Hemorrhagic Pneumonia and Cytokine Storms Swine Flu
No solutions are being proposed to combat the mystery disease that is killing so many people in the Ukraine. The focus remains entirely on swine flu protocols, which are obviously impotent against the new threat or not so many people would be dying. Doctors are seeing patients with lungs so inflamed that they resembled liver reported the New York Times. Dr. Vyacheslav Bonder from the region claims that his ordinary protocol for treating pneumonia was having no impact at all.
This medical emergency calls for a correct response that doctors, nurses and alternative practitioners can follow. The answer is found in emergency and intensive care medicine, which can be practiced in our patients very own homes, which is good because hospitals will be overflowing and overly dangerous places to be.
Translation: The symptoms that are being observed at different stages of disease – a fever with a temperature over 38 C, cough, respiratory disorders. When cough was characterized by negligible allocation phlegm or dry unproductive cough with blotches of blood. All the patients come to hospital on average by 3-7 days of onset, were in serious condition. Period of time from onset to death averaged from 4 to 7 days. In all patients during a hospital for signs of respiratory insufficiency of various degrees, which quickly rose and manifested accelerated respiration rate, shortness of breath and effectiveness of independent breathing. X-ray studies were performed on 1-2 day hospitalization. Most patients experienced a double-headed particles of lower lung lesion, followed by a trend towards total destruction.
If cytokines are over stimulated and remain present for too long or
reach very high levels, they are inflammatory and damaging to the
body. These storms can cause severe lung inflammation, and be fatal.
In the absence of prompt medical intervention to stop the “cytokine storm”, the lung will suffer permanent damage or even result in death. Many with the syndrome will develop acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Deaths will usually result from multisystem organ failure and in the present situation through suffocation via hemorrhage of the lungs. Doctors and everyone else need to be informed of the best emergency medical interventions but unfortunately the orthodox response consists of vaccinations with chemicals that can worsen and provoke hemorrhage (squalene) and dangerous viral drugs like Tamiflu.
Because the outbreak in the Ukraine threatens the lungs with hemorrhage it would be advised to right now purchase a nebulizer so that medicines can be vaporized directly into lung tissues if necessary. One will want a method of administration of certain medicines transdermally right onto the linings of the lung tissues, which are considered to be our inner skin.
The IMVA response for the call and need for prompt medical intervention is its Natural Emergency Medicine Protocol that will strengthen the body against a viral led collapse of physiology. It is a similar protocol that the IMVA suggests for chronic life threatening diseases in their final stages when there is little time to maneuver or dillydally around.
Editors Note from the Associated Press: Ten years and $2.5 billion in research have found no cures from alternative medicine. Yet these mostly unproven treatments are now mainstream and used by more than a third of all Americans. (Allopathic medicine is not exactly famous for its cures either.)
These people do not know anything about what they are talking about and would not know when a medicinal is alternative or orthodox if their lives depended on it. For instance; is magnesium chloride, iodine and sodium bicarbonate from the alternative area or from the halls of emergency room medicine and intensive care wards around the world? The answer is that they are from both and the only difference is in the methods of administration in each area of medicine. Injectable sea water was used as a substitute for blood serum in the Second World War in the Pacific and is another solution for doctors who work with intravenous methods. Is that an alternative or something that just makes perfect sense in extreme situations?
A razor sharp protocol against an influenza or plague lead collapse of physiology entails proficient and knowledgeable use of the three basic emergency room and intensive care ward medicines – magnesium chloride, iodine and sodium bicarbonate as well as a full backup list of medicinals led by selenium, Vitamin C and D3 (if possible through sun exposure).
Dr. Gregory J. Moran, associate professor in emergency medicine informs us of more orthodox treatment saying, “Although study data are very limited regarding the success of treatment targeted against plague, Y. pestis is susceptible to a number of antibiotics. Historically, streptomycin has been the preferred treatment, although it is not commonly used now and its availability is limited. Other options include gentamicin, doxycycline, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, and chloramphenicol. The same antibiotics are administered to adults and children alike. Intravenous therapy is usually recommended for seriously ill patients. In the case of an epidemic, during which resources may be limited, oral therapy with doxycycline or a quinolone could be effective.”
As Dr. Moran noted, availability and dependability of these pharmaceuticals is limited and their costs quite high. Whether bacterial or viral is attacking with such ferocity iodine is the broad spectrum anti-pathogen the IMVA chooses to recommend in high dosages given frequently. It’s been around medical circles for over a century and a half and has been used extensively in times of war right on the battlefield. Its dependable and affordable but not always available in the best forms.
In a twenty four hour period of time, with treatments being applied every two waking hours, application of these emergency room medicines can and will make every difference to someone in agony threatened by death. And it certainly will make someone more comfortable if their influenza or other pathogen led distress is milder. These medicines offer multiple administration procedures including IVs, oral, transdermal as well as via vapor, which can be combined for maximum effect.
Magnesium is at the heart of the inflammatory process, it is the prime first cause when it is not present in sufficient quantities. Increases in extracellular magnesium concentration cause a decrease in the inflammatory response while reduction in the extracellular magnesium results in inflammation. Magnesium literally puts the chill on inflammation especially when used transdermally. “Magnesium deficiency induces a systemic stress response by activation of neuro-endocrinological pathways,” writes Dr. Mazur. “Magnesium deficiency contributes to an exaggerated response to immune stress and oxidative stress is the consequence of the inflammatory response,” he continued.
