I have been promoting Biomats for over ten years and find them to be dream FDA-approved medical devices that give us comfort, pain relief, and core temperature support. Medical devices for both sick and healthy people alike. It is hard not to fall in love with one’s Biomat. And once a person has one, it is hard to understand how you ever lived without it. This is especially true as one ages. In the future, as winters get colder and longer, they might even be considered survival devices keeping us warm when we can no longer afford to keep our thermostats up high enough to maintain our health.
However, this new chapter for the second edition of Forbidden Cures is not about comfort and gentle infrared healing/nurturing support. It is about exceptionally hard-hitting infrared medicine, about intense treatments that reach into the depths of our cells and our mitochondria where cures to many diseases are manufactured.
Infrared (FIR) is far more helpful than most can imagine. Infrared treatments have far-ranging effects on cancer outcomes, neurological recovery, and heart/vascular systems problems that are the source of more death than even cancer.
One of the easiest, safest, and most effective way of treating disease, including cancer, is to increase body temperature with infrared therapy. 98,6° F (37C) is the ideal body temperature for optimal health. That temperature is the guarantor of good blood circulation and is the mainstay for vitality and strong immune system strength. Low temperatures between 95°- 97° F is common with patients with chronic illnesses.
But when we use intense infrared (without necessarily a fierce heat strong enough to kill cancer cells), we encounter true natural healing from showers of photons that heal us from the inside out. Research is clear about this regarding ontological hyperthermia, and there are clinics worldwide that offer this kind of treatment. However, it is new for us to look at what it can do for our vascular and nervous systems.
Healing Your Cardiovascular System
Non-invasive far infrared radiation has been observed to improve patients’ health with coronary artery disease (CAD). FIR therapy is probably the only therapy supporting local endothelial cell proliferation and bone marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs). Without a doubt, FIR would vastly diminish coronary artery disease, meaning it would be a prime therapy to prevent death from cardiac arrest.
Combined with high doses of magnesium, bicarbonate, a somewhat reasonable diet, hydrogen/oxygen inhalation therapy, and enzymes like Lumbrokinase, we could probably put cardiologists out of business.
The impairment of endothelial integrity starts a cascade that leads to coronary heart disease. Vessel maintenance and repair are essential for cardiovascular health, and that begins when we pay attention to endothelial cells. Endothelial cells (ECs) are specialized cells that line the inner surface of blood vessels, including arteries, veins, and capillaries.
They form a single-cell layer called the endothelium, which acts as a barrier between the bloodstream and the surrounding tissues. The number and the angiogenic function of endothelial cells are decreased significantly in CAD. FIR supports endothelial colony-forming cells (ECFCs), contributing to vascular repair. Endothelial cells regulate blood vessel tone, control blood clotting, and create new blood vessels (angiogenesis). They also play a role in immune responses and inflammation.
Dysfunction or damage to endothelial cells contributes directly to the development of cardiovascular diseases, including atherosclerosis, hypertension, and thrombosis. FIR thus treats angiogenesis-related diseases, improves endothelial function, protects ECs from high glucose-induced injury, and the inhibition of EC inflammation.
Clinical studies suggest that FIR irradiation has therapeutic effects on heart failure, myocardial ischemia and may improve the flow and survival of arteriovenous fistula. Animal studies have suggested various potential mechanisms involving endothelial nitric oxide synthase and nitric oxide bioavailability, oxidative stress, heat shock proteins, and endothelial precursor cells.
Far-infrared radiation therapy improves vessel dilation, circulation, vessel endothelial function, and angiogenesis and reduces atherosclerosis. Evidence shows that FIR treatment increased peripheral blood circulation and artery blood flow and has been applied to improve access blood flow in hemodialysis patients.
And regarding the nasty effects of chemotherapy, it’s good to know that Far‐infrared radiation alleviates cisplatin‐induced vascular damage and impaired circulation via activation of HIF‐1α.
Repairing Mitochondria Dysfunction
Before diving into FIR treatments for cancer patients, we must briefly mention that Far Infrared repairs the mitochondria electron transport chain and mitochondrial complexes. FIR induces autophagy. Autophagy is a cellular process crucial in maintaining cellular health and homeostasis. It is a tightly regulated mechanism by which cells degrade and recycle damaged or unnecessary cellular components, such as proteins, organelles, and cytoplasmic contents. Thus it is clear that FIR mops up cellular debris, reducing oxidative stress and mitochondrial damage.
