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Living a Longer Life with Baking Soda

Published on May 26, 2016

Research published recently in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology found that having balanced bicarbonate levels in your body reduces chances of an early death. The study examined data compiled in the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study for 2,287 participants.

Study author Dr. Kalani Raphael, associate professor and nephrology and hypertension specialist at the University of Utah, and colleagues investigated pH, carbon dioxide and bicarbonate in association with long-term survival. According to the University of Utah, “Critically ill patients with severe acid-base abnormalities have a very low likelihood of surviving their illness.”

Dr. Raphael found that low levels of bicarbonate is linked to an increased risk for premature death by 24 percent. “What we found was that generally healthy older people with low levels of bicarbonate had a higher risk of death,” Raphael said. The study’s findings assists clinicians in better assessing patient’s risk of premature death by analyzing their blood bicarbonate concentrations more closely, something doctors never do. What he is saying is that the secret to health lies with sufficient bicarbonate levels. Older adults who have low levels of bicarbonate in their blood are putting themselves at risk of premature death.

“Uniformly, in ill patients, increasing the alkaline buffer of the tissues makes patients feel better. As mentioned above, this is particularly true in chemically sensitive patients, and can actually be a “cure” in the sense that we are increasing the body’s ability to react in a healthy way to noxious stimuli. If I use the intravenous sodium bicarbonate in such patients, it is usually given twice a week for a period of 4-5 weeks. Sodium bicarbonate is a very effective way of directly improving celllular health by making the tissue more alkaline,” concludes Dr. Eric Chan.

Sodium bicarbonate possesses the property of absorbing heavy metals, dioxins and furans. Comparison of cancer tissue with healthy tissue from the same person shows that the cancer tissue has a much higher concentration of toxic chemicals, pesticides, etc. When the body is bicarbonate sufficient it is more capable of resisting the toxicity of chemical insults.

Treating Acid Conditions with Bicarbonate

Over acidity, which is highly common today, is a dangerous condition that contributes to a host of serious health conditions, yet doctors refuse to test pH levels (much better and less expensive to do at home) and resist prescribing sodium bicarbonate, which is simple baking soda, to address this common condition.  An acidic internal environment is the perfect place for disease to thrive and that includes cancer. Normal pH environments resists disease and cancer formation. Sodium bicarbonate is the time-honored method to ‘speed up’ the return of the body’s bicarbonate levels to normal. Sodium bicarbonate is a strong medicinal, one of the strongest; it will drive pH levels up quickly, as well as oxygen, throughout most of the tissues, and that is why it is so effective.

Acidosis is extremely common in our society mostly due to the American diet and lifestyle. Although eggs, dairy and meats, are acidic, the main problem is with processed foods. These include white flour, sugar, coffee and soda, which create an acidic environment. Breathing too fast also causes acidity as does pharmaceutical drugs, artificial sweeteners, radiation exposure (medical tests) and exposure to all the chemicals and pesticides and even the polluted air we breathe and water we drink.

When we become acidic, the body steals minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium from the bones and organs to neutralize the acid. This puts stress on the body and, unfortunately, can go unnoticed for many years especially because doctors prescribe further acid forming drugs to cover up the symptoms of acidity.

When our pH becomes acidic, we commonly face fatigue, infections, obesity, depression, dry skin, ulcers, diabetes, immune deficiency, hormone issues, premature aging, weak bones, yeast, slow digestion, bladder conditions, kidney problems, cardiovascular damage and joint pain all due to lactic acid buildup. British scientists at the Royal London Hospital shows that sodium bicarbonate can dramatically slow the progress of chronic kidney disease.

Sodium bicarbonate is the best, quickest and safest way of assisting your body in balancing pH levels, thereby extending life by reducing the formation of serious diseases. It is also one of the best medicines (foods) for treating cancer.

Bicarbonate and Cancer

A number of studies have shown that the extracellular pH in cancers is typically lower than that in normal tissue and that an acidic pH promotes invasive tumor growth in primary and metastatic cancers. The external pH of solid tumors is acidic as a consequence of increased metabolism of glucose and poor perfusion. Acid pH has been shown to stimulate tumor cell invasion and metastasis in vitro and in cells before tail vein injection in vivo.

Dr. Robert J. Gillies from Wayne State University School of Medicine paper, “Acidity generated by the tumor microenvironment drives local invasion. The pH of solid tumors is acidic due to increased fermentative metabolism and poor perfusion. In every case, the peritumoral pH was acidic and heterogeneous and the regions of highest tumor invasion corresponded to areas of lowest pH. Tumor invasion did not occur into regions with normal or near-normal pH. In support of the functional importance of our findings, oral administration of sodium bicarbonate was sufficient to increase peritumoral pH and inhibit tumor growth and local invasion in a preclinical model, supporting the acid-mediated invasion hypothesis.”

