitamin DSupplementation with vitamin D may be necessary to meet daily needs, since obtaining sufficient vitamin D3 from natural food sources and sun exposure alone can be difficult. Research shows that vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is approximately 87% more potent than vitamin D2 for raising and maintaining vitamin D blood levels.MORE INFORMATION Watch Video

High ORAC Antioxidant Therapy DVitamin C is known to perform many critical functions within the body involving detoxification, tissue building, immune enhancement, pain control, and controlling or killing pathogenic organisms. It is known to be helpful for wound and bone healing, healthy skin and eyes, fighting infections, stress control, toxic exposure, and repairing damaged tissue of all types.MORE INFORMATIONUsing Vitamin C for Heart Disease, Cancer and Cell ProtectionWatch Video

ClayLiving Clay® is a weathered volcanic ash made up of numerous trace minerals in their natural oxide form that has evolved over millions of years into a super-charged, triple-swelling, green Calcium Bentonite Clay with Montmorillonite properties. Its negative electro-magnetic charge gives it a strong vacuum-like ability to capture and discharge positively charged toxins from the body.MORE INFORMATION Edible Clay Benefits

Organic Sulfur (MSM)Organic sulfur is an acid-forming mineral that is part of the chemical structure of the amino acids methionine, cysteine, taurine, and glutathione. Sulfur disinfects the blood, helps the body to resist bacteria, and protects the protoplasm of cells. It aids in necessary oxidation reactions in the body, stimulates bile secretion, and protects against the harmful effects of radiation and pollution. It is found in hemoglobin and in all body tissues, and is needed for the synthesis of collagen, a principal protein that gives the skin its structural integrity.MORE INFORMATIONWatch VideoThe Beginning of the Sulfur Story

Super FoodsI endorse Dr. Hank Liers’ Rejuvenate formulas as medicines. “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food,” said Hypocrites and I take that directive seriously. The Rejuvenate formulas are nutrient-dense, high-protein and high-RNA superfoods made with freeze-dried organic berries and achieving a very high ORAC value (antioxidants) while delivering superb taste.MORE INFORMATIONFasting with Spirulina and Superfood Smoothies

SpirulinaBioLumina is Quantum Infused, super nutritious high Phycocyanin Spirulina! Simply adding it to your diet can improve your health on many levels.By recognizing that we are more than our physical bodies, and addressing that reality in everything we do, New Phoenix Rising’s BioLumina Spirulina is a combination of Nature’s Ancient Wisdom and advanced Quantum Science.MORE INFORMATIONFasting with Spirulina and Superfood Smoothies

Natural ChelationToxins create disease and they are everywhere: In the food we eat, the air we breathe, in our homes and our offices. They can’t be avoided. Sometimes we even introduce them willingly into our bodies in the form of amalgam tooth fillings or vaccines. These toxic metals such as lead, mercury or arsenic can have disastrous health effects. From minor ailments such as chronic fatigue, migraines, IBS and allergies to serious conditions such as autism, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and cancer.

Hydrochloric AcidEmpirical Labs Betaine HCL is a natural form of Hydrochloric Acid derived from beets to help support the digestive system.

LINGZHI MUSHROOMSThe powerful longevity and hormonal improvements that are reported in Lingzhi studies come from using fruiting cap formulas over a period of time.To accomplish that, we suggest starting with one of these four Longevity Programs to see optimal results. Each one contains approximately a 2 to 2-and-a-half month supply, which is enough time to reset the nervous system and cellular intelligence. They are Stress Support, Vitality Support, Immunity Support and Weight Management.MORE INFORMATIONHow Lingzhi Mushrooms Combats Aging, Disease and CancerLingzhi Mushrooms – Enough Science to Drown Doctors

TERRAFLORA Broad Spectrum SynbioticTerraflora™ is a professional grade synbiotic formula featuring Ribospore™ (Bacillus pumilus) and Bacillus megaterium EM144™, combined with supporting select Bacillus strains and a microbiome-accessible prebiotic complex to optimize gastrointestinal health.

RestoreRESTORE is unlike any supplement on the market. Made in the USA, RESTORE is a soil-derived, scientifically backed mineral supplement that creates a firewall against toxins entering the gut wall. RESTORE helps create a biological environment for “good” gut bacteria to grow and flourish in order to support improvement of overall health.

