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Fight the Devils

Published on January 17, 2011

Vaccine Wars Heat Up


There is an international war going on, a vaccine war that is going into its next phase—going into high gear and it’s a take-no-prisoners type of war. It’s a war where they crucify certain players and continue to inject poison directly into babies’ bloodstreams and so what if some of them die and others get hurt for life?

Some people and organizations just sell their souls to the devil and could not give a crap about humanity and reason.

We still have cruel religions that have people throwing babies into the garbage [1] when they are born and even crueler pediatricians with their monstrous organizations that attack babies in the first few hours after their birth with the hepatitis B vaccine that in many places around the world is still loaded with mercury-containing thimerosal, which is a extremely potent neurological and enzyme poison.

Any competent biochemist would look at the structure of thimerosal and identify it as a potent enzyme inhibitor. What is surprising is that the appropriate animal and laboratory testing was not done on the vaccines containing thimerosal (and aluminum) before the government embarked on a mandated vaccine program that exposed infants to the levels of thimerosal that occurred. – Dr. Boyd E. Haley

There are extremely stupid people who walk around and even have control over many people’s lives. They get away with thinking that deadly poisons that have the skull and bones label right on the box are safe enough to give to children. Pediatricians believe this and so do dentists who implant mercury fillings right into children’s mouths. The FDA huffs and puffs and is proud to back such unimaginable terror but the government is thinking lately that we should not have bad thoughts about anyone in government.

Yesterday Salon online magazine printed the following words and an announced retraction of a stunning essay by Robert Kennedy from a few years ago on the dangers of vaccines containing thimerosal and the link between them and autism, which of course the government, pediatricians and their parent medical organizations will deny until all hell freezes over on earth.

In The Panic Virus, journalist Seth Mnookin gives a gripping, authoritative account of how the anti-vaccine crusades caught on, shining a bright light on Andrew Wakefield, the now disgraced British researcher whose early work claiming a link between vaccines and autism created a global stir, and authors like David Kirby (Evidence of Harm) and celebrities like Jenny McCarthy, who hyped the shocking connection long after it had been debunked and Wakefield denounced. (The denouncements continue; this month, the British Medical Journal accused Wakefield of an elaborate fraud.).

We’ve come to believe that keeping even the corrected story up on our site is a disservice to the public, and have removed the story from our archives (you can read more about that decision here).

It’s so easy to accuse people of fraud these days and get away with it. And people swallow whatever the press says—hook, line and sinker like gullible goldfish swimming around in a bowl. Well we know that the government will not sponsor removing Salon from the web for this public disservice and cruelty toward all children and their parents, so perhaps a nice-sized asteroid will have to be hurled from above directly into their offices. Detect a bit of anger here?

I am very sorry to have to say this but pediatricians are one of the worst things that ever happened to the human race, worse than the infectious diseases they love to scare parents with. Worse than the oncologist whose passion is to poison and profit from their patients, pediatricians prey on the newborn and young children and attack anyone who even suggests that they might be doing something wrong. Pediatricians make the most terrible mistake a doctor can make when they wrongly assume that everything they do is right.

Whenever you read or go searching for information about vaccinations you will find many pediatricians saying that vaccination is absolutely a great thing. Doctor after doctor will tell you that vaccinations have reduced the incidence of many infectious diseases but they have no real proof. Just a lot of cackling but no substantiated evidence except them saying it’s so. Should we trust them just on their word? Absolutely not, so parents have the added burden of studying the subject in a more serious way then their baby doctors do. They also have the burden of learning how to treat their own children in a safer and more effective way and that is what Humane Pediatrics is all about.

Researchers like Dr. Boyd Haley, a mercury toxicity expert at the University of Kentucky, and Dr. Richard Deth, a pharmaceutical science researcher at Northeastern University, say government officials dismiss the dangers of vaccines (and the mercury they contain) because they don’t want to take responsibility. They say the government also doesn’t want to undermine an immunization policy that, according to them, has saved many lives even though we know for a fact from the federal vaccine court that they are also seriously hurting lots of children.

The Height of Pediatric Madness

My daughter Lyla Rose Belkin died on September 16, 1998 at the age of five weeks, about 15 hours after receiving her second hepatitis B vaccine booster shot. Lyla was a lively, alert five-week-old baby when I last held her in my arms. Little did I imagine as she gazed intently into my eyes with all the innocence and wonder of a newborn child that she would die that night. [2]

The height of pediatric madness is seen in the hepatitis B vaccine, which is universally given at birth and then at three months and six months. In many parts of the world these vaccines still contain mercury and the vaccine is given to newborn babies even though they are not at risk of contracting the hepatitis B disease.

Hepatitis B is not an infectious childhood disease, yet in 1991 the Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommended vaccinating all newborns before discharge from the hospital nursery. Hepatitis B vaccination is recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the CDC for all infants, regardless of the HBsAg status of the mother.

Almost every newborn in the U.S. is now greeted on its entry into the world by a vaccine injection for a sexually transmitted disease for which the baby is not at risk. Michael Belkin Congressional Testimony – 1999

This vaccine has been known to severely hurt adults who weigh 20 to 30 times more than a newborn. Because the vaccine is not adjusted to bodyweight, a newborn child is poisoned with the blessings of the majority of pediatricians who just cannot see that there is anything wrong with this. These thousands of trillions of atoms of mercury are concentrated in a small body, which is most vulnerable at birth. It is not difficult to see this as a form of rape, a chemical rape of the most vulnerable and beautiful beings that God sends to earth. And the problem with this vaccine does not begin and end with the mercury and aluminum in it. The hepatitis B vaccine is significantly different from other vaccines with its modified genetic materials that seem to trigger autoimmune reactions in a way not seen in other vaccines.

In the United States they have taken out all but traces of mercury from the hepatitis B vaccine but they have introduced full strength mercury shots starting at six months of age in the yearly flu vaccine and this is what these idiots are defending. It comes down to utter madness leaving us little choice—since we will not go out and picket the FDA and CDC buildings and personnel—but to pray for the utter destruction of our inhumane civilization, for that is the only way the madness and terrorism against children and their parents can be stopped. Certainly we, the public, the masses have been totally impotent having had our consciousness turned to mush from television and wealthy lifestyles built on top of oceans of debt. We are letting the banks and banker-backed governments steal oceans of money, making Jessie James and his brothers look like punks in comparison.

So it’s a small step between letting our financial lives be destroyed by the elite and leaving our children in the hands of medical terrorists that hang signs on the street announcing who they are—Pediatricians.

I am not talking about the courageous pediatricians who know how to think for themselves and have learned how to practice without hurting children. I am talking about the card-carrying orthodox pediatricians (the great majority) who have sold their souls to their pediatric medical organizations.

God will not have mercy on their souls.

[1] The lifeless bodies of two tiny babies are being given their final bath before burial in Karachi, after they were left to die in the southern Pakistani city’s garbage dumps. In the conservative Muslim nation, where the birth of children outside of marriage is condemned and adultery is a crime punishable by death under strict interpretations of Islamic law, infanticide is a crime on the rise. Kazmi recounts the discovery of the burnt body of a six-day-old infant who had been strangled. Another child was found on the steps of a mosque having been stoned to death on the orders of an extremist imam who has since disappeared, he says.

[2] Michael Belkin Testimony to Congress. Tuesday, May 18,1999
Lyla Rose Belkin died on September 16, 1998

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Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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