Repairing our mitochondria is crucial in treating cancer and neurological disorders because mitochondrial dysfunction is at the heart of neurodegenerative disease and cancer. FIR increases ATP production. FIR inhibits mutant proteins that damage nerves. And the anti-oxidant effect of FIR protects the mitochondria from oxidative stress. FIR even helps to repair physical damage to nerves.
Infrared and Cancer
I believe in radiation treatments for cancer. But I would never use the hazardous and toxic types of radiation used by mainstream oncology because that type represents the death principle and only increases the chances of dying of cancer.
Far-infrared irradiation inhibits breast cancer
cell proliferation independently of DNA damage.
FIR can inhibit the proliferation of liver cancer cells bringing about a distinct improvement in the course of tumor diseases. FIR can reduce the required concentrations of anti-tumor drugs by combining them with mild hyperthermia. In this way, the side effects of chemotherapy may be reduced in clinical settings. Mild hyperthermia is a valuable and practical heating method enhancing traditional and alternative cancer treatments. Specifically, combining anti-tumor drugs with mild hyperthermia increases the cytotoxic effects of drugs on human leukemia cells in vitro.
Far infrared is a region in the infrared spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, defined as any radiation with a wavelength of 3–1000 µm. Owing to its long wavelength, far infrared radiation (FIR) can penetrate up to 40 mm beneath the skin. FIR allows energy transmission as heat, applying rotational and vibrational modes to molecule-forming bonds.
This motion can alter cell membrane potential and mitochondrial metabolism. Therefore, FIR can serve as a non-invasive and convenient therapeutic modality through its thermal and non-thermal effects. FIR improves blood flow, endothelial function, and ventricular arrhythmias, reducing the frequency of cardiovascular diseases and improving the patency of arteriovenous fistulas in patients with hemodialysis.
Hyperthermic Oncology
High temperatures have been used to destroy tumor cells through a treatment known as Hyperthermic Oncology. The principle of hyperthermia is that cancer cells are much more sensitive to and intolerant of the effects of excessive heat than normal cells. Heat as a therapy has been known for a long time. Even Hippocrates and the ancient Egyptians used heat therapy. Heat can cause considerable damage to living cells; hence the body can only survive for a short time with a temperature above 42°C (107°F). However, the destructive force of heat is also a blessing. Used skillfully, it can help to treat cancer and tumors. Malignant growths can be controlled or may even recede due to targeted hyperthermia.
What Does the Mainstream Say About Hyperthermia?
Dr. Chen-Ting Lee, Dr. Thomas Mace, and Dr. Elizabeth A. Repasky published a paper in the International Journal of Hyperthermia showing that mild thermal stress has the opposite effect to that of hypoxia (low oxygen). Adding heat to the body increases blood flow and oxygen delivery to the cells while enhancing the cytotoxic activity of human NK cells. Natural killer cells (NK cells, K cells) are a type of lymphocyte (a white blood cell) and a component of the innate immune system. NK cells play a significant role in the host rejection of tumors and viral-infected cells.
What does the National Cancer Institute say? “Hyperthermia (thermal therapy or thermotherapy) is a type of cancer treatment in which body tissue is exposed to high temperatures. Research has shown that high temperatures can damage and kill cancer cells, usually with minimal or no injury to normal tissues. Many studies have shown a significant reduction in tumor size when hyperthermia is combined with other treatments.”
What does the American Cancer Society say? “Hyperthermia means a body temperature that is higher than normal. Illnesses like fever or heat stroke often cause high body temperatures. But hyperthermia can also refer to heat treatment—the carefully controlled use of heat for medical purposes. When cells in the body are exposed to higher-than-normal temperatures, changes occur inside the cells. These changes can make the cells more likely to be affected by radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Very high temperatures can kill cancer cells outright.”
From ancient times we read, ‘Give me the power to produce fever, and I will cure all disease,’ and ‘If indeed any were so good a physician as to be able to produce fever, it would not be necessary to look for any other remedy in sickness.’
Ten years ago, I wrote that this treatment could be implemented safely and effectively at home using a BioMat, costing approximately $1,900 for a full-body professional far-infrared mat and $800 for their Mini Mat. More effective treatment can be attained with infrared mats above and below you.
More effective treatment can be attained by delivering infrared from above and below you – effectively giving 360 degrees of coverage. This enables you to infuse the entire body from top to toe with maximum Far infrared.
