Over 100 million people are under pollution warnings after the smoke spread hundreds of miles from Canada. Smoke from Canadian wildfires shrouded New York in a record-breaking apocalyptic smog, as cities along the U.S. east coast issued air quality warnings and thousands evacuated their homes in Canada. The Big Apple’s mayor urged residents to stay indoors as the thick haze of air pollution cast an eerie, yellowish glow over Manhattan’s famous skyscrapers, delaying flights and forcing sporting events to be postponed. New York air quickly got worse than New Delhi.
Even as the sky clears, anyone exposed to the smoke has a toxic mess to clean up in their bodies. Unfortunately, and I am sorry to say, the clueless health and medical officials are not reporting the real threat the smoke carries. It is bad enough what they are reporting, but they are not telling anyone about the radiation and especially the mercury contamination the fires are kicking up and spreading far and wide. This is my first emergency alert in 15 years, and be sure to read to the bottom to see that you should race out to the stores and buy a bunch of sodium bicarbonate to mitigate some of the impacts of this environmental disaster. Mercury (Hg) mobilization and accumulation in the environment are directly related to forest fires. Without a doubt, the smoke these 100 million men, women, and children are being exposed to is laced with mercury and radiation toxicity.
Health experts are urging Americans in areas with air quality warnings to stay indoors and run an air filtration system that will reduce exposure. They report that wildfire smoke is a mix of gases and fine particles that can cause harm in multiple ways, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The American Lung Association says wildfire smoke can be “extremely harmful” to lung health. Wildfire smoke consists of a mix of air pollutants, including particle pollution, like PM2.5: These tiny particles can get lodged deep in the lungs and cause asthma attacks, heart attacks, and strokes.
Researchers from Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health found PM2.5 may increase the risk of developing dementia, according to a report published in the medical journal BMJ in April. Other studies also show a link between wildfire exposure and increased mortality, respiratory illnesses, and cancer.
However, neither of these studies nor organizations are calculating mercury and radiation toxicity.
Forests are considered a pool of mercury in the global mercury cycle. Forest fires release more mercury into the atmosphere than previously recognized, a multidisciplinary research project at the University of Michigan suggested in 2007. The problem of mercury emissions assumes an alarming proportion once we consider that mercury is highly mobile and travels far and wide. It is a grave danger even for populations with no significant mercury-polluting sources.
Wildfires are releasing mercury long ago sequestered, yet since 2006, genuinely massive amounts of mercury have been spread around the globe. Total annual mercury emissions into the air from all its sources are estimated to exceed 5000-7000 tons (Mason et al. 1994; Lamborg et al. 2002; Gray and Hines 2006). Since the turn of the century, approximately 138,000 tons of mercury have been spread around the globe, and that is the discounted amount since China and India have been building massive amounts of coal-fired plants since these numbers were calculated.
Though the Zero Carbon (highly unreasonable) crowd wants to ban coal, Asia is building hundreds of power plants to burn it. In 2021 The Guardian reported that China, India, Indonesia, Japan, and Vietnam plan to build more than 600 coal power plants. CNN reported that China approved two new coal plants a week in 2022.
One must remember the amount of mercury put on the head of a nail is enough to pollute a reasonably sized lake, yet all the politicians can quack about is the CO2 coming out of the world’s smokestacks. Forests capture high levels of atmospheric mercury pollution, which are massive because coal-fired electrical plants, crematoriums, and other sources put out about 20 to 25 tons of mercury daily. Environmental contamination by mercury is and will continue to be a severe risk to human health.
The annual death from fatal heart attacks that is attributable
to MeHg exposure is estimated to be over 10,000 in China.
Mercury stored in forests can be readily volatilized to the atmosphere during fires. Forest canopies effectively trap atmospheric mercury (Hg) because they present a significant adsorption and assimilation surface area for particulate and gaseous mercury (Fay and Gustin, 2007, Frescholtz et al., 2003). Mercury compounds accumulating on foliage are transferred to the soil by foliage wash-off (by rainfall) and litterfall deposition (Rea et al., 2002). In this manner, forest ecosystems act as a Hg sink.
In 2017, more than 150 countries gathered in Geneva to mark a significant milestone in efforts to fight mercury pollution. Mercury is one of the most dangerous chemicals to human health and the environment.
