What’s wrong with the picture above? What are these doctors doing wrong? They are giving oxygen without hydrogen’s healing power in the gas mixture. Maybe by the end of the century, they will read the research and get that oxygen should never be given without hydrogen.
Critical care is usually provided in ambulances, emergency departments, and ICUs; if natural medicines were used more extensively, all of these services would be much more helpful and safer. But that will never happen until the modern medical and pharmaceutical paradigm collapses. Unless you are hit by a truck, safe, effective, and inexpensive intensive care needs to be delivered safely and inexpensively in the home.
Severely dyspnoeic patients responded better to the inhalation of hydroxy gas (a hydrogen/oxygen mixture), which reduces respiratory exertion like old-fashioned helium inhalation. Hydrogen also acts as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-apoptotic agent, which appears to help protect the respiratory cells under attack. In addition, hydrogen is known to downregulate the inflammatory cytokines (including the interleukins and tumor necrosis factor-alpha) that are said to play a pivotal role in the so-called ‘cytokine storm’ of coronavirus pneumonia.
Incredible information is coming out for brain cancer patients and other late-stage metastatic cancers, indicating that hydrogen inhalation will resolve cancer where chemo and radiation therapy will not.
In 2010 I wrote that “deep within the heart of western medicine is a wisdom and power that is deliberately stymied by medical authorities and the pharmaceutical companies behind them. Inside the emergency room and intensive care wards, where many believe some of the most accurate medicine is practiced, are common but extraordinarily safe and effective substances that save lives every day. Yet, interestingly no one has thought to harness these super medical weapons against chronic disease or cancer.”
Many new and exciting therapies yield better results than today’s toxic pharmaceutical medicines because natural medicines (many of which are quietly in use) address the real needs of the body, whereas pharmaceuticals do not.
I have had a change of heart about critical care medicine. Though for years I thought the best therapy was practiced in ICU because of the natural medicines they use in a pinch, it is now too easy to say that some of the worst treatments are practiced in ICU, which is why so many die there. And even when one of the best ICU doctors came up with a better treatment plan for sepsis, hospital administrators and medical officials turned again him like the sick dogs they are.
Dr. Paul Marik, one of the finest ICU doctors in the world, made headlines with a sepsis treatment he believes is saving lives. However, he says he must “lie low” about the controversial treatment. Dr. Marik said the response by patients’ physicians has been about half and half, with some willing to try and “the other half saying it’s complete and utter nonsense.” He is administering a common sense basic medicine approach that puts out cysteine storms with IV infusions of vitamin C, hydrocortisone, and thiamine.
Science Daily reports, “With infectious diseases, it is often not the pathogen itself, but rather an excessive inflammatory immune response (sepsis) that contributes to the patient’s death, for instance, as a result of organ damage. In intensive care units, sepsis is the second-most common cause of death worldwide. In patients with a severely compromised immune system, life-threatening candida fungal infections represent a high risk of sepsis.”
You have to put a gun to the head of an ICU doctor to get them to do high-dose vitamin C therapy. And even though magnesium injections or IVs could have helped Covid patients, these doctors would have none of that. On the other hand, an injection of 500,000 units of vitamin D would undoubtedly help the tidal wave of adults and children flooding hospitals this winter. Yet, do we hear from any ICU heroes besides Dr. Marik?
Vitamin D supplementation has shown promise for reducing mortality in the intensive care setting. Improved vitamin D status decreases the odds of all cause-mortality. Unfortunately, there is a high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in critically ill patients. We have several intensive care unit studies which have demonstrated an association between vitamin D deficiency [25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) < 20 ng/mL] and increased hospital length of stay (LOS), readmission rate, sepsis, and mortality.
The concept of home intensive care and freedom to pursue safe and effective alternative treatments is gaining traction because of unaffordable hospital costs and because hospitals are dangerous and terrible places to be. In addition, the medical system based around hospital care is imploding, so home care is becoming a vital option for millions who cannot afford treatments but still need critical care.
