Avoiding Breast Cancer Like the Plague

Published on July 23, 2018

Honestly, there are many people who have weird thoughts and feelings about women’s breasts and that is made very evident in a crude way to breast feeding mothers. More than a quarter of new mothers surveyed in England say they’ve been made to feel uncomfortable when breastfeeding in public. Last year in 2017 their Health Minister had to go as far as promising legislation to protect mothers who breastfeed in public.

Much of the crudeness of humanity and the war against the fairer sex crashes against women’s breasts. Doctors routinely attack women’s breasts with radiation not caring in the least that mammograms do not work and that the tests increase women’s chances of getting cancer. (See far below) We do have problems with sexuality, nudity and women’s breasts and this is an unavoidable part of the story when it comes to breast cancer.

Just consider that women should not be using bras so often or not at all to ensure that their breasts remain healthy and cancer free. That does not go over well with the kinds of people who are uncomfortable with seeing women breast feed. (See below) There is a history of the medical abuse of women’s breasts.

Women, with their men’s support, should do everything they can to avoid breast cancer. Not only is it a horrible affliction but it subjects women to a male oriented form of medicine that is horrifying. Orthodox cancer treatments can kill the patient as well as cause cancer to spring up in other locations. They can also have a dramatic effect on a woman’s sexuality and relationships saying nothing about the damaging effects chemotherapy can have on a woman’s heart.

Breast cancer is one of the most common diseases worldwide. This life-threatening condition affects one in eight American women and thousands of men. In 2016, it accounted for 30 percent of newly diagnosed cancers. Most doctors won’t admit it, but standard cancer treatments do little to eradicate the condition. Chemotherapy is the most widely prescribed treatment of adult cancer in the world, but its success rate is only 2 to 3 percent. Chemotherapy fails 97 to 98 percent of the time.

Breast cancer confronts women with the most profound issues of vulnerability and womanhood. From the moment they receive their diagnosis, women are terrorized on the deepest level with the prospect of losing their breasts to the surgeon’s knife. This is just the beginning of many justified fears that arise when women surrender themselves and their precious breasts to orthodox oncologists.

Considering the horrible side effects of chemo, it pays, especially for women, to pay attention to their breasts in a new way that will help them avoid the affliction of breast cancer. We have control over many of the leading causes of cancer. In other words, we might, in many cases, prevent it. If we want to live a good life and avoid contracting cancer the time to start treatment is now before cancer is anywhere near the horizon.

Breast cancer is a highly complex tissue composed of neoplastic and stromal cells. Carcinoma-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) are commonly found in the cancer stroma, where they promote tumor growth and enhance vascularity in the microenvironment. Breast cancer progression is dependent upon oxidative stress activated stroma.[1] For this and other reasons molecular hydrogen therapy, both oral and inhalation, would be the first treatment I would recommend for both prevention and treatment of breast cancer.

Things to Do and Not Do

For example, tobacco use bears responsibility for about 22 percent of all cancer deaths globally. This numbers roughly 132,000 people in 2017 alone. So, don’t smoke!

All women and men can supplement with iodine, which can prevent breast cancer from ever forming. The breasts, like the thyroid gland, needs and concentrates much iodine than other tissues so they are more vulnerable to pathology when iodine is deficient. Selenium, bicarbonate, sulphur and magnesium would also be very protective. Exercise in general reduces the incidence of cancer and helps with treatment. So, exercise if you do not want to get breast cancer!

Sexual Concerns

Concerns about sexuality are often very worrisome to a woman with breast cancer. Several factors may place a woman at higher risk for sexual problems after breast cancer. Physical changes (such as those after surgeries) may make a woman less comfortable with her body. Surgery is the last thing young woman should consider unless there is no other way. When breast cancer is discovered there are many treatments that should be employed before resorting to surgery but the best approach to breast cancer is to avoid it all together.

Breasts are very important to your idea of yourself as a woman; a change in appearance resulting from mastectomy may lower your self-esteem. Although breast surgery will not affect physical ability to have sex, the emotions felt may reduce desire for sex. Women often need to feel relatively happy with their bodies to have a fulfilling sex life. Fear that a partner – even a long-standing one – may be put off by scars or a change in body shape, can make women very nervous about letting anyone see or touch their body

Some treatments for breast cancer, such as chemotherapy, can change a woman’s hormone levels and may negatively affect sexual interest and/or response. Sexual problems have been linked to mastectomy more often than to any other cancer treatment. Losing a breast, or both breasts, is traumatic and the stress from that can eventually lead to cancers reoccurrence.

MD Anderson Cancer Center and The Canadian Cancer Society say, “When you think of sexuality, your first thought may be the physical act of sexual intercourse. But sexuality goes beyond engaging in sexual activity. As a human being, your sexuality is a part of your physical, emotional, intellectual, and social self. It affects how you think of yourself and how you relate to others, as well as how they relate to you, and it is a part of you throughout your entire life.”

