This IMVA letter is going to three audiences. It goes out to my general readership and now to a recently started and private IMVA membership group. It also is going out to a 40 member strong magnesium bicarbonate study group. Last week 100 people joined the IMVA membership group and I think it is fitting that, as I am about to open my Sanctuary here in the interior highlands of Brazil, which will serve as the center and home office of the IMVA, that now we have members.
This is only forty meters behind Sanctuary house.
Offering the next 3,500 pages of my publications as the first benefit of membership, I will also start to share what some of the other benefits will be. The first will be communications from me that will not go out to the general public. For instance I will be offering to the membership access and thirty percent off from the company that will provide the liquid form of selenium (liposome) that I talked about in my most recent book Selenium. All members will get the book that explains why this form of selenium is better and more convenient than any other.
Members will also get first shot at magnesium bicarbonate before it goes commercial and will be able to be locked in at discounted prices. Members will get free freight on my new magnesium bicarbonate water filters that will be manufactured and shipped from Brazil. Members will also have privileges in terms of access to Sanctuary.
This is the same place as above just a few meters up river.
Light and Heat Medicine is the first book going to members. It takes us into a wonderful area of medicine that can bring great comfort and healing to those in need. This book should be out early next week and right behind it, in about two weeks, Water Medicine will also become available.
Presently my heart is on the editing work I am doing for my new Love and Sex Medicine book. This is a book on love and how it can manifest in personal relationships and marriage. It is also about sex and how that needs to play out for healthy and happy existence whether one is married or not. Love and Sex Medicine is for patients, doctors and therapists who need to learn more about how important love is in healing, medicine and therapy. Love is not just for the bedroom with one’s partner it’s for everyone all the time.
My book, and the first one to be sent to members, is Light and Heat Medicine and it takes us into a new and wonderful area of medicine that can bring great comfort and healing to those in need. This book should be out this week and right behind in, in about two or three weeks, will come Water Medicine.
This book was born in the interior highlands of Brazil 20 years ago, where I have now built my Sanctuary. The Marriage of Souls and HeartHealth are the early or first pillars that Love and Sex Medicine was built on as well as my work Soft Medicine and The Heart of Sex. HeartHealth is an exploration of our own inner heart nature, The Marriage of the Souls on the other hand probes the secrets of sharing the deepest love with others. The book is for people who want to experience intense feelings of love.
HeartHealth will live on as an individual book but the others will exist only in this volume. My unpublished work on Breast Cancer and other sexual cancers will also find themselves in this work on love and sex because many cancers of sexual organs have their bearings around sexual and emotional stress and dysfunction.
For those who have just become IMVA members please expect my first group communication on Thursday the 25nd of July. My offering of a two year membership for 125 dollars is time limited lasting till the first of August. After that time new subscribers will be for one year membership.