A New York Times news service article from March started with these words, “Amid widening alarm in the United States and elsewhere about Japan’s nuclear crisis……” Today that widening alarm has diminished and we hardly hear much of anything in the mainstream news. But two months ago we heard, “Authorities reached for evermore desperate and unconventional methods to cool damaged reactors.” “Washington presented a far bleaker threat than the Japanese government had offered.”
“The decision to focus on the No. 3 reactor appeared to suggest that Japanese officials believe it is a greater threat, since it is the only one at the site loaded with a mixed fuel known as mox, for mixed oxide, which includes reclaimed plutonium.”
“Western nuclear engineers have said that the release of mox into the atmosphere would produce a more dangerous radioactive plume than the dispersal of uranium fuel rods at the site. The Japanese authorities also expressed concern that the pressure in the No. 3 reactor had plunged and that either gauges were malfunctioning or a rupture had already occurred.”
Today in the mainstream press we get confirmation and official admission of the meltdown in this most dangerous reactor in addition to reactors number 1 and 2. And with the recent seismic breakout of 7 earthquakes along the northern sector of Sendai Japan we can virtually expect more troubles than the ones we already have there. The earth is agitated and is not calming down.
“Maps of the plume of radiation being given off by the plant show that an elongated cloud will stretch across the Pacific.” Yes of course they said there was nothing to worry about but that does not change the fact that they admitted that such a plume exists and that it has been blowing most of the radiation toward North America. I hear reports that the wind is about to shift and that the Japanese further south including Tokyo are in for a greater bite from the nuclear hell their nuclear industry has unleashed on them.
Everything quoted above was from two months ago from the mainstream press and now we get confirmation across the board of worst-case scenarios from experts but again not much from the crowd-controlling mainstream press. Sex scandals are more important though the one about the IMF chief does seem like a setup. Osama bin Laden celebrations are ebbing and even the Libyan war is old news. “Plutonium Rain” would not be a very appealing headline so we are not going to see it. Weddings are much more pleasant even if it is for the children of families who own the most uranium mines.
We do need a greater sense of heart to hold us to our souls as world developments worsen, especially those centered on the nuclear nightmare unfolding in Japan and in a widening area around the Pacific. I have been trying to distance myself a little from world events being that I am mostly off the Internet and in Sanctuary. But when I came into town the other day to get my email and see what is happening in Japan at Fukushima it felt a knife had been plunged into my heart.
My wife has been continuing to plead with me to get away from doom and gloom and end-of-the-world stories and I am trying but that entails me staying away from going online and looking at what is going on. I deserve a vacation anyway from my seven-days-a-week work schedule that stretches back as far as I can remember and it is a pleasure publishing essays about the heart and spiritual matters. Being in Sanctuary for the first full week ever spending a great deal of time alone in retreat is wonderful but seeing what continues to evolve in the nuclear and natural world news is not.
When asked if this is an end-of-the-world scenario,
the hedge-fund manager replied, “It really is. I tell my
fiancée this from time to time, and I’ve stopped telling
her this, because it’s not the most pleasant thought.”
The health effects of low-level radiation exposure can take as much as 20 or even 30 years to show up. It’s one of the reasons that people can dismiss the effects so easily. So relaxed seems everyone that I have lost my sense of urgency to finish Nuclear Toxicity Syndrome thinking of myself and a little time off but I woke up this morning feeling quite the opposite and will get hard to work on it today.
So much for a vacation from doom! But is there any vacation any longer from what is going on today on our mother Earth? Is there any way to duck and cover from plutonium and many other heavy radioactive particles that are circulated heavily in the northern hemisphere and soon to come (in lighter densities) into the south?
I will continue to publish videos from Professor Christopher Busby from the European Committee on Radiation Risks and Arthur Gundersen from Fairwinds who say Fukushima’s highly radioactive gaseous and liquids continue to be released into the environment unabated. With a meltdown at Unit 1, 2 and 3, and Unit 4 leaning and facing possible collapse, the “situation continues to worsen.” Dr. Busby said, “Of course it’s time for the Japanese government to take control. But having said that, it’s very hard to know how you could take control of the situation. The situation is essentially out of control.”
All the major governmental agencies in the United States are cutting back on their radiation monitoring because in their opinion there is really little to worry about.
I will also continue to publish whatever Dr. Helen Caldicott says, such as, “There was a massive explosion—maybe a nuclear critical mass explosion—which would explain how fuel rods containing plutonium were found one-and-a-half miles from the reactor. Witnesses reported a big explosion and dark smoke. The fallout testing in the USA is totally inadequate. The smoke from this explosion probably contained aerosolite plutonium, which could be blowing with the help of the westerly winds to the USA. In fact, plutonium has been found in areas in the west.”
These three professionals seem to be offering the most trustworthy and respectable profiles of what is happening and what we should be worrying about. I am beginning to discount Dr. Michio Kuku. Though he seemed to be the scientist most on the ball in the early days, calling for immediate entombment of the nuclear site, now he seems to be less up front about his warnings and even cheerleading incoming asteroids behind comets that are headed into our neighborhood.
If you plan well enough, there’s no need for you to wait right in the path of the hurricane. We can’t control the whole world, but we can control ourselves and prepare for what’s coming.
– Doug Casey
We all need to do our best to drive our lives in the directions we want to go though we do have increasingly intense radioactive, heavy metal and chemical headwinds that blow us back or off course in terms of our best health wishes. Medicine gets a big fat zero in terms of helpfulness in our present circumstance. Pathetic has been the medical response. It is so bad in a medical sense that most doctors are not even being doctors since they don’t have the slightest clue about what they need to be doctoring. No one in the official world is telling them so they don’t have a clue about the dangers of heavy metals like mercury and the heavy toxicity of nucleoids particles that have both chemical and radioactive effects once they enter the body.
Marianne Barisonek wrote, “Fukushima has just about completely fallen off the front pages. This is not because the nuclear power plants have stopped spewing radiation into the environment or because the situation is no longer dangerous. We don’t really know how much radiation has leaked from Fukushima. Since the insides of the reactors are too hot for anyone to go into, there is no way of knowing how many of the approximately 600,000 fuel rods were exposed to the air. We don’t know how much has fallen with the rain. We don’t know how much has been dumped in the ocean.”
“But the EPA assures us that they can take 30 samples of milk from all over the country, not even one for each state, once in three months and we’ll have a good idea of the health impacts of the radiation from Fukushima. Radiation doesn’t fall evenly. Measuring one milk sample for an entire region is like saying you’re going to find your New York City friend by standing in the middle of Time Square and asking exactly one person if they know where he is,” continues Barisonek.
Authorities in the US assure us that our nuclear power plants are “safe” and built with proper containment units which would protect us should a major earthquake hit there. But see this video from Arnie Gundersen where he explains how lacking our nuclear power plants really are in this regard: