Authentic Listening Based Therapy

Published on October 23, 2020

To listen is to suffer because we do not want to listen
to anything that might require a change.
To listen is to change.
We cannot change without listening.
Listening implies a change.
We need to change just to listen.


I entitled this work as I did because it is the mind that does not listen. We experience this all the time in our personal lives and public life as well. Everyone is right, so there is no interest in listening to what is wrong, but what is wrong and what is right? In a world where people have a hard time hearing, we have eternal conflict, even in the home. Conflict is the direct result of broken communication, which starts with misunderstandings resulting from listening’s poverty. Without listening, there is no empathy.


It is the heart that can be silent, open, and receptive. Love is listening. Love comes from the heart. The mind, even the psychologically trained one, easily fools itself about almost everything, especially its ability to listen. Today we live in a world that is turning sharply back into darkness, a time when we can expect the worst, so we need to hear so we have the best information about what to do with oneself and one’s family.


The world is falling into the abyss. We are going down because we have not learned the lesson of love and have allowed the most demented among us to take power. Nothing will stave off the collapse of the social order other than a fundamental re-ordering of the way we are and how we relate to each other. Modern psychology has failed the human race, as have all of our institutions. We need a new world view; however, we will not get it. We can all see that love is not ruling the human race.


People are paying the price emotionally, mentally, and spiritually as well as physically for everything that is going on, and it is not just the masks and lockdowns that are throwing millions under the bus. Depression and anxiety are way up, as are suicides.


Where are the psychologists in the world when we need them? Why are they not speaking up for the collective? Their focus on the individual is not making sense in a world where lies are shaping lives. The collective unconscious of humanity is in trouble. We need help desperately, a new baseline for human behavior and interactions. The place to start, the only place is listening. The only way to learn and prove one’s listening is to practicing mirroring in group interaction.


If we want to help someone, we must listen, and the deeper we listen, the more help we can be. It is not easy because we must get our minds out of the way, which is not effortless. The problem with the mind—it likes to overthink—meaning it is too much in love with itself to stop thinking long enough to let something else in.


Mindless Psychology is mindful. It is not a contradiction in terms. The more we open our hearts and still our minds, the clearer the mind becomes, the better it works. The deeper we go into our beings and touch on the pureness of the heart, which represents our capacity to feel, the more able we become in helping others do the same.


It is my opinion that modern psychology has failed humanity. As madmen take over, the world’s psychologists have nothing to say even though they know that as many as five percent of us are sociopaths or psychopaths who love the power they take or are handed to them on a silver platter.


Love is what Heals the Mind


Deep within is our pure being, which 

has incarnated into this body.

This being is ultra-sensitive.

From the moment of conception, this pure being 

is picking up subtle impressions from the environment

through the heart center of pure feeling.


Anytime two beings touch closely on our planet, it is something of a miracle so hard has it become to establish and maintain real love. Our pure beings need pure love, deserve pure love, and live on pure love but somehow, our minds separate from the heart, find other things besides love to keep itself occupied. Mindless Psychology is about pure beings sharing pure love, so it is only for those who want pure love more—the pure light of pure being, utterly vulnerable, perfectly feeling, entirely real.


Emotional intelligence comes with an appreciation
of each feeling’s role and function in our awareness.
Life stripped of feelings is a life stripped of meaning.


I discovered a long time ago; the essential key to finding love is seen in our willingness and ability to be vulnerable. To treasure vulnerable love is the first law of a pure heart. The purpose of our life here on earth is to contact our being, expand, and grow our being by coming into a direct relationship with the essence of our heart’s true nature. And what is this true nature? The Heart is the Vulnerability of Being.


Mindless Psychology is a divinely beautiful pathway that leads us to an eventual return to complete Oneness with one, and then with a greater family of beings. Mindless Psychology is about a heavenly bliss shared between beings that love each other from the bottom of their hearts.


The mirror of God’s love is found in the love for many.
We learn this love when we open our hearts
and learn love in its many forms.
Each being offers us a unique opportunity to learn love.
The more beings we genuinely love, the closer
to God we become for God loves all beings.


The Consequences of Mindful Closed Hearted Therapy


Dr. George Monbiot has a lot to say about the consequence of closing the heart in his essay, Neoliberalism is creating loneliness. That’s what’s wrenching society apart.


“What greater indictment of a system could there be than an epidemic of mental illness? Yet plagues of anxiety, stress, depression, social phobia, eating disorders, self-harm, and loneliness now strike people down all over the world. The latest, catastrophic figures for children’s mental health in England reflect a global crisis. There are plenty of secondary reasons for this distress, but it seems to me that the underlying cause is everywhere the same: human beings, the ultrasocial mammals, whose brains are wired to respond to other people, are being peeled apart. Economic and technological change play a major role, but so does ideology. Though our wellbeing is inextricably linked to the lives of others, everywhere we are told that we will prosper through competitive self-interest and extreme individualism.”


A recent survey in England suggests that one in four women between 16 and 24 have harmed themselves, and one in eight now suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder. Anxiety, depression, phobias, or obsessive-compulsive disorder affect 26% of women in this age group. This was already a public health crisis before COVID-19 lockdowns, social distancing, and mask wearing that dramatically cut down on social interactions.


It’s unsurprising that social isolation is strongly associated with depression, suicide, anxiety, insomnia, fear, and the perception of threat. It’s more surprising to discover the range of physical illnesses it causes or exacerbates. Dementia, high blood pressure, heart disease, strokes, lowered resistance to viruses, even accidents are more common among chronically lonely people. Loneliness has a comparable impact on physical health to smoking 15 cigarettes a day: it appears to raise the risk of early death by 26%. This is because loneliness enhances the production of the stress hormone cortisol, which suppresses the immune system.


Spiritual Psychology


“Modern psychology has a serious God problem. America is a deeply spiritual country. More than half of Americans say religion is “very important’’ to them, and more than 90 percent profess a belief in a higher power. Yet psychology, as a scientific endeavor, has done almost nothing to understand how spiritual beliefs shape psychological problems or affect treatment,” writes Gareth Cook.


“Relations between psychology and religion have a troubled history. Putting psychology on a scientific footing meant, in part, rejecting the notion that mental illness is a spiritual phenomenon, that madness implied possession by demons or foul spirits. Freud diagnosed religion as a psychological problem. To believe, in his view, was to be neurotic. Today, there are many religious communities that regard psychology with some suspicion, as an enterprise that is not relevant — or, worse, that actively seeks to undermine the spiritual life,” Cook maintains.


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Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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