Mercury is a neurotoxin. Heavy metal mercury enters the food chain, accumulates in the body, and can harm people of all ages’ brains, kidneys, lungs, and immune systems. Mercury is particularly harmful to unborn children and infants whose nervous systems are under development. Damage to the brain cannot be reversed. There is no known safe exposure level for elemental mercury in humans, and its effects can be seen even at very low levels.
Forest fires and other blazes in the United States release about 30 percent as much mercury as the nation’s industrial sources, according to a 2007 study by scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)in Boulder, Colo.
Fires in Alaska, California, Oregon, Louisiana, and Florida emit vast quantities of the toxic metal, and the Southeast emits more than any other region, according to the above study. Scientists estimate that fires in the continental United States and Alaska release about 44 metric tons of mercury into the atmosphere yearly.
Radiation Contamination
Around Chernobyl, when a forest burned intensely for only 90 minutes, it released cesium-137, strontium-90, and plutonium-238, -239, and -240 in blasts of smoke and heat. In just one hour, the firefighters were exposed to more than triple the annual radiation limit for Chernobyl’s nuclear workers. The blazes released radiation trapped for decades in the soil surrounding the Ukrainian city of Prypiat, abandoned in 1986 following an explosion at the nearby Chernobyl nuclear power plant that caused the world’s worst nuclear accident, that is, until Fukushima.
Naturally-occurring radionuclides, such as those of the uranium and thorium series and artificial radionuclides, are accumulated in plants. Summer vegetation fires release these natural and man-made radionuclides into the atmosphere. Concentrations of uranium isotopes 238U, 235U, 234U, 232Th, 230Th, 226Ra, 210Pb, and 210Po were measured in smoke from wild vegetation fires. It is shown that radionuclide concentrations in smoke particles are enhanced about 100 times in comparison with the vegetation of the area and with reference aerosols.
During the first year of the Fukushima meltdown, Andy Gunderson reported that people on the west coast of the United States and Canada, Hawaii, and Alaska were bearing some of the worst radiation, and people did not take evasive action. In an exclusive interview with Chris Martenson, Gunderson said, “I am in touch with some scientists now who have been monitoring the air on the West Coast and in Seattle. For instance, in April of 2011, the average person in Seattle breathed in 5-10 hot particles daily, depending on their activity.” This radiation did not stop on the west coast but went around and around the world, eventually dropping to the ground and forests worldwide, but the U.S. and Canada got the worst of it.
The U.S. Department of Energy has testified that no level of radiation is so low that it is without health risks. That is official U.S. policy. The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) published a report in 2006 titled Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation (BEIR), report saying, “The committee concludes that the preponderance of information indicates that there will be some risk, even at low doses.” The concluding statement of the report reads, “The committee concludes that the current scientific evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that there is a linear, no-threshold dose-response relationship between exposure to ionizing radiation and the development of cancer in humans.” This means that the sum of several minimal exposures to radiation has the same effect as one considerable exposure since the effects of radiation are cumulative.
Fukushima blanketed the northern hemisphere with radioactive iodine. One might be tempted to wishful thinking and pretend there are not many radioactive elements in the burning forest. You would be wrong.
Iodine -129 – A Growing Radiological Risk
31.6 times as much iodine-129 than iodine-131was
released in the early days of the Fukushima catastrophe.
While we’ve all been led to believe that I-131 is no longer a threat from Fukushima due to its short half-life, we have to worry about the effects of another type of iodine, and that’s I-129. I-129 is another isotope produced by the fission of Uranium-235. Iodine-129 has a long half-life of ~15.7 million years, which makes this of significant concern when processing nuclear waste or when nuclear accidents occur.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, when I-129 or I-131 is ingested, some concentrates in the thyroid gland. The rest passes from the body in urine. Airborne I-129 and I-131 can be inhaled.
Winds blew radioactive particles released as gases into the atmosphere over Japan to far-off locations. This was the “radioactive plume” responsible for the radioactive iodine-131 detected in scientific stations in air or rainwater samples as far away as California, Colorado, Washington State, Massachusetts, Florida, Illinois, and North and South Carolina. Iodine-129 and 131 experience beta decay, emitting beta particles when decaying from an unstable to a stable form.