The most common cause of post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) in women is sexual trauma. Sexual stress of any kind is telling on the immune system, so it behooves us to understand the relationship between stress, sexuality and cancer when treating or avoiding breast cancer.

Whatever combats stress combats Breast Cancer

Women who suffer stress are twice as likely to develop breast cancer, a study suggests. Drs. James H. Stephenson and William J. Grace of New York Hospital compared 100 women with cancer of the cervix and 100 with cancer not involving the reproductive system. They found that sexual adjustment among the cervix cancer victims had been poor long before they developed the disease: they had had less intercourse than the others and rarely enjoyed orgasm. In many cases there was actual aversion for the sexual act.[2]

Stress feeds the fire of oxidative stress and inflammation, thus tumor growth and metastases. Bone and lung metastases are responsible for most deaths in patients with breast cancer, so it is critical to get stress under control from the moment of diagnosis.

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Breathing is one of the most important things we do if not the most important so how we breathe really matters. Just so happens that when we slow our breathing down we get more oxygen because we are retaining more CO2 in the blood. More oxygen means less cancer and slow breathing certainly means less stress.

This is the machine to use for your breathing retraining and it really is quite nice to blow bubbles while increasing the oxygenation of your cells and tissues. Originally from Russia, and created to help asthma sufferers, the Frolov breathing device is serious medicine. It increases oxygen and metabolism, helps with stress reduction and lowers blood pressure.

At the State Institute of Further Medical Education, in Kiev in 2001, researchers showed that elimination of hyperventilation and hypocapnia (low CO2 levels) in patients with breast cancer after the completion of the special treatment led to increased three-year survival rate, better quality of life, including released fear of unfavorable outcomes of the treatment, improved working ability, easier social adaptation and relief of edema of upper extremities.[3] Practicing slow breathing makes all the difference in terms of stress and how we deal with it.

Medicine recognizes that breast cancer patients with a history of traumatic or stressful life events have a two-fold increased risk of recurrence. Patients reporting one or more traumatic or stressful events had a median disease-free interval of 31 months compared with 62 months for patients with no such events, Oxana Palesh, Ph.D., of the University of Rochester, and colleagues reported in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research in 2007.[4]

“Extended periods of stress and trauma and its resulting cortisol production may interfere with the body’s ability to fight off cancer progression,” said Dr. Palesh. “When there is consistent, long-term stress in the body, the elevated cortisol level may change the body’s normal rhythms and potentially reduce resistance to tumor growth.”

In The Breast Journal, an Essay on Sexual Frustration as the Cause of Breast Cancer in Women: How Correlations and Cultural Blind Spots Conceal Causal Effects has as its main thesis that breast cancer is essentially caused by sexual frustration and dissatisfaction. We already know that depressed people suffer higher rates of cancer and die more frequently from it than their happier peers. Individuals who are more depressed are 2.3 times more likely to die of cancer during the following 17 years than their non-depressed counterparts.[5]

Transdermal Love and Treatment of the Breasts

An overall recommendation for women in avoiding breast cancer is to love their breasts and to make sure that their men love (not lust) them too. To love something is to give attention to that something and for men, when it comes to women’s breasts, that is usually not a problem unless too much lust is involved. One of the best ways to love women’s breasts is to lovingly touch them, specially massage them, apply Reiki (pure touch), and apply a broad range of topical medicines to them.

Iodine can be painted directly on the breasts for direct breast cancer treatment so then obviously iodine can be used for prevention. Applying clay to the breasts helps absorb any poisons accumulating in the breast tissues. Magnesium massage is just wonderful for the breasts or just applying magnesium oil on them 20 minutes before a shower for the ultimate in transdermal magnesium treatments. CBD or regular cannabis salves can be applied topically and the breasts certainly would enjoy bicarbonate and magnesium baths. Bicarbonate administered transdermally and orally would increase oxygen to the breast tissues and help with the elimination of toxicity.

And of course, loving the breasts enough to get them naked in the sun is more than wonderful but where nudity is not appropriate know that sun bathing, on a regular basis, is one of the greatest things one can do to avoid breast cancer.

The Breasts Love the Sun

Some people believe that breast cancer should be renamed to a vitamin D deficiency disease. "Breast cancer is a disease so directly related to vitamin D deficiency that a woman’s risk of contracting the disease can be ‘virtually eradicated’ by elevating her vitamin D status to what vitamin D scientists consider to be natural blood levels," wrote Vitamin D pioneer Doctor Cedric Garland. 

The 1000 IU of Vitamin D3 used in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2007 clinical trial that produced the 77% reduction in Breast Cancer risk is a small part of the at least 7000 IU/day most women need when they are not getting their full hour of sun/day. Can you imagine the reduction in risk this 7000 IU to 10,000 IU could produce? So, get your sun or take your Vitamin D3.

