Along with inflammation, stress, heavy metals, low oxygen conditions and acidity, dehydration is another primary cause of disease that eventually leads to cancer. Cancer and inflammation are bedfellows and we can easily understand the connection between inflammation and chronic dehydration. Nothing kills a person faster than dehydration and we see this in full evidence with Ebola victims. Fatality rates range between 50 – 100%, with most dying of dehydration caused by gastric problems.[1]
The medical doctors and nurses who are treating Ebola lose up to five liters in sweat during an hour-long shift in the protective suits and have to spend two hours rehydrating after. To minimize the risk of infection they have to wear thick rubber boots that come up to their knees, an impermeable body suit, gloves, a face mask, a hood and goggles to ensure no air at all can touch their skin. Imagine their torture and their will in trying to save lives and going beyond an hour to two hours of working inside a Hazmat suit. No wonder they are dropping like flies. See this video from Time Magazine on how these suits are used.
Dehydration is not just about low water intake, but also insufficient electrolytes. Without a good balance of water and electrolytes in our system it is difficult for blood, and thus oxygen to reach all parts of the body. Because water and electrolytes are so crucial to the functioning of every cell their lack creates all kinds of problems. Magnesium deficiencies go hand in hand with dehydration. One of the prime reasons I recommend magnesium bicarbonate water is to address the dehydration and the electrolyte deficiency together.
When dehydrated the body will attempt to conserve water by preventing unnecessary water loss. A large amount of water is normally lost from the lungs as water vapor through expired air. Histamine, which also controls bronchial muscle contractions, restricts water loss through expiration by constricting the bronchial muscles. Signs of dehydration include headache, dark urine and constipation.
Dehydration has been shown to increase production of histamine leading to a general, widespread inflammatory response.[2] This complicates the Cytokine Storms that come for Ebola patients and that is why rehydration is one of the principle treatments for Ebola.
Dehydration, which can lead to cancer formation through chronic inflammation, includes the below long-term consequences to our physiology. When virulent viruses strike in the case of Ebola the damage can be swift as cells lose voltage and oxygen and simply start shutting down killing the patient.
- DNA damage, which can lead to mutant (cancerous) cells.
- Acid-alkaline balance. When dehydrated and urine output is diminished, acid waste accumulates in weak or vulnerable areas of the body. It is well known that a cancerous body is acidic.
- Cell receptor damage. Chronic dehydration causes enzymatic changes that lead to numerous problems with cellular communication and hormonal balance.
- Immune system suppression. Dehydration suppresses the immune system because histamine production in the body is increased, which also increases the production of a chemical called vasopressin, a strong suppressor of the immune system.
Oxygen and Dehydration
Water is the primary transport of oxygen to the cells. Water is also the primary transport for the removal of toxins out of the cells and out of the body so we can readily understand that dehydration quickly leads to pathology and eventually to cancer as cells switch from normal oxygen respiration to fermentation.
With Ebola, lack of oxygenation and toxin accumulation make the body more vulnerable to the virus. However, most doctors will say that under no circumstances can dehydration cause cancer nor is it said that dehydration, lack of magnesium and out of control inflammation is causing death in influenza patients. However, with Ebola dehydration is clearly seen to bring patients quickly to deaths door.
World health officials are not doctors who know much except to create fear and sell the pharmaceutical paradigm and we see this in clear evidence in their lack of administration of magnesium and bicarbonates in the water that Ebola or cancer patients drink. When I do not have magnesium bicarbonate concentrate to put in my water I simply put sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and magnesium chloride together in water. Both of these minerals are available in large quantities and should be augmented with potassium bicarbonate in the attempt to save as many lives as possible.
Water shortages create oxygen shortages as well as acid pH so water is a serious medicine—it cures dehydration and makes the difference between life and death for Ebola and influenza patients. Inflammation is cytotoxic and can kill cells prematurely.
Jon Rappoport suggests that we imagine what would happen if the World Health Organization released a statement, in which it substituted “Ebola” for “regular seasonal flu”: “There are 3 to five million cases of Ebola worldwide. Between 250,000 and 500,000 people are dead.” The world would go crazy. However, there are 3 to 5 million cases, every year, of regular seasonal flu, and according to WHO, between 250,000 and 500,000 people die from it.
Do not trust doctors, the media or the World Health Organization but you can bet your bottom dollar that the right type of water loaded with emergency room medicines (magnesium, potassium and bicarbonate) will save the day when nothing else can. Officially, 203,000 Americans died of the influenza virus in 2009. Did they die of the virus or from medical treatments that did not properly support the patient?
[1] Casillas, A. M., Nyamathi, A. M., Sosa, A., Wilder, C. L., & Sands, H. (2003). A current review of Ebola virus: pathogenesis, clinical presentation, and diagnostic assessment. Biological Research for Nursing, 4(4), 268-275.
[2] Kjaer A, Knigge U, Jørgensen H, Warberg J., “Dehydration-induced vasopressin secretion in humans: involvement of the histaminergic system.” Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab., 279.6 (2000):E1305-10.