Natural Allopathic Intensive Care

Published on September 4, 2018

Doctors and patients alike should know how to set up intensive care units at home. It is possible to set up a comprehensive home unit for under seven thousand dollars (and up to fifteen) giving doctors and patients a flexibility and freedom to practice intensive care medicine at home using safe natural substances that are basic to life and its continuance. With antibiotic resistant infections spreading like wildfire it makes sense to create some level of independence from hospitals.

Many if not all the natural medicines we recommend are employed quietly in many medical centers around the world. Hydrogen, oxygen, CO2, magnesium, sodium bicarbonate, potassium, iodine, selenium, sulphur is used in both emergency and intensive care (ICU) situations. Notice that none of these substances are made by pharmaceutical companies.

Add infrared, vitamin C and D and glutathione to the list and one has an inclusive intensive care protocol, which can be employed once one comes home from the hospital or better, to prevent a patient from having ever to step foot into one.

It is possible to monitor home patients with a good heart rate variability device that will read out stress and health levels, as well as ageing and adaptive capacity levels of patients. That and much more can be gleamed from watching each beat of the heart, which is something beyond what most cardiologists do.

In emergency rooms and intensive care wards, medicines must be safe while, at the same time, delivering an instant lifesaving burst of healing power. Obviously if they are safe and strong enough for emergencies, they are going to help us with commonly faced chronic and acute diseases. Part of this protocol is already being proposed for sepsis.

Because nutritional medicines (all the above) are nontoxic in nature, we can layer treatments and attack from many sides in a simultaneous assault on cancer or anything else that is threatening life or making us ill. These substances offer a power unequalled in the world of medicine and when combined with each other offer a new form of medicine, which I call Natural Allopathic Medicine.

Intensive Care for Stage Four and Five Cancer

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Hydrogen driven protocols provide us with an entirely new concept in intensive cancer treatment. When doctors give up, and cancer moves quickly to take our life, we must move fast and stop the cancer in its tracks. Cancer tries to spread like wildfire. We need to bring in enough equipment and enough water to stop deadly fires and we need to do the same thing with cancer. Hydrogen alone has the ability to put out the worst oxidative fires and inflammation and one can pump it in through simple inhalation therapy around the clock when necessary.

There are four stages of cancer but when doctors give up on us and give us an imminent death sentence—we can consider this stage five. According to prognosis, you are on your deathbed, or soon will be. Stage five demands emergency intensive care procedures because people can be brought back from deaths door. It is the same for stage four though there is a little more time.

The increasing prevalence of patients living with cancer is leading to a growing number of cancer patients who will require intensive care treatment. Advances in critical care has led to an increased survival of critically ill patients with cancer. Critical care is becoming an important cornerstone in the continuum of modern cancer care.

Occasionally miracles happen in intensive care wards. Sometimes a person’s cancer is cured. Dr. Reberto Sapolnik indicates that the interaction between the intensive care team and oncologists allowed for the solution of extremely life-threatening situations for children with Leukemia. Intensive care for children with cancer is crucial for the improvement of their survival rates, with an increasing number of reports on the cure of neoplastic diseases.

Dr. Sapolnik writes, “Cancer itself may cause clinical complications with immediate life threat, such as spontaneous tumor lysis syndrome or tumor compression causing renal insufficiency or intestinal obstruction. Children with cancer often require pediatric intensive care; and thanks to such care, many of them have been able to overcome the most acute phase of the disease.”

In intensive care wards, many medicines are given intravenously or through injection. Some people can do this at home as well. However, most of us can duplicate the intensity of such administration through intensive medical baths, transdermal application of medicinals, nebulization and oral intake by loading one’s water with powerful medicines, natural in nature. And now we have home use hydrogen and oxygen machines that give us concentrated power to heal the sick. Medicine has never been better. One can learn to practice intensive care medicine in one’s own home more safely and much less expensively than in a hospital.

Directions for use for emergency and intensive care:

The most intensive treatments I recommend would be given to a person facing imminent death, after having a heart attack, or suffering from very late stage cancer. ICU departments could easily incorporate the Natural Allopathic protocol, however most doctors are forced to follow pharmaceutical protocols so treatment at home is the only practical solution for this type of protocol.

In intensive situations the first thing to do would be to hook a person up to a hydrogen inhaler; and leave the gas running continuously until a noticeable positive change had occurred. Expect such occurrences. Parallel to this is hydrogen water intake, even if it’s given intravenously or through feeding tube. We also, of course, need enough oxygen and fortunately there are hydrogen oxygen inhalers that output both gases.

Special Note: We offer a range of packages (budgets), depending on the medical equipment selected, that will include training and consultation in both set up, and learning to practice, ranging between five and fifteen thousand dollars. One can always spend more for an intensive home treatment center and still save much over traditional medical care. And one can spend less and still do much. Included in this budget are most of the medicinals needed to stock the medicine cabinet with.

This offer is made to doctors, nurses, alternative practitioners, clinics and patients alike. Every family and doctor should have access to such intensive care as a necessary option without having to check into a hospital, which can be quite expensive. In the news was an interesting case of a heart attack victim in the hospital for four days. Even with insurance the patient’s cost was over 100 hundred thousand dollars.


Every year antibiotic resistant infections increase killing more and more people. Some think it’s the end of western medicine and hospitals, which in the end will be helpless in front of even the simplest infections. Between cost and danger, we need new options to decentralize intensive care. Home treatment centers make sense. They offer us the opportunity to continue treatments at low cost for as long as needed.

Many areas of life are destined to be severely downscaled. Medicine will have to get smaller and less complex and that means local clinic and home-based health care. Many strong forces are at play that will affect the world of medicine. We can no longer stand more toxicity added to our already heavy toxic accumulations in our bodies, so we will have to turn our bows into a new medical wind that sports safe, healthy and necessary substances.

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Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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