The two substances travel together, so the easily detectable isotope’s presence also signals the longer-lived one’s presence. “If you have a recent event like Fukushima, you will have both present. The iodine-131 is going to decay away pretty quickly over the course of weeks, but the iodine-129 is there forever, essentially,” Joshua Landis, a research associate in the Department of Earth Science at Dartmouth, explains, “Once the iodine-131 decays, you lose your ability to track the migration of either isotope.”
Protect The Pregnant Women!!!
Dr. Sternglass concluded that all research leads to the tragic conclusion that the unborn fetus was hundreds or thousands of times more sensitive to radiation than anyone had ever suspected. According to the now antiquated “threshold” theory, there was a certain low level of radiation exposure, a “threshold” below which no damage would be caused. But Dr. Alice Stewart’s study implied that if there were any safe threshold for unborn children and infants, it would have to be less than the dose from a single X-ray picture.
How Come Doctors Don’t Say More About Radiation Dangers?
Because they are among the primary users of nuclear radiation, using it for all kinds of dangerous tests. A single C.T. scan of the chest is equal to about 350 standard chest X-rays. They are using radiation, a cause of cancer, to try to treat cancer, which usually does not turn out too well. Because they are not honest with themselves, they cannot be honest with their patients, who should be told that many of the tests doctors give expose them to more dangerous radiation.
Treatments for Exposure
Everyone should ensure they are taking enough minerals because radioactive substances mimic their non-radioactive mineral substances. Strontium mimics calcium, making it extremely dangerous to all life forms once absorbed. The toxic substances such as Tritium, Cesium, Plutonium, and Strontium were carried everywhere by winds, rain, and ocean currents, entering the food chain through seaweed and seafood, building up high levels of toxicity in the fish – and humans – at the top end of the consumption chain. Magnesium is a vital mineral whose lack leaves us open to radioactive damages and those from heavy metals and thousands of chemicals that we are commonly exposed to.
Regarding mercury toxicity, one should be pumping the body with selenium, especially with high doses of lipid selenium, which combines with mercury to get it out of the body more easily. But for mercury already inside the cells, one needs to do chelation. Consuming edible clay helps with the elimination of both radioactive particles and mercury during the days of exposure.
Bicarbonates are Emergency Medicines
Regarding radiation exposure, sodium, potassium, and magnesium bicarbonate water is our first line of defense. The kidneys are usually the first organs to show chemical damage upon uranium exposure. Old military manuals suggest doses or infusions of sodium bicarbonate to help alkalinize the urine if this happens. This makes the uranyl ion less kidney-toxic and promotes the excretion of the uranium-carbonate complex. The oral administration of sodium bicarbonate diminishes the severity of the changes produced by uranium in the kidneys.
Iodine is Essential
The second half of this Interview
Though Dr. Brownstein and I were talking about the beginning days of Fukushima, I believe the same advice applies to the intense smoke from the fires in Canada.
Hydrogen Medicine
If Hydrogen therapy may reduce the risks related to radiation-induced oxidative stress in space flight, what do you think it can do for us on the ground? From a research paper from NASA scientists, we read:
“Cosmic radiation is known to induce DNA and lipid damage associated with increased oxidative stress and remains a major concern in space travel. Hydrogen, recently discovered as a novel therapeutic medical gas in various biomedical fields, has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Space mission activities are expected to increase in numbers and duration in the coming years. It is, therefore, important to estimate and prevent the risks encountered by astronauts due to oxidative stress before developing clinical symptoms of the disease. We hypothesize that hydrogen administration to the astronauts by inhaling or drinking hydrogen-rich water may yield a novel and feasible preventative therapeutic strategy to prevent radiation-induced adverse events.”
Medical Marijuana
Rick Simpson said, “If used properly, high-quality hemp oil can provide a solution to help humankind alleviate the effects of increasing radiation. Through my experience with this oil, I have found that nothing more effective or harmless can reduce the damage caused by radiation. I have seen patients suffering from cancer who were severely damaged by the effects of radiation treatments and could eliminate the damage in a short time. Some who came to me with radiation treatments were burned so badly by its effects that their skin looked like red leather. After ingesting the Hemp oil treatment, their skin returned to its normal healthy state, and the radiation burns disappeared completely.”