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Digitally Assisted Natural Birth Control

Published on December 12, 2013

“Many young women use the "pull-out method" for birth control, and they tend to have more unintended pregnancies than other women,” writes Dr. Veronica Hackethal Researchers compiling surveys from more than 2,000 women ages 15 to 24 found 31 % had used the pull-out method, also known as withdrawal or coitus interruptus, over the last two years.

Of those women, 21 % reported having an unintended pregnancy. In contrast, 13 % of women who only used other forms of birth control got pregnant unintentionally. "We found that people tend to use the withdrawal method when they’re not really planning ahead," Dr. Annie Dude, a resident in obstetrics and gynecology at the Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina, and lead author of the paper, said.

When used properly, withdrawal carries about the same risk of pregnancy as condoms and diaphragms, with failure rates of 15 to 24 % per year. But because withdrawal requires good timing and communication between partners, some experts estimate that failure rates may be even higher, between 18 and 28%.

Just over ¼ of women in the study said they had become pregnant during the prior 22 months, on average, and the majority of pregnancies – 59% – were unintended, according to findings published in Obstetrics and Gynecology.[1] According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 37 % of U.S. births between 1982 and 2010 were unintended at the time of conception. Over three-quarters of births to women ages 15 to 20 were unintended and half of births to women ages 20 to 24 were unintended.

No birth control method, except abstinence, is considered to be 100% effective is what some people would have others think, but one can maintain abstinence for years and make love just once and get pregnant. This chapter and this book on love and sex medicine gives women and men the ability to enjoy sex and make love every day yielding a 99.3 % safe and effective way of avoiding unwanted children.

Birth control, also known as contraception, is designed to prevent pregnancy. The world’s religions are right to maintain the holiness of conception for when we take the act of intercourse too lightly we incur much suffering and pain through bringing unwanted life to this planet.

All methods of birth control are not based on preventing a man’s sperm from reaching and entering a woman’s egg (fertilization) or preventing the fertilized egg from implanting in the woman’s uterus (her womb) and starting to grow. This narrow conception assumes that intercourse is the only objective and pleasure of sex. This is a costly obsession! The fact is that many forms of sex are incredibly pleasurable and they come without the huge threat of an unwanted child.

Every woman with a vibrator already knows that intercourse does not have to be the sole road to sexual fulfillment. The point is that with the technology introduced in this chapter combined with the understanding, sexual awareness and sensitivity can lead to unlimited healthy pleasure without the risk and highly negative karma of unwanted babies. (This is a chapter from my book Love and Sex Medicine.)

Natural birth control without digital assistance required a continuous and conscious commitment with considerable monitoring and self-control. Otherwise it was far superior to any other form of birth control because it was totally safe.

Your health care provider though is usually the worst person you can find to help select the best form of birth control for you. Most doctors in the mainstream believe (incorrectly) that the most effective birth control methods are longer-term reversible contraceptives, such as intrauterine devices (IUDs) and implants that go under the skin. Doctors with these beliefs prey on women who do not have the strength to practice natural birth control unassisted by digital intelligence.

Less than one woman in 100 will get pregnant each year using these forms of birth control yet these forms of birth control come with special dangers.  Slightly less effective forms include the Depo-Provera hormone shot, the Pill, the ring and the patch, all with failure rates between 2% and 9% per year.

If a woman is sexually active and she is fertile — physically able to become pregnant — she needs to ask herself, "Do I want to become pregnant now?" If her answer is "No," she must use some method of birth control (contraception). Most religions would warn women off of sex if they are not interested in making a baby. They might as well warn women to stop being healthy and stop living life. But sex comes with the responsibility of protecting against unplanned life.

The Mayo Clinic staff says, “If you’re considering using birth control, you have many options — from natural family planning and over-the-counter birth control products to prescription contraceptives or sterilization.” The truth is there are not many options at all that are safe and extremely effective.

“Every time I feel a twinge in my leg, I get scared. Every time I feel a shortness of breath, my heart races. I started taking birth control pills in January 2011. By May of that year, my doctor discovered that a blood clot had developed in my right leg and spread to my lungs,” wrote Jamie Hergenrader for the Huffington Post.

The medical industrial complex and the doctors that serve and work within the established system are the worst people to trust with any part of our sexual life. The fact that they offer dangerous methods with serious side effects including death to realize what they believe is safe sex is ludicrous.

A first-of-its-kind study by researchers at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California (USC) indicates that healthy, obese, reproductive-age women who use long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) containing the hormone progestin have a slightly increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes when compared to those who use non-hormonal contraception.[2]

Parents are more accepting of their teenage daughters using birth control pills than any other form of contraception, including condoms, according to a recent study from UC San Francisco (UCSF). This is of course a tragedy showing how misinformed and manipulated parents are by the medical industrial complex.

It is estimated that there are over three million unplanned pregnancies every year in the United States. Half of these unplanned pregnancies happen because a couple does not use any birth control at all, and the other half occurs because the couple uses birth control, but not correctly. Religion has been no help. The human race has not found any discipline to live within its means and that goes for population growth and resource sustainability as it does for finance and excessive debt.