Now for 500 dollars more than that, one can get a professional system called the Professional Cocoon Sol which offers a quantum leap upward in healing power.
And even better, one can rent it. The company told me they always send out new units for rental because no one ever sends them back. One can pay the rental until the unit is paid in full without any additional charges.
The image on the right shows Advanced 3.0 Generation Far Infrared technology; the orange and red areas show the Far Infrared emission. This is the only professional grade complete emission system in the world that is available to the public, and that produces so much Far Infrared from top to toe all the way around the body.
And it comes all-inclusive with a professional VIP support program to ensure you safely achieve the best healing outcomes. The key to understanding the power of the Cocoon Sol is not only in the heat generated but in the intense photons that are emitted independent of the heat, meaning it can be used at lower temperatures and still totally blanket the body in photons.
What is Photon Light Therapy?
What is photon light therapy? For more than 40 years, light therapy (also known as photodynamic therapy) has been known to affect the body at the cellular level positively. Clinical studies by NASA, the Mayo Clinic, and Stanford University have demonstrated that photon therapy can aid in pain relief, can help reduce inflammation, decrease stress levels, and more. Essentially, photon light therapy helps repair mitochondria and stimulates the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is essential for cellular functioning. It’s what gives cells energy. Photon light therapy has many benefits, especially when the carrier wave is infrared.
Benefits of Photon Light Therapy
- May alleviate depression
- Improve motor function
- Improve nerve regeneration
- Assists in wound recovery
- Improve skin and acne
- Stimulates ATP
Traditional Hyperthermia
Dr. Chen-Ting Lee, Dr. Thomas Mace, and Dr. Elizabeth A. Repasky published a paper in the International Journal of Hyperthermia, saying mild thermal stress has the opposite effect to that of hypoxia (low oxygen). Adding heat to the body increases blood flow and oxygen delivery to the cells while enhancing the cytotoxic activity of human NK cells. Natural killer cells (NK cells, K cells, and killer cells) are a type of lymphocyte (a white blood cell) and a component of the innate immune system. NK cells play a significant role in the host rejection of tumors and viral-infected cells.
Increased body temperature is correlated mathematically with improved immune system strength. Normal core temperatures are the exact temperature at which all the functions of the human body can operate optimally. The same can be said about pH because all physiological processes are pH sensitive.
Dr. David Jernigan wrote, “One of the widespread findings I have noticed in people with cancer is a low body temperature or at least a much-deregulated distribution of temperature in the body.” People with low body temperature react poorly to even the most ideal medicines and therapies. As the body’s core temperature decreases, cellular energy also decreases.
Dr. Nobuhiro Yoshimizu, director of Yokohama General Hospital, says, “The relationship between our immune system and body temperature is very important. A 1° C drop in body temperature will cause our immune function to fall by 30%. According to Professor Abo Touru of Nagata University, our immune functions are improved by 30% when we increase our body temperature by one degree.
Even though normal cells can handle temperatures of up to 47° C, cancer cells can only handle temperatures of up to 42° C. Dr. Frank T. Kobayashi has been performing thermotherapy to treat cancer for ten years. When he implemented thermotherapy in large hospitals, 70% of 52 end-stage cancer patients improved after the treatment.
A Greek Physician in 500 BC, Parmenides said,
“Give me a chance to create a fever, and I will cure any disease.”
Generally, humans enjoy the energizing warmth of the sun, the light it provides, and how it makes us feel. Light exposure and warmer temperatures support metabolism, mood, and optimal body temperature maintenance. Because of improved cellular energy production, our capacity to handle stress improves with our exposure to light.
In comparison, the cumulative effects of darkness over an extended period reduce our ability to handle stress. Darkness is a stress because it impairs energy production and is associated with a rise in various inflammatory substances.
During the winter, the body is more prone to symptoms of low resting metabolism like seasonal depression (seasonal affective disorder), weight gain, PMS, anxiety, food cravings, fatigue, poor sleep quality, and colds/flu, which come about due to lowered temperatures and less light exposure associated with winter. Flu season occurs in winter when the metabolism slows, and immunity is weakest.
FIR radiation compensates by infusing the cells of the body with life-enhancing photons, supporting and restoring core body temperature, detoxifying, repairing mitochondria, and resetting the Autonomic nervous system, which triggers repair and healing