Pancreatic Health


The pancreas is harmed, as are all organs, if the body becomes too acidic. The pancreas is especially sensitive to acidic conditions. Without sufficient bicarbonates, the pancreas is slowly destroyed. When the pancreas loses the ability to produce enough bicarbonate essential for the pancreatic enzymes to function properly, undigested proteins penetrate the bloodstream inducing allergic reactions and inflammation.

“Monitoring of blood-sugar levels, insulin production, acid-base balance, and pancreatic bicarbonate and enzyme production before and after test exposures to potentially allergic substances reveals that the pancreas is the first organ to develop inhibited function from varied stresses,” writes Dr. William Philpott and Dr. Dwight K. Kalita in their book Brain Allergies.

Baking Soda

Baking Soda is 100 percent sodium bicarbonate. When mixed with an acid, baking soda reacts, making bubbles and giving off carbon dioxide gas. It does this when it hits stomach acid, it does it when you squeeze a lemon into it when still in the glass, and it does this when you use Bath bombs in the bathtub when you mix bicarbonate with citric acid. Bicarbonate works so well as a medicine exactly because it turns into carbon dioxide. It has always been my contention that combining oral with transdermal treatments is better that intravenous method of administration unless it is an emergency.

The Journal of Nutrition conducted a study of sparkling and still mineral water. The study participants were asked to drink 1 liter of either the sparkling or still each day for two months, followed by two months on the other water. It was found that drinking sparkling water brought about significant reductions in the level of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (generally regarded as a risk factor for heart disease), as well as a significant increase in levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (generally taken to reduce heart disease risk). These and other biochemical changes induced by drinking sparkling water were estimated to reduce the women’s risk of developing heart disease over the next decade by about a third.

You can purchase a box of baking soda for under $1, making it the least expensive home remedy and one that is used extensively in intensive care wards and emergency rooms when the blood pH gets out of hand. Sparkling water (full of bicarbonates/CO2) easily replaces all the statin drugs and many other pharmaceuticals but your doctor does not want you to know this.

Gas bubbles in carbonated water are created by adding carbon dioxide to plain water. Carbonated water does not contain phosphoric acid, which strips bones of calcium and causes blood acidity. Carbonated water has one ingredient that soft drinks lack: bicarbonate. Bicarbonate minimizes calcium loss from the bones. Since blood acidity is not excessive when consuming carbonated water due to bicarbonate, more calcium stays in the bones.

We are talking about serious medicine when we talk about sodium bicarbonate. Earlier and more frequent use of sodium bicarbonate is associated with higher early resuscitability rates and with better long-term neurological outcomes in emergency units. Sodium bicarbonate is very beneficial during CPR.


This is my bestselling book on Sodium Bicarbonate and is an important read for all doctors and people interested in maintaining their health and youth. The book is also available in EBook form.

Oncologists are fools when they make fun of bicarbonate (CO2) because first they do not know the medical science, the importance of this healthy and necessary gas, do not know that in the blood bicarbonate and CO2 interchange, practically at the speed of light thanks to an enzyme Carbonic anhydrases in side of us. This allows the rapid interconversion of carbon dioxide and water to bicarbonate and protons or vice versa.

Oncologists do not know how this all relates to healthy cell environments because more oxygen gets to the cells when there is plenty of CO2 (bicarbonate) in the blood. They haven’t a clue as to why this is important in cancer prevention, cancer treatment, and cancer cure. Carbon dioxide (bicarbonate) is a nutrient as well as a product of respiration and energy production in the cells and its lack or deficiency is of itself a starting point for disturbances in the body.

Dr. Alina Vasiljeva and Dr. David Nias wrote, “At the end of the 19th century, scientists Bohr and Verigo discovered what seemed a strange law; a decreased level of carbon dioxide in the blood leads to decreased oxygen supply to the cells in the body including the brain, heart, kidneys etc. Carbon dioxide (CO2) was found to be responsible for the bond between oxygen and haemoglobin. If the level of carbon dioxide in the blood is lower than normal, then this leads to difficulties in releasing oxygen from haemoglobin. Hence the Verigo-Bohr law.”

Under clinical conditions, low oxygen and low carbon dioxide generally occur together. Therapeutic increase of carbon dioxide, by inhalation of this gas diluted in air, is often an effective means of improving the oxygenation of the blood and tissues. Taking bicarbonate orally and in baths increases CO2 levels (bicarbonate) in the blood as does slow breathing.

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Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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