Iodine Deficiency is a Risk Factor for Breast Cancer

Published on December 2, 2019

In Dr. Sherrill Sellman’s book, What Women Must Know To Protect Their Daughters From Breast Cancer, she says, “Breast cancer will always be a tragedy that befalls a woman. It tears at the very fabric of a woman’s life rippling out to touch all those in her word. The fears, uncertainties, and pain are deeply and profoundly shared by family, friends and co-workers. It is even a greater tragedy when young women are faced with this crisis because the tumors tend to be more aggressive. Young women also have to face the grim reality of a more advanced cancer at the time of diagnosis and higher mortality rates. Not one of them ever suspected, at their age, they would be become a breast cancer statistic. A breast cancer diagnosis always comes as a shock; no one ever expects it, especially young, vibrant and seemingly healthy women.”

Everyone who has an ounce of empathy for women should be informed about the importance of iodine for women’s breasts. Dr. Tina Kaczor reported that, “The first report of geographical regions with high rates of goiter having higher rates of cancer mortality was published in 1924. Ongoing epidemiological data has corroborated the association between goitrogenous regions (iodine deficient regions) and cancer incidence/mortality, particularly that of stomach cancer. Epidemiological evidence also suggests that thyroid disorders, particularly goiter, may be associated with breast cancer incidence and/or mortality. Other cancers associated with goitrogenic state include prostate cancer, endometrial, ovarian, colorectal, and thyroid cancer. It is not clear whether these associations are due to an underlying hypothyroid state, the presence of occult autoimmune processes, or iodine deficiency itself.”

The first thing that happens to a woman when she develops an iodine deficiency is a problem with her reproductive organs: breast deformation, and general calcification. Dr. David Miller says that, “Iodine is needed in microgram amounts for the thyroid; milligram amounts for breast and other tissues, and can be used therapeutically in gram amounts.” Same could be said about magnesium.

Dr. Michael Friedman says, “Women are particularly at risk due to environmental agents depleting iodine reserves and other agents exposing them to radioactive 1-131. After the thyroid gland, the distal portions of the human mammary glands are the heaviest users/concentrators of iodine in tissue. Iodine is readily incorporated into the tissues surrounding the mammary nipples and is essential for the maintenance of healthy functioning breast tissue. The radioactive decay of 1-131 in breast tissue may be a significant factor in the initiation and progression of both breast cancer and some types of breast nodules.”

High intake of iodine is associated with a lower risk of breast cancer. Women with a history of low iodine levels (hypothyroidism) face a significantly higher risk of developing liver cancer. Researchers led by Manal Hassan of Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas concluded that this finding suggested a clinical association between hypothyroidism and hepatitis C, which is contributing to the country’s rising rate of liver cancer.

Doctors seldom know why one woman develops breast cancer and another does not, and most women who have breast cancer will never be able to pinpoint an exact cause if they listen to their doctors. Breast cancer is the most common invasive cancer in females worldwide. It accounts for 16% of all female cancers and 22.9% of invasive cancers in women. 18.2% of all cancer deaths worldwide, including both males and females, are from breast cancer.

It is hard to put into words, that are not extraordinarily harsh, how much ignorance reigns among doctors and the price women pay for it. Dr. David Brownstein says, “The chance of a woman having invasive breast cancer sometime during her life is now one in seven. The single most important nutrient to halt this progression is iodine. Inadequate breast iodine levels have been associated with the development of breast cancer in both animals and humans, while iodine supplementation has been shown to cause cancer cells to shift into apoptosis or programmed cell death. I have no doubt one of the reasons we are seeing such an epidemic of breast cancer is due to iodine deficiency.”

Iodine deficiency is a major risk factor for breast cancer. Human breast tissue and breast milk contain higher concentrations of iodine than the thyroid gland itself, which contains just 30% of the body’s iodine stores. Iodine plays an important role in the health of women’s breast tissue. In the presence of chemicals and enzymes found in breast tissue, iodine has been shown to exert a powerful antioxidant effect equivalent to vitamin C. Iodine-deficient breast tissue exhibits chemical markers of elevated lipid peroxidation, one of the earliest factors in cancer development. Iodine-deficient breast tissue also shows alterations in DNA and increases in estrogen receptor proteins. Coupled with iodine deficiency-induced increases in circulating estrogen levels, these changes can substantially increase the risk of breast cancer in women with low iodine levels,” according to Dr. O’Connor-Wray.

