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Fukushima World’s Radiation Nightmare

Published on March 5, 2015

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Fukushima is Japan’s and the world’s radiation nightmare that will not go away in our lifetimes nor our children’s or grandchildren’s. The Fukushima nuclear power plant is hemorrhaging radioactive toxic waste into the ocean and though we are told not to panic, nor even to be casually concerned, the situation is dangerous and critical to future life on earth.

Ever since March 11, 2011, the damaged plant has been leaking tremendous amounts of radiation. Now Tepco, the operator of the damaged facility, says they have recorded spikes between 50-70 times above average readings in the gutters that pour water into a nearby bay.

The Nuclear Regulation Authority said February 22, 2015, that an alarm went off at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant signaling high radioactivity levels in drainage ditches. According to the NRA and plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co., the first alarm sounded at around 10 a.m., and another alarm 10 minutes later indicated much higher levels.

The levels of beta ray-emitting substances, such as strontium-90, measured 5,050 to 7,230 becquerels per liter of water between 10:20 a.m. and 10:50 a.m. Tepco requires radioactivity levels of groundwater at the plant discharged into the sea to remain below 5 becquerels. However, it was revealed that Tepco knew about the problem all the way back in May of last year and did not report it.

An official at the plant apologized, saying that, “the trust of the people in Fukushima is the most important thing,” and that “we’ve been working with that in mind, but unfortunately, we have damaged that trust this time,” according to Digital Journal. The situation at Fukushima is obviously much worse than authorities are leading us to believe. Newsweek reported on the continuing disaster saying, “The fallout from the Fukushima disaster is far from over. A staggering number of accidents has plagued the plant.”

Strontium mimics calcium making it extremely dangerous to all life forms once it is absorbed. Local, national and international fury once again rises against TEPCO as this latest indication that the crisis at the plant is far from under control. Japan’s top government spokesperson reiterated the government’s long-standing mantra, “The situation is completely under control. Any negative impact of radioactive water on the environment is completely blocked.” TEPCO was aware since April of last year and did nothing to prevent contaminated water from leaking directly out to sea.

A worker walks past storage tanks of radioactive contaminated water at Fukushima (EPA/Kimimasa Mayama)

Scientists are able to actually measure what they say are very low levels of radiation in the ocean that are now reaching the west coast of North America. Their instruments read the radiation and so can the cells in a person’s body. We are told not to worry and certainly not to panic. In fact, nuclear power plants are still promoted as safe even though they offer potential hell to life. Prince William was recently near Fukushima juggling balls for the children, eating locally produced foods and planting trees, promoting the safety of the area and that is understandable considering how deeply the royal family is into the nuclear industry.

Ken Buesseler, a senior scientist at The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution said, "I certainly wouldn’t discourage people from swimming or eating fish from the Pacific because of levels that low. It sounds scary because it’s radioactivity, it’s Fukushima and it’s detectable.” Only problem is if there is any strontium in the fish one could get leukemia!

Low Levels of Radiation are Extremely Dangerous

There has long been public concern about risks from low-level radiation, which is understandable in light of the fact that you may be exposed and yet never know it. Dr. Boyd Haley, the ex-chairman of the chemistry department from Kentucky University warns us that even low levels are dangerous and should be everyone’s concern. It is widely understood that there is no ‘safe’ level of radioactivity. Any amount can kill. The more radioactivity, the greater the impacts. As the National Council on Radiation Protection has declared: "Every increment of radiation exposure produces an incremental increase in the risk of cancer."

On February 18, 2014, the Aichi Prefectural Police arrested a construction firm executive for sending a 15-year-old boy to help clean up radioactive waste outside the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant. That executive, the press and governmental agencies around the world all agree that the situation should not be of concern. So do not bother with iodine or anything else like sodium bicarbonate, which both are inexpensive ways to protect oneself and one’s children from radioactive contamination.

Image credit: Bedford Institute of Oceanography

Image credit: Bedford Institute of Oceanography

A radiation plume from the March, 2011 nuclear accident in Fukushima, Japan took about 2.1 years to travel via ocean currents and ultimately cross the waters of the Pacific Ocean to reach the shores of North America. That is according to to a study  at the end of 2014 (December 29) by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

For the first time since the catastrophic 2011 earthquake, Japan has been rocked with a series of stronger tremors, with two 6.0+ stronger quakes recorded in February 2015. It is unclear if the new leaks are directly related to the recent surge in tectonic activity. RT News said that contamination levels fell quickly, but still measured 10 to 20 times more than prior to the leak.