The Breasts Love to be Free


For women who wear bras all the time going without one represents a large change in consciousness. Singer and Grismaijer, a husband and wife research team, published a study of almost 5000 women in the book Dressed to Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras. They found that the more hours per day that woman wear bras, the higher their rates of breast cancer.

Their theory is that bras can bind and constrict the lymphatic circulation. This prevents the natural flushing out of accumulated cancer-causing wastes and toxins from the breast. Fluid pooling could then result in fibrocystic changes (benign lumps, cysts, and pain). This gives a breeding ground for various problems, including cancer. The authors remind us that over 85 percent of the lymph flowing from the breasts drain to the armpit, or axillary, lymph nodes.

If there is one thing that almost every woman will agree on it is this: There is nothing quite so freeing as that moment when you slip off your bra at the end of a long day. Even a good bra will pinch, tug and chafe as the day goes on, so is it really any wonder that it feels so good to cast it off and set the ladies free? Need good reasons to go braless?

1. Bras do nothing for your boobs. 

2. Going braless improves circulation. 

3. Your boobs will be "perkier." 

4. It just feels better. 

Countering everything we’ve ever been told about supporting the upper curves, a new study from France says we’ve got it all wrong. Wearing a bra does nothing to decrease back pain, and the support offered by a brassiere actually encourages the breasts to sag. As reported in The Local, a 15-year study led by Jean-Denis Rouillon, from the University of Besançon in eastern France, found that "bras are a false necessity.”

"Medically, physiologically, anatomically — breasts gain no benefit from being denied gravity. On the contrary, they get saggier with a bra," A 28-year-old woman who took part in the study hasn’t worn a bra for two years now and doesn’t expect to go back. "There are multiple benefits: I breathe more easily, I carry myself better, and I have less back pain," she told France Info.

Avoid Mammograms like the Plague

Image result for mammograms

The truth is mammograms don’t work. Mammograms are dangerous. Every mammogram a woman gets increases her risk of breast cancer by 5%[6] due to the radiation involved and mammograms frequently lead to over-diagnosis and unnecessary treatment. For some women the increase in radiation caused breast cancer is much greater.[7]

The assumption is that screening will save them from developing advanced cancer, which is less treatable and deadlier. They have been wrong, meaning a lot of women have died because oncologists really know nothing about prevention. However, society expects that we should respect them but unfortunately, in the process, we can only lose respect for ourselves and worse than that, witness the death or misery of loved ones.

The real question everyone should be asking is, “Why look for breast cancer with a test that can actually cause breast cancer?” By some estimates, up to 20% of all breast cancers diagnosed in the United States annually are actually caused by the cumulative radiation effects of mammograms.

A new study published in BMJ, researchers show that mammography does little to reduce either deaths or advanced breast cancer over a period of 23 years in a Netherlands study. Instead, they found that the X-ray based test designed to pick up tumors led to over diagnoses 60% of the time.

Medical radiation, received even at very low doses, is an important cause of death from Ischemic Heart Disease; the probable mechanism is radiation-induction of mutations in the coronary arteries, resulting in dysfunctional clones (mini-tumors) of smooth muscle cells. 

Dr. John W. Gofman

[1] Advances in Cancer Research. Volume 119, 2013, Pages 107-125 Chapter Three – Role of Oxidative Stress and the Microenvironment in Breast Cancer Development and Progression

[2] Life Stress and Cancer of the Cervix. JAMES H. STEPHENSON, M.D., and WILLIAM J. GRACE, M.D.   


[3] S. N. Paschenko, Zaporozhsky State Institute of Further Medical Education, Zaporozhie, Ukraine Oncology (Kiev, Ukraine), 2001, v. 3, No.1, p. 77-78. The PDF file of this article (in Russian) is available at http://www.oncology.kiev.ua/archiv/9/s_9_020.php.

[6] The Neoplastic Transformation Potential of Mammography X Rays and Atomic Bomb Spectrum Radiation; G. J. Heyes1 and A. J. Mill; RADIATION RESEARCH 162, 120–127 (2004) 


[7] One percent of American women carry a hard-to-detect oncogene, which is triggered by radiation; a single mammogram increases their risk of breast cancer by a factor of 4-6 times. “The usual dose of radiation during a mammographic x-ray is from 0.25 to1 rad with the very best equipment; that’s 1-4 rads per screening mammogram (two views each of two breasts). And, according to Samuel Epstein, M.D., of the University of Chicago’s School of Public Health, the dose can be ten times more than that. Sister Rosalie Bertell-one of the world’s most respected authorities on the dangers of radiation-says one rad increases breast cancer risk one percent and is the equivalent of one year’s natural aging. “If a woman has yearly mammograms from age 55 to age 75, she will receive a minimum of 20 rads of radiation. For comparison, women who survived the atomic bomb blasts in Hiroshima or Nagasaki absorbed 35 rads. Though one large dose of radiation can be more harmful than many small doses, it is important to remember that damage from radiation is cumulative.”

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