One clinical study of 22 women with breast cancer given 5 mg/day of molecular iodine found that PPAR-gamma expression was increased, along with the expected favorable effects on the cancerous tissue including increased apoptosis, decreased proliferation, and a decrease in estrogen’s cellular effects.[1] 60 million mainland Japanese consume a daily average of 13.8 mg of elemental iodine, and they are one of the healthiest nations based on overall well-being and cancer statistics.[2]

Iodine Deficiency is Not the only Cause of Breast Cancer

We can see that the medical establishment just does not want to look at radiation as the cause of breast cancer nor do they want to tell women that by wearing their bras 24 hours per day they will have a 3 out of 4 chance of developing breast cancer. Women who wore bras more than 12 hour per day but not to bed lower their risk to 1 out of 7. They also do not want to tell women what sexual and emotional stress can do their breasts. In The Breast Journal, we read an Essay on Sexual Frustration as the Cause of Breast Cancer in Women: How Correlations and Cultural Blind Spots Conceal Causal Effects.

Perceptive doctors, who know how to listen to their patients, should be able to create a map of causes, a picture of inner dis-harmonies that lead to each woman’s cancer. When it comes to breast cancer Dr. Nalini Chilkov says, “Cancer risk increases when the immune system is compromised by stress, loss of sleep, depression, inability to eat, poor nutrition. When a woman is traumatized by sexual violence and sexual assault, particularly if it was perpetrated by someone she trusted such as her partner or a family member her immune system will be compromised and her risk of many diseases, including cancer will increase.” Iodine deficiency weakens immune system response.

We already know that depressed people suffer higher rates of cancer. They die more frequently from it than their happier peers. Individuals who are more depressed are 2.3 times more likely to die of cancer than their non-depressed counterparts are. Medicine recognizes that breast cancer patients with a history of traumatic or stressful life events have a two-fold increased risk of recurrence.

Women who suffer stress are twice as likely to develop breast cancer, a study suggests. Dr. James H. Stephenson and Dr. William J. Grace of New York Hospital compared 100 women with cancer of the cervix and 100 with cancer not involving the reproductive system. They found that sexual adjustment among the cervix cancer victims had been poor long before they developed the disease: they had had less intercourse than the others and rarely enjoyed orgasm. In many cases there was actual aversion for the sexual act.

Dr. Brownstein says, “Unfortunately, screening mammograms, used for nearly 30 years, have never been shown to alter breast cancer mortality. Moreover, to make matters worse, mammography exposes sensitive tissue to ionizing radiation, which actually causes cancer.”

Dr. Russell Blaylock says studies show mammograms actually increase a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer from 1-3% per year, depending on the technique used. If women religiously undergo a mammogram every year for 10 years, they increase their risk from 10-30%. “By the age of 50, a full 45% of women will have cancer cells in their breasts. This does not mean that all these women will develop breast cancer, because in most women these cancer cells remain dormant. What it does mean is that, if you are one of these 45% of women, you are at high risk of spurring these cancer cells to full activity (when exposing their breasts to radiation).”

Transdermal and Oral Iodine for Breast Cancer Treatment

Dr. Tullio Simoncini states, “Every tumor of the skin can be completely removed with iodine tincture 7%, brushed many times (10-20) a day. When the crust is formed, don’t take it away, but treat the area continuously and wait until it falls without any other intervention except the iodine tincture. When the crust falls down the third time, the patient is healed.”

Though caution is always necessary, because iodine can sometimes be very caustic on the skin, we can use transdermal iodine to directly saturate breast tissue. What Simoncini never recognized was that we can saturate the tissues from within with the oral intake of iodine at high enough levels to beat back cancer and infections.

After iodine dries, the woman or her attending companion or nurse could tenderly apply a topical cannabinoid salve/cream (regular medical marijuana or CBD, which is marijuana without THC) to the breasts, thus soaking them with all of marijuana’s anti-cancer effects. Other topical treatments to the breasts can and should include magnesium oil massaged into the breasts, clay packs, slow breathing and even infrared treatments. In the future, we will see sound waves used to heat the tissues to the point where cancer cells cannot survive but normal healthy cells do. Every cancer patient should be using sodium bicarbonate to alkalinize his or her tissues.

Iodine to the Rescue

Dietary iodine insufficiency represents a plausible explanation for the increasing incidence of breast cancer in young women with distant metastasis.[3] This strongly suggests that iodine should be part of any treatment plan for breast cancer and cancer in general.