Hospitals have served as the cornerstone of modern healthcare systems around the world. Most people today are born in hospitals and die in hospitals. However, the hospital situation is deteriorating very quickly as drug-resistant germs leave doctors helpless.
At-home intensive care treatments focus on the essentials of life. For example, on pH management, cell voltage, magnesium and iodine medicine, hydrogen medicine, cannabinoid medicine, selenium medicine, carbon dioxide levels in the blood, re-mineralization of the body, antioxidant therapy, anti-inflammation therapy, increasing oxygen transport and oxygenation of the tissues, opening up of blood vessels, saturation and healing of cells with concentrated nutrition via superfoods, breathing retraining, emotional transformation processing, detoxification and removal of heavy metals and radioactive particles as well as using chlorine dioxide for oxidative therapy.
Thus, intensive home care focuses on combination therapy, which enables us to encompass and manage multiple risk factors. Multidimensional etiologies call for numerous therapeutic interventions. Therefore, at-home care is a crucial addition to hospital care.
Back To Hydrogen Medicine
To practice critical care medicine at home, one needs medical equipment with a hydrogen inhalation machine as the top priority. In China, it is more common to find such equipment in ICU departments, but in the West, practically no one uses it.
The First-in-Human Pilot Study demonstrates the safety of hydrogen gas inhalation for Post-Cardiac Arrest Syndrome. Between January 2014 and January 2015, 21 of 107 out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients achieved spontaneous circulation return. In addition, no undesirable effects attributable to hydrogen were observed, and four patients survived 90 days with a favorable neurological outcome.
Medical scientists thus hypothesize that hydrogen therapy is a safe, reliable, and effective treatment for Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS) induced by influenza and other viral infectious diseases. “The pro-oxidant/antioxidant balance is of functional relevance during critical illness because it is involved in the pathogenesis of multiple organ failure.“[i]
Molecular hydrogen therapy can significantly reduce the release of inflammatory factors and oxidative stress injury, thereby reducing the damage to various organ functions common with sepsis.[ii] Biopsies have proven hydrogen’s protective effect on sepsis.
Humane Critical Care
In most situations, it is easy to outdo and be more humane with critical care given at home than in hospitals. Also, one should remember that hospital care aims to get a patient home as soon as possible where treatments need to be continued. Even better is to start medicines at home early, so hospital care is no longer needed.
Using infrared meaning keeping patients warm is more than helpful and undoubtedly comforting. Also, hospitals are horrible in terms of nutrition. Patients need adequate food, not drugs, to recover from any illness, and sometimes they need that fast. Patients who are critically ill have high nutritional requirements that need to be addressed quickly because it is often a matter of life or death. Superfoods and intravenous medicine are the answer here.
It is possible to duplicate the intensity of ICU administration at home through intensive medical baths, transdermal application of medicines, nebulization, suppositories, and oral intake by loading up one’s water with these powerful medicines. Hospitals today are discharging people faster than ever before, giving patients and their families the responsibility to continue treatments at home. So be prepared.
Doctors generally are not as interested in saving lives as they could be. If they were, for example, they would have been prescribing magnesium for heart disease, which alone would have saved millions of lives over the last few decades. Instead, the terrorism of pharmaceutical interests prohibits modern medicine from using the best medications they already have, which are hidden behind the curtains in ICU and emergency departments. The best are bicarbonates, magnesium, vitamins C and D, injectable selenium, potassium, oxygen, hydrogen, chlorine dioxide, medical marijuana, glutathione, and iodine.
[i] Crit Care. 2006; 10(5): R146. Oxidative stress is increased in critically ill patients according to antioxidant vitamins intake, independent of severity: a cohort study
[ii] Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. Volume 2016 (2016),
Molecular Hydrogen Therapy Ameliorates Organ Damage Induced by Sepsis