On the second level

We bring in some of the best medical technology for heightened self-care. One can be amazed at what one can buy today, simple to use powerful medical devices that will not break your bank and not require a medical license to obtain. Below are my favorite medical devices. Multitasking Medicine is when you use several of the below devices simultaneously. What one is doing is increasing the power of treatment to the body with each moment spent in treatment. With these devices, one can set up an intensive treatment program in one’s own home. For the cost of a one week stay in a clinic one can purchase all of these devices that one can use every day.

FROLOVFor a start in gaining control of one’s internal physiology raising O2, pH, cell voltage and CO2 levels purchase this inexpensive breathing device. I will be recommending this to everyone, even to experienced yoga practitioners for every one of us can breathe slower and feel deeper. It is sold and marketed in the USA for weight loss because when you rise O2 levels one burns up more fat and that is one of the reasons many people cannot lose weight or gain it right back after dieting.MORE INFORMATIONHome Therapy ProgramWatch Video

Far-Infrared BiomatsA very safe light known as Far-infrared light has the ability to empower your body to heal itself. Hospitals have been making good use of this knowledge and now you can too. Giving unlimited comfort and support.


NASAL BLOOD IRRADIATIONNow it is easy to use light to activate the healing properties of the blood. One just clips the applicator in the nose and infrared laser light is applied to the passing blood. Dangerous medical equipment has now been replaced by a little nasal applicator that does not do anything more aggressive than spraying coherent infrared laser light into the blood as it passes by the vessels in the nose.MORE INFORMATIONRevolution in Blood Medicine – Intranasal Laser Therapy

Hydrogen Technologies InhalerThe Hydrogen Technologies inhaler is the Mercedes or BMW of the hydrogen inhalation machines. No other machine comes close to touching it in terms of durability, quietness, ease of use and ability to run 24/7 meaning all night long if needed.This Molecular Hydrogen/Oxygen Generators is the highest quality electrolysis machine on the market.MORE INFORMATIONHydrogen Gas & Hydrogen WaterHydrogen Medicine InformationHydrogen InhalationeBook: Hydrogen MedicineeBook: Compendium Hydrogen Bundle

Vital Reaction InhalerThe Vital Reaction Inhaler produces tasteless, odorless and non-toxic hydrogen gas in a safe concentration for inhalation by electrolyzing distilled water.MORE INFORMATIONHydrogen Gas & Hydrogen WaterHydrogen Medicine InformationHydrogen InhalationeBook: Hydrogen MedicineeBook: Compendium Hydrogen Bundle

Breath of Health Hydrogen InhalersThe Breath of Health hydrogen inhalers from China are interesting in that they offer an attachment tube that lets you combine the oxygen and hydrogen output as well as offering a fleet of esoteric add on technologies (that I have not tested yet) for enhanced performance.MORE INFORMATIONHydrogen Gas & Hydrogen WaterHydrogen Medicine InformationHydrogen InhalationeBook: Hydrogen MedicineeBook: Compendium Hydrogen Bundle

AquaCure MachineThe AquaCure is a practical, lower cost, reliable and versatile hydrogen inhaler that will give you years of trouble free service and is loaded with safety features. The AquaCure can be used continuously with minimal maintenance (just add pure water and clean it about once a year).MORE INFORMATIONHydrogen Gas & Hydrogen WaterHydrogen Medicine InformationHydrogen InhalationeBook: Hydrogen MedicineeBook: Compendium Hydrogen Bundle

HydroGenieThe HydroGenie is the lowest cost machine in this lineup and offers many of the same traits as the AquaCure and retails for 1,997 dollars.MORE INFORMATIONHydrogen Gas & Hydrogen WaterHydrogen Medicine InformationHydrogen InhalationeBook: Hydrogen MedicineeBook: Compendium Hydrogen Bundle

EarthPulseThe powerful and adaptive EarthPulse™ PEMF device system and methods, provide you an extraordinary opportunity for self experimentation using pulsed electromagnetic field therapy for sleep, recovery, performance enhancement and longevity.EarthPulse™ is the only device of it’s kind allowing for all night exposure to entrain brain into deeper sleep, while simultaneously tuning mitochondria for more efficient oxygen metabolism. More energy from every breath of air lowers oxidative stress and promotes cells resiliency to other metabolic stressors like WiFi and other types of RF(radio frequency).MORE INFORMATIONFrequency Medicine