Dr. David Derry said, “Lugol’s solution is an iodine-in-water solution used by the medical profession for 200 years. One drop (6.5 mg per drop) of Lugol’s daily in water, orange juice or milk will gradually eliminate the first phase of the cancer development namely fibrocystic disease of the breast so no new cancers can start. It also will kill abnormal cells floating around in the body at remote sites from the original cancer. This approach appears to work for prostate cancer as prostate cancer is similar to breast cancer in many respects. Indeed, it likely will help with most cancers. Also higher doses of iodine are required for inflammatory breast cancer. As well we know that large doses of intravenous iodine are harmless which makes one wonder what effect this would have on cancer growth.”
I would suggest much higher dosages than Dr. Derry and so would Dr. Brownstein.


Dr. Richard A. Kunin says, “Another organ that takes up iodine is the testicle. Proof of this fact is evident in the fact that treatment of thyroid cancer with RAI131 is sometimes followed by diminished or absent sperm counts and elevated pituitary gonadotropin hormone levels up to three and a half years later. Recovery also occurs but sterility is clearly a hazard of radioactive iodine treatment. Cancer is another hazard: One of my patients developed a testicular cancer fifteen years after radioactive iodine treatment for Grave’s disease. His father had also had a testicular tumor (seminoma) so it would be prudent to avoid radioactive iodine therapy if one has such a history.”

Dr. Brownstein has found in his research with high doses of iodine that cysts on the ovaries became smaller and began to disappear. He also found that libido in women and men increased and that is why painting the testicles with iodine helps with low libido and erectile dysfunction.

Modern medicine terrorizes women in a typical male oriented aggressive way using testing and treatments that cause cancer to treat cancer. Doctors have as little compunction in removing breasts as they do doing C-sections. Breast cancer confronts women with the deepest issues of vulnerability and womanhood—things and issues that doctors are not famous for being sensitive to.

Even if a woman intends to follow orthodox medical treatments, they should give themselves a month or two to try the above suggestions. Cancer patients, even after treatment, have to worry about it not coming back.

“After the treatment, I went back to my crazy lifestyle and basically lived life the same way as before. I totally believed my doctors when they told me to just carry on as normal. Don’t change a thing. They told me that I had a really good prognosis, and chances were really slim that it will come back”.

To believe in one’s doctors can be the biggest mistake a woman ever makes in her life. Other women make huge changes in their lives instead of being passive victims of their doctors. In addition to incorporating holistic medicine into one’s cancer program women can drastically changed their diets, eating predominantly organic foods and drinking pure water with healing anticancer medicinals in it.

The situation with breast cancer is deteriorating as it creeps into the lives of younger and younger women. Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in young women ages 15-40 and doctors with all their dangerous tests and treatments are making matters worse. The overbearing masculine paradigm of the western medical system targets women’s breasts with abuse.

The most common sexual side effects of breast removal stem from damage to a woman’s feelings of attractiveness. In our culture, we are taught to view breasts as a basic part of beauty and femininity. If her breast has been removed, a woman may be insecure about whether her partner will accept her and find her sexually pleasing. Whatever does damage to a woman’s vulnerabilities does damage to her sexuality.

A woman’s breasts need to be treated with the respect, care, love and tenderness because they hug close to a woman’s deepest vulnerabilities. A woman’s breasts are not like car doors that you can remove or just repaint after they have been damaged for they are integral parts of her womanhood and her deepest being. Qualities of loving care not only have to come from the woman herself, and any intimate partners she might decide to share her life with, but also from women’s doctors.

[1] Vega-Riveroll L, et al. Impaired nuclear translocation of estrogen receptor alfa could be associated with the antineoplastic effect of iodine in premenopausal breast cancer. Paper presented at: 33rd Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. December 8-12, 2010; San Antonio, Texas. Abstract 14.

[2] Abraham, G.E., The historical background of the iodine project. The Original Internist, 12(2):57-66, 2005.

[3] J Cancer 2017; 8(2):174-177. Changes in Dietary Iodine Explains Increasing Incidence of Breast Cancer with Distant Involvement in Young Women

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Hi, I'm Dr. Mark Sircus, AC., OMD, DM (P), a doctor and writer of more than 23 books that have sold over 80,000 copies all over the world. I've been promoting Iodine as a safe and effective medicine for more than 10 years and my book "Iodine - Bringing Back the Universal Medicine" has been repeatedly praised by other iodine experts like Dr David Brownstein.

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