Sodium bicarbonate will buffer just about anything calming and protecting the body through balancing of pH and the raising of O2 levels. And iodine dosed properly (every two hours) will annihilate the viral hordes, which it does everyday in hospitals around the world for the last century and a half. Taken orally its broadband effect spreads throughout body tissues beating them back to their pharmaceutically created hell where they were born.
Ukrainian and foreign doctors coordinating through the WHO have had to pay special attention to oxygen therapy as an effective means of treatment of severe pneumonia so the use of sodium bicarbonate and magnesium chloride will help through increasing Oxygen carrying capacity of the blood and lungs when nebulized in, as well as when used orally and transdermally.
“Extremely high doses of iodine can have serious side effects, but only a small fraction of such extreme doses are necessary to kill influenza viruses,” writes Dr. David Derry of Canada. In 1945, a breakthrough occurred when J.D. Stone and Sir McFarland Burnet (who later went on to win a Nobel Prize for his Clonal Selection Theory) exposed mice to lethal effects of influenza viral mists. The lethal disease was prevented by putting iodine solution on mice snouts just prior to placing them in chambers containing influenza viruses. Dr. Derry reminds us that a long time ago students in classrooms were protected from influenza by iodine aerosol therapy. Aerosol iodine also is effective against freshly sprayed influenza virus.
Aspirin may also come in handy as it blocks cytokine storms by altering COX-2 to produce anti-inflammatory eicosanoids and lipoxins. Aspirin also blocks the major inflammatory transcription factor, NFkB. Of course, the administration of aspirin to children with viral diseases, is counter-indicated, because of the risk of Reye syndrome. The omega-3 fatty acid EPA is converted by COX-2 into an anti-inflammatory prostaglandin. Curcumin is one of the most potent inhibitors of NFkB. This trio of anti-inflammatory natural compounds may ultimately be major players in blocking the killing capacity of swine flu.[1]
Neuraminidase inhibitors (i.e. Tamiflu, Relenza) are not clinically proven effective for bird flu patients and cannot address the lethal cytokine storm associated with strong infections. In fact, according to a report recently released by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), Tamiflu may interact with the blood-thinning medication warfarin,[2] placing individuals at an increased risk of uncontrolled bleeding (INR rate) leading to the development of a hemorrhagic stroke (bleeding in the brain). Evidence has been found that blood clotting times can be lengthened in this drug interaction. Flu hotline workers in the UK are not trained to ask callers about medication use and callers are only referred to their own doctors if they ask. Are the risks of taking Tamiflu worth the one day reduction in flu symptoms?
Selenium is important because selenium-deficient mice developed much more severe lung pathology after infection with influenza virus than did selenium-adequate mice. In another study, when selenium-deficient mice were infected with a mild strain of influenza virus, the virus mutated to become a more virulent strain, one that caused severe lung pathology even in selenium-adequate mice.[3] Also because selenium is the antidote to mercury having the highest affinity with it than any other atom, and because mercury toxicity is known to provoke influenza.
Nutrient deficiency is the main reason for a cytokine storm in response to a virus like H1N1, that and heavy metals and other chemicals that are flooding out of the cells into the general environment. Many naturopaths have always seen the flu as a detox dump and if a person is clean and nutritionally proficient across the board it was, and clinical experience tended to bear this out. An example is if drinking water contains arsenic, cytokine storm is worse. Same is thought by Russian researchers about mercury contamination which is much more prevalent in the environment than arsenic.
“When a normal person or mouse is infected with the flu, they immediately develop an immune response,” says Hamilton, in which immune cells rush to the lungs and produce chemicals that help fight the infection. However, in mice that had ingested 100 ppb (parts per billion) arsenic in their drinking water for five weeks, the immune response to H1N1 infection was initially feeble,[4] and when a response finally did kick in days later, it was “too robust and too late,” Hamilton says. “There was a massive infiltration of immune cells to the lungs and a massive inflammatory response, which led to bleeding and damage in the lung.” Morbidity over the course of the infection was significantly higher for the arsenic-exposed animals than the normal animals.
Dr. Russell Blaylock suggests how to reduce the toxic effects of the A/H1N1 vaccine if you are forced to have one.
1. Number one on the list says Dr Blaylock, is to bring a cold pack with you and place it on the site of the injection as soon as you can, as this will block the immune reaction. Once you get home, continue using a cold pack throughout the day. If you continue to have immune reactions the following day, have cold showers and continue with the cold press.
2. Take fish oil. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), one of the omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil supplements, is a potent immune suppressant.
3. Flavonoids are third on the list, namely curcumin, quercetin, ferulic acid and ellagic acid, particularly in a mixture. The curcumin and quercetin in particular have been found to block the ability of the adjuvants to trigger a long-term immune reaction. If you take it an hour before the vaccination, it should help dampen the immune reactions says Dr Blaylock.
4. Vitamin E, C and D, magnesium, selenium and zinc
Natural cytokine mediation may be achieved with supplements of fish oils and vitamin D. Fish oils are high in Omega-3, an essential fatty acid lacking in many people’s diets. In addition to fighting infection and supporting your immune system, fish oils benefit the body in many ways. The fatty acids that fish oils contain are very important for the development of a healthy heart, brain and nervous system.
[3] Nelson HK, et al. Host nutritional selenium status as a driving force for influenza virus mutations. FASEB J 2001;15:1846-1848.