Maxx O2Anti-Inflammatory Oxygen Therapy introduces a new simple way of injecting massive amounts of oxygen into the cells. In fifteen minutes, one can open the cells allowing them to detoxify as they gulp down higher levels of oxygen. What I have discovered will help many people pull out of chronic situations where they have not been able to do so before.MORE INFORMATIONeBook: Anti-Inflammatory Oxygen TherapyWatch Video

VedaPulseSecrets of pulse analysis have been thoroughly kept in the East — in India, Tibet and China. For generations secret knowledge has been circulating in narrow groups.With the help of VedaPulse™, the art of pulse analysis became available to a wide range of specialists.VedaPulse allows mastering pulse analysis in the shortest period of time and putting it into practice. In order to use the device you need either basic medical education, some Ayurvedic knowledge or knowledge of any other traditional health system (reflexology, herbal therapy, diet therapy, homeopathy and others).MORE INFORMATIONStress Control and Testing

pH Test StripsOur pH can change very rapidly, even just a thought of food or an upset like an argument with our partners can change the pH to become more acid.All of the body’s physiological processes are sensitive to changes in body pH so we can monitor overall health simply by using pH paper. As we move into unhealthy acidic conditions the body becomes deficient in bicarbonates. This also happens naturally as we age and prematurely as we are exposed to toxins in the environment and in our foods. pH should be kept between 7.3 and 7.4 to ward off viruses.

OXIMETER – BLOOD OXYGEN LEVELSA blood-oxygen monitor displays the percentage of blood that is loaded with oxygen. More specifically, it measures what percentage of hemoglobin, the protein in blood that carries oxygen, is loaded. Acceptable normal ranges for patients without pulmonary pathology are from 95 to 99 percent. For a patient breathing room air at or near sea level, an estimate of arterial pO2 can be made from the blood-oxygen monitor “saturation of peripheral oxygen” (SpO2) reading.Because of their simplicity of use and the ability to provide continuous and immediate oxygen saturation values, pulse oximeters are of critical importance in emergency medicine and are also very useful for patients with respiratory or cardiac problems, especially COPD, or for diagnosis of some sleep disorders.

MICROCURRENT THERAPY – ELECTRON MEDICINEThat said try to imagine the difference between driving your electric car after a night of recharging or after forgetting to charge the car up. We are all electric cars in need of constant energy though this becomes more critical the sicker and more run down we are. When we are in pain and sick with disease it is safe to assume our voltage is low, that we are deficient in electrons (as we can be deficient in any nutrient). Many times, voltage (electron) deficiency gets concentrated in one location, in a tumor or ulcer for instance, that systemic treatments lack the power to penetrate.MORE INFORMATIONElectron Medicine with Surgical Precision

PECURSOR – CHIROPRACTIC MASSAGE APPLIANCEPercussive massage accelerates the growth and repair of tissues by providing concentrated, rapid, short-duration pulses deep into the tissues of the body. This heavily increases blood flow to the area causing pain relief and an increasing range of motion and function. Percussive massage also provides a gentle stretch to the muscles and connective tissues improving responsiveness and performance.MORE INFORMATIONPercussive Therapy

On the third level

We bring in some of the best medical technology for heightened self-care. One can be amazed at what one can buy today, simple to use powerful medical devices that will not break your bank and not require a medical license to obtain. Below are my favorite medical devices. Multitasking Medicine is when you use several of the below devices simultaneously. What one is doing is increasing the power of treatment to the body with each moment spent in treatment. With these devices, one can set up an intensive treatment program in one’s own home. For the cost of a one week stay in a clinic one can purchase all of these devices that one can use every day.

TEARS OF THE MELTING HEARTConnecting directly with one’s vulnerability.MORE INFORMATIONTears of the Melting Heart and Medicine

SEXUAL HEALING AND HEALTHThis book is a complex weave of love, sex and spirituality.


I’m Mark Sircus, a doctor of natural medicine and writer of more than 23 books that have sold 80,000 copies around the world. Innovative Medicine is the name of new form of medicine I have pioneered that situates itself between the best of medical science and natural medicine.