Death is Coming

The year is 2015 and already “It’s like a scene from a horror movie along the West Coast. “We’re seeing all sorts of mysterious goings-on.” “There is no food out there.” Scientists cannot figure out why there is mass starvation of seabirds. Sardines and crayfish have disappeared from the Pacific Ocean; they have just vanished. Marine mammals are starving, struggling to survive on the West Coast. Reports are coming in up and down the coast of a mysterious surge in sick marine mammals infested with parasites, and being extremely emaciated.

At Fukushima where 4 reactors are still out of control and spewing radiation many think this has caused the death in the Pacific of thousands of baby sea lions on the California coast, and 500 navy soldiers are still suffering from radiation poisoning after responding to the earlier Fukushima disaster. We also have reports that West Coast orca whales are experiencing extremely high infant mortality rates as radiation from Fukushima drifts across the ocean. An adult killer whale weighing up to 5,000 kilograms can eat 5% of its body weight, or 250 kilograms of fish, per day. Researchers are also alarmed by ‘puzzling’ changes in orca’s behavior.

As far south as Peru dolphins and sea lions were found dead but no reliable explanations are given. Governments everywhere refuse to make any connection between the deaths and Fukushima. In fact, officially no one has died from radiation from Fukushima. Yet we find scientists saying that right after the accident death rates of infants increased in North America. This is of course adamantly denied by all devotees of nuclear energy.

Jiřina Vitázková and Errico Cazzoli wrote, “The results with respect to health effects show that within 80 years the number of victims of the Fukushima disaster can be expected to be at least in the range of 10,000 to 300,000 people in terms of deaths due to infectious diseases, cardiovascular diseases, genetic diseases and cancers; and about the same number of sicknesses/syndromes needing prolonged hospitalization and health care are expected to occur. This estimate accounts only for the population already living at the time of the accident. A comparable number of excess deaths and sicknesses may be expected in the population that will be born in the period. In addition to these, more than 100,000 excess still-births and a comparable or larger number of excess children born with genetic deformations (e.g. Down syndrome) are expected.”

The toxic substances such as Tritium, Cesium, Plutonium and Strontium are being carried everywhere by winds, rain and ocean currents, entering the food chain through seaweed and seafood, building up high levels of toxicity in the fish – and humans – at the top end of the consumption chain.

It is the contention of this book that all levels of radiation are threatening. When levels increase, even by small amounts, we humans, and all the life around us will suffer from increasing cancer rates thus demanding that doctors learn and teach their patients to take defensive measures. We live in a contaminated world (chemical, heavy metal and radiation) that is getting more toxic day by day. I calculate that 20 tons of mercury are put into the air by all the coal fire plants in the world but government officials obsess only with carbon dioxide, a safe necessary gas that is not bringing warming to our world.

Doctors, who themselves expose their patients to radiation tests and treatments have to calculate the rising risks of combined radiation exposure. Eco Watch lists fifty reasons that we should not trust our governments nor the press, and why we should fear the worst from Fukushima.

Projecting a death toll of more than a million from the radioactivity released from Fukushima is Dr. Chris Busby, scientific secretary of the European Committee on Radiation Risk who has been a professor at a number of universities. "Fukushima is still boiling radionuclides all over Japan", he said. "Chernobyl went up in one go. So Fukushima is worse."

Dr. Helen Caldicott, a founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility, told a symposium on ‘The Medical Implications of Fukushima’ said, "The accident is enormous in its medical implications. It will induce an epidemic of cancer as people inhale the radioactive elements, eat radioactive vegetables, rice and meat, and drink radioactive milk and teas. As radiation from ocean contamination bio-accumulates up the food chain … radioactive fish will be caught thousands of miles from Japanese shores. As they are consumed, they will continue the cycle of contamination, proving that no matter where you are, all major nuclear accidents become local. The Fukushima disaster is not over and will never end. The radioactive fallout which remains toxic for hundreds to thousands of years covers large swaths of Japan will never be ‘cleaned up’ and will contaminate food, humans and animals virtually forever."

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Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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