Hydrogen the Fuel, Food and Medicine of Life

Published on June 18, 2018

Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, so there’s no possibility of human consumers depleting the supply. There are certainly enough oil resources to meet global demand now, but many energy experts predict that the world’s supply of oil will be depleted within 60 years or sooner. Hydrogen will save the world in terms of energy and it will save the world of medicine from itself. Hydrogen Medicine offers doctors something new, a safe, effective universal medicine that has its application for most diseases.

According to astrophysicist David Palmer, about 75 percent of all the known elemental matter that exists is composed of hydrogen. The nucleus of a hydrogen atom is made from a single proton, which is a positively charged particle. One electron orbits around the outside of the nucleus. Neutrons, which can be found in all other elements, do not exist in the most common form of hydrogen.

The sun generates its energy by nuclear fusion of hydrogen nuclei into helium. In its core, the sun fuses 620 million metric tons of hydrogen each second. Of course it is not that simple. However, the point is that hydrogen gives life to our sun and all suns leading to the spreading of light all over the universe.

Hydrogen is at the Root of Creation


That image is through a good telescope with the star in the middle being the closest one. In reality there is no darkness in space it is full of light, but we cannot see it—it looks black. If we could see it, it would burn our eyes out. Simply put, the interstellar medium is the material which fills the space between the stars. Many people imagine outer space to be a complete vacuum, devoid of any material. Not only is each square centimeter of space full of light but it is also full of interstellar gas.

Pie chart illustrating the relative abundances of hydrogen, helium, and dust.

The interstellar medium is composed primarily of hydrogen followed by helium with trace amounts of carbon, oxygen and nitrogen. The interstellar gas is typically found in two forms: 1) Cold clouds of neutral atomic or molecular hydrogen; and 2) Hot ionized hydrogen near hot young stars.

The first scientist to talk about hydrogen was Dr. Szent-Györgyi who won the Nobel Prize for discovering Vitamin C and its ability to cure scurvy in 1937. He also won a Nobel Prize for his work identifying the reactions that liberate energy from hydrogen. He explained one of the basic principles of biology: hydrogen and oxygen interact in a delicate balance releasing energy delivering it to cells in tiny portions.

Dr. Szent-Györgyi said: “Hydrogen is, in fact, the only fuel the body knows. The foodstuff, carbohydrate, is essentially a packet of hydrogen, a hydrogen supplier and hydrogen donor, and the main event during its combustion is the splitting off of hydrogen. So the combustion of hydrogen is the real energy-supplying reaction.”

Image result for Albert Szent-György

He insisted that hydrogen was the fuel of life. Everyone knows we need oxygen to live, but oxygen’s counterpart (hydrogen) is the real fuel that burns when there is plenty of oxygen around. Today we are finally seeing hydrogen as a clean burning fuel for our cars.

In this video we see robot bees can now dive in and out of water using tiny combustible rockets run on hydrogen and oxygen that is taken right out of the water they dive into. Gas fills a chamber in the RoboBee’s interior, it’s lit by an internal spark, and woosh, it shoots out of the water. What’s cleverest about this system is that it actually uses the water as fuel. A pair of tiny electrolytic plates convert the liquid into hydrogen, which can then be ignited providing rocket like thrust.

The next generation fuel cell propulsion system announced recently delivers a number of important advances: increased power density, reduced cost, resulting from a combination of a new one-step fuel-cell stack sealing process; and extended lifetime. The increase in rated power, without any appreciable increase in size or weight, is a particularly significant development. In addition, these new type of fuel cells offer a 3x increase in mission drone flying time compared to battery-powered drones.

Hydrogen is the best and most efficient energy carrier ever. It has the largest amount of energy by weight out of every other combustible gas. Every fuel be it diesel, gasoline, natural gas, propane, butane, etc. are all carbon chains of a certain length linked together by hydrogen atoms. The length of the chain determines the name and fuel type. Used in conjunction with gasoline in your vehicle, hydrogen can act as a catalyst that optimizes combustion and results in cleaner emissions, reduced fuel costs and reduced oil maintenance.

Water has both the fuel (hydrogen) and oxygen, which provides the fire of oxidation. The word hydrogen comes from the Greek, meaning “water-former.” Water is formed when hydrogen is burned (oxidized) by oxygen. It is created every day in our bodies as we burn hydrogen to create ATP. Hydrogen and oxygen participate in a continuous cycle that generates both water and energy.

The oxidation of hydrogen in stages seems to be one of the basic principles of biological oxidation. The reason for this is probably mainly that the cell would not be able to harness and transfer to other processes the large amounts of energy, released by direct oxidation. The cell needs small changes if it is to be able to pay for its functions without losing too much in the process. So, it oxidizes the H-atom in stages, converting the large banknote into small change,” writes Szent-Györgyi.

Szent-Györgyi was the first to show that the human body stores hydrogen in many of its organs. He called this ‘hydrogen pooling’ and he identified the liver as the organ that pools the most hydrogen because it requires hydrogen to neutralize free radicals produced during detoxification. This is what hydrogen does best—neutralize free radicals and combine with them to turn them into water.

Hydrogen is Vital for Life

Food is a primary source of hydrogen. If it is fresh and uncooked it provides an abundance of hydrogen. The hydrogen in food is tied up in complex molecules that must be metabolized (broken down) to release the hydrogen. Hydrogen is vital for life, the most common element in the human body and a component of water, DNA and most other organic molecules. Macronutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats, contain hydrogen as part of the chemical structure. This means that every food contains some hydrogen.

The air we breathe contains a small amount of hydrogen, which is immediately absorbed into cells and tissues the moment it enters the respiratory tract. The amount found in the atmosphere is less than 1%, so it is not enough to make up the difference if we are deficient. Water of course is the best source of hydrogen and when water is also high in magnesium and bicarbonate we have the perfect water that doubles as a medicine.

Hydrogen Medicine is revolutionary. This book represents a new medical paradigm centered on the three essential gases; hydrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide, which should all be employed simultaneously for best clinical outcomes. The Natural Allopathic protocol, once led by magnesium, is now led by hydrogen and the other two primary gases. However, when one adds magnesium, bicarbonate, iodine and selenium to the mix we have the core of a potent form of medicine that will help patients recover from their disease states.

There are two basic forms of administering hydrogen, the first is through drinking hydrogen water and the other is through breathing hydrogen gas. There are hydrogen inhalation machines that make one’s hydrogen water and there are also high parts per million of hydrogen generating gas tablets that one simply drops into their glass of water.

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Hi, I'm Dr. Mark Sircus, AC., OMD, DM (P), a doctor and writer of more than 23 books that have sold over 80,000 copies all over the world. I've been on of firsts to publish on the medical and well-being uses of hydrogen, and I wrote a book about it called - "Hydrogen Medicine".

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