For Safer Diagnostics Trust Not the FDA

Published on August 9, 2019

It is hard to trust the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for that could end with you or a loved one’s death. The FDA seems to have everything backwards. They endorse what is dangerous and send SWATT teams out to organizations that sell or practice safer medicine. The FDA, and the people who willingly work for it, are responsible for the deaths of countless men, women and children for the medical system it promotes and protects kills hundreds of thousands of Americans each year.

It is bad enough that they endorse pharmaceutical drugs that all have side effects because they are, in reality, chemical poisons given at low dosages. But to use death rays, nuclear radiation at almost lethal dose to treat cancer and intense x-rays in CT and PET scans that cause cancer to diagnose disease, instead of using safer forms of radiation, is really too much.

A recent study at one New York hospital found that nearly a third of its patients undergoing multiple cardiac imaging tests were getting a cumulative effective dose of more than 100 millisieverts of radiation — equivalent to 5,000 chest X-rays, with FDA approval. The radiation doses of CT scans (a series of X-ray images from multiple angles) are 100 to 1,000 times higher than conventional X-rays. Again, with FDA approval. Scientific American confirms these high readings, “A single CT scan subjects the human body to between 150 and 1,100 times the radiation of a conventional x-ray.

Researchers at the National Cancer Institute estimate that 29,000 future cancer cases could be attributed to the 72 million CT scans performed in the country in 2007. FDA approved tests are killing 15 to 20 thousand people a year from cancer.”  In 1980, there were 3 million CT scans done. By the year 2007, the number increased to about 70 million.

Currently it is estimated that at least 80 million CT scans are done each year. In ten years that adds up to 800 million scans enough to irradiate the entire American population almost three times. In twenty years it would be six times. Anyone saying this is safe or the benefits outweigh the harm should see a psychiatrist. Sometimes the equipment, like all machines malfunctions, and emits much higher doses of radiation.

“I’m a 28yo male and I had a head CT scan on the 20th Feb. A couple of days after the scan I had hair loss within my eyebrows, really bad toilets, waking up in pain with the abdomen. My forehead felt as though it had been sunburned and had earache and some tinnitus. I then began to feel really dizzy and have been since. As if something is pulling me to the right. My eyes had a flare up, really badly bloodshot and the feeling they were going cross eyed. I’ve been having flashes of blue and white and having a really hard time focusing and concentrating.”

“I’ve been to my GP and Hospital, and they both say that this isn’t possible and that I must have anxiety. I know what anxiety is, and yes, I’m anxious right now, but my anxiety is based on physical things happening to my body and not just the idea of it. They’ve not ran any tests, and simply said it’s not possible, as though a machine can never malfunction!”

The Food and Drug Administration reports that an estimated 30 to 50 percent of imaging tests are believed to be medically unnecessary. Radiation exposure is cumulative, and children, who undergo between 5 million and 9 million CT scans annually, are much more vulnerable to its effects.

Studies performed in the United Kingdom in 2012 and in Australia in 2013 found an increase in cases of leukemia and malignant brain tumors among children and young adults who had undergone CT scans. One concern, said Hernanz-Schulman, a past president of the Society for Pediatric Radiology, is that many children undergo CT scans in adult facilities and may receive excessive doses because scanners are not adjusted between patients.


Meanwhile, to demonstrate that the FDA cannot stand safe medicine, in February of 2019 it issued a warning letter to Total Thermal Imaging Inc., of La Mesa, Calif., and its president and co-owner, Linda Hayes, for illegally marketing and distributing an unapproved thermography device as a sole screening device for breast cancer and other diseases. The FDA would prefer woman use cancer causing tests like mammograms.  

The FDA also issued a safety communication to warn patients that thermography is not cleared by the FDA as an alternative to mammography and should not replace mammography for breast cancer screening or diagnosis.

Thermography is a noninvasive tool that uses an infrared camera to produce images that show the patterns of heat and blood flow on or near the surface of the body. Thermography devices, also known as digital infrared imaging devices, have been cleared by the FDA only as an adjunct tool, meaning it should only be use alongside a primary diagnostic test like mammography, not as a standalone screening or diagnostic tool.

The use of infrared digital imaging is based on the principle that metabolic activity and vascular circulation in precancerous tissues and areas surrounding developing cancer are almost always higher than in normal tissues. The results of the thermography can be correct 8–10 years before a mammogram can detect a mass in the body of the patient.[1]

The FDA is afraid proponents of digital imaging will mislead patients into believing that thermography is an alternative or better option than mammography. It is a better option than mammography, which use cancer provoking radiation that with each exposure increases the chances a woman will get breast cancer.

They of course have their rationalizations. Their dangerous tests are worth the trouble in their eyes. The benefits out-way the risks they say. But with the American public’s health down the toilet what are the benefits of the FDA led medical system?

The most important indicator of a potential health problem is Inflammation. Thermography can detect inflammation, often long before you feel any symptoms. Digital thermography provides patients with an opportunity for early intervention for many illnesses. Since cancer is an inflammation, and since inflammation is the backbone or common denominator of most diseases, thermal imaging can be used to great effect in the avoidance of and early treatment of disease.

“Inflammatory responses play decisive roles at different stages of tumor development, including initiation, promotion, malignant conversion, invasion, and metastasis. Inflammation also affects immune surveillance and responses to therapy. Immune cells that infiltrate tumors engage in an extensive and dynamic crosstalk with cancer cells,” say researchers from Departments of Pharmacology and Pathology, School of Medicine, University of California in San Diego.

People are famous for waiting until symptoms get so bad they finally act on them. At that point, there is probably little room for prevention leaving them with little choice if they are working with doctors but have to endure invasive testing, drugs with side effects, plus treatments and surgeries that may greatly reduce quality of life.

Natural Allopathic Medicine however offers a different set of options that support your body’s ability to heal itself through various modalities like diet changes, concentrated natural medicines used in ICU departments, and many other medical processes like acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, exercise all of which are designed to aid our bodies in returning to a healthy state of well being.

There are many safe natural ways of testing our selves and our loved ones to detect problems early on when they are easy to treat. Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is one diagnostic method that looks at changes in our heart beats, which is the best measurement of stress. Being aware of ones hydration through awareness of our urine and its color is another. Using pH paper to measure acidity and staying aware of our rate of breathing can all tune us into health dynamics. 

If one likes part of the mainstream medical model, but would prefer it be practiced in a safer way, than perhaps every family member should have a full body thermal scan once a year in order to discover and prevent disease and illness. Certainly a breast scan once a year would be much safer than a yearly mammogram.

It is the unaware person that is caught flatfooted by cancer. Though it can be treated in its late stages it is far easier when caught early or in its precancerous stages.  

Prostate Cancer

It would be a good idea to encourage men to include thermal imaging in tests for prostate cancer. Thermal imaging uses infrared technologies to detect prostate, and other, cancers by looking for the unique heat patterns they cause.

Unlike PSA and the palpation test, thermal imaging examines the physiological environment affecting the prostate that may lead to or indicate cancer, including intestinal, kidney, and lymph conditions. Understanding the physiological environment may lead to treatments or behavioral changes that deter the cancer from forming.

[1] Sensors (Basel). 2018 Sep; 18(9): 2799. Breast Cancer Detection Using Infrared Thermal Imaging and a Deep Learning Model

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Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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