Society and the medicine that serves it do not want to come to grips with the deepest issues and problems of humanity which starts with the creation of unwanted life. The only answer is intense sexual awareness that arrives through honest, deep and true sexual education free from the distorting chains of ignorance that religion provides.

Thirty years ago I a married a woman who was fanatical about natural birth control methods. It worked but I never met another woman who had the discipline that was necessary to make these methods dependable. That has all changed now in the digital age as there is now a $485 computer made in Germany that you have to spend only a minute each day to effortlessly take basal body temperatures. If a woman does not want to get pregnant this is real birth control with no dangerous side effects.

99.3% effective hormone and latex free digital birth control that really works. Based on your morning temperature, taken orally, the fertility computer determines your fertile days and shows when you are ovulating by recording, analyzing and storing your menstrual cycle data. It monitors your daily status of fertility and will alert you on the days when intercourse may lead to pregnancy: on the day you ovulate – and the five days before ovulation.

This digital masterpiece handles all the old problems with natural birth control with ease, and though it costs $485 it pays for itself within a year considering how much women spend on monthly birth control pills. One understands that everything digital eventually gets cheaper so in 20 years we can assume that this kind of birth control will be so inexpensive as to make it universally available.

This computer is intelligent. First thing it does is wake you up in the morning. This digital beauty is an alarm clock, a basal thermometer, and a charting computer all in one handy travel-size gadget. The alarm gently wakes you (the beeps start softly then grow louder if you don’t wake up) and all you have to do is reach over, hit a button and put a thermometer in your mouth until it beeps at you once more to remove it. That’s it!

As the Lady Comp gets to know you, it will give you an increasing number of “green light” days– meaning you will not risk pregnancy on these particular days. It gives you a “yellow light” on days when your ovulation window is approaching, and “red light” days when you are primed for conceiving. Even better, when used consistently, the Baby Comp will give you a “boy” light or a “girl” light during your ovulation period, letting you know which days you are more likely to conceive one gender over the other. (Keeping in mind that gender swaying is not always 100% accurate.)

In the stone age of pre-digital times for natural birth control to be effective a woman`s menstrual cycle must follow the same pattern month after month so that she can rely on the regularity of her fertile period. A woman with a regular menstrual cycle will ovulate approximately fourteen days before her following period. An egg has 24 hours to be fertilized before dying but sperm can live for up to seven days after ejaculation. Therefore, a woman with an irregular cycle may have difficulty in identifying the phases when she should avoid unprotected sex.

This Lady Comp is smart. Being able to pinpoint the period of ovulation is the most important part of natural family planning methods. In the old days there were two methods for calculating ovulation, the Basal Body Temperature Method and the Calendar Method. For these methods to work, data must be recorded every month, without fail. The calendar method required couples to abstain from sex for one to two weeks per month unless they use other forms of contraception during the fertile period. The LADY Comp digital anti-conception system combines both of these ancient methods easily.

On the other side of the equation this amazing computer will tell a couple when they are fertile so if they do want a baby they can time their lovemaking to such a fine point that they can choose the best days for conceiving a girl or a boy.

Within every menstrual cycle, there is only a small window of opportunity of approximately six days for conception. That’s because ovulation (the release of the egg from the ovary) happens on just one day in each cycle. The ovum (egg) lives for 12 – 24 hours. Fertile mucus is produced by the cervix (neck of the womb) in the days leading up to ovulation. Sperm need this fertile mucus to survive. When it is present, sperm lives longer increasing the chances of conception. There is a third natural birth control called the Billings method which teaches the woman to identify ovulation through monitoring the changes in mucus.

It is time for humans to get smart about sex and about birth control. So important are these subjects it is amazing how ignorant we remain and how much suffering is incurred every generation by young and old alike.

There is a less expensive (when measured in the short run) natural conception method called the Persona. It is a small battery-operated machine that also identifies fertile periods during a woman’s menstrual cycle. It is easy to use and understand. It requires a urine test every morning until it has enough information on a woman’s cycle and then asks for a test only every few days.

Urine strips are bought separately. Every morning, a urine strip must be inserted into the machine which will then flash a green light for go or a red light for no. It also has a handy little ovulation sign which flashes a day before ovulation is likely to occur, during ovulation and a day after ovulation has occurred. The Persona basically identifies luteinizing hormones which are secreted by the body before ovulation and warns that a woman’s fertile phase is beginning.

It works by monitoring the changes in hormones (luteinising hormone and estrogen) which control your cycle and identifies the days when you are at a significant risk of becoming pregnant. The Persona is only 94 % effective when compared to Lady Comp, which is 99.3 % effective.

[2] Nicole M. Bender, Penina Segall-Gutierrez, Sandy Oliver Lopez Najera, Frank Z. Stanczyk, Martin Montoro, Daniel R. Mishell. Effects of progestin-only long-acting contraception on metabolic markers in obese women.Contraception, 2013; DOI:10.1016/j.contraception.2012.12.007

Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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