Oxidative Therapy

Published on March 21, 2022

Oxidative therapy involves treating the body with different forms of oxygen. With singlet oxygen, O2, and O3, which is Ozone. Bio-oxidative medicine uses oxygen as supportive or primary therapy for chronic conditions, including infections, inflammation, cancer-related issues, and the restoration and revitalization of tissues and cells. In Europe, bio-oxidative treatments have been used effectively for almost 100 years to treat conditions ranging from infections to heart disease to autoimmune disease, neurological disease, and pain. 

Breathing is an oxidative process whose primary function
is to energize the mitochondria (energy factories) in our cells,
forcing them to convert sugar to energy (ATP) in the body.

Oxidative therapy gives the immune system a massive assist when it cleans the body of viruses, bacteria, and fungus. More oxygen makes the immune system’s job easier and, at the same time, makes the immune system stronger. Also, it is imperative to note that oxidative therapy improves cellular detoxification. By increasing oxygen to the cells, cells begin to oxidize toxins and eliminate them, thus regenerating and rejuvenating tissues.

Oxygen is invincible in its ability to give or take away life, and that goes as much for cancer cells as it does for healthy human cells. Oxygen can heal and kill. It is perfect for infections of all types when you want to use oxygen to kill. The same goes for cancer.

On the positive side, oxygen therapy is terrific because it translates into more cellular energy, healing energy, and energy to help us feel relaxed and perform better in life. 

Oxidation is a critical energy-producing chemical reaction in the body. There is no life without oxidation though there are harmful organisms, pathogens, and cancer cells that do pretty well without oxygen. Scientists have discovered complex animals known to live without oxygen deep down in the Mediterranean. It was previously thought that only viruses and single-celled microbes could survive without oxygen long-term.

Low or blocked oxidation is usually followed by fermentation of
sugar in cells, which then leads to the primary condition upon
which cancer, infectious and inflammatory processes feed.

An oxidizing agent steals electrons from other organisms forcing them to lose their essential electrons. The oxidizing agent gains those electrons and thus gets reduced. O2 is the principal oxidizing agent of life. All energy transfer in biological systems occurs through reduction-oxidation reactions (redox reactions). For example, digesting food and breathing are oxidative processes. Oxidation provides the energy necessary for all cellular functions and creates the first line of defense against pathogens.

Oxidation requires oxygen. Ironically, while oxygen is the second most abundant element in our atmosphere, most of us are not getting enough of it and are operating in an oxygen-deprived state. Hypoxia is the state of oxygen deprivation and is the principal condition that causes cancer. There are many reasons for oxygen deficiency, covered in the following chapter.

But before we get cancer from low oxygen levels, guess who loves an oxygen-sparse environment? Bacteria, parasites, viruses, fungi, and other anaerobic pathogens. The immune system uses the energy from oxidation to destroy bacteria, viruses, yeast, and parasites, but all too often, it fails in its job and needs extra help to eradicate foreign invaders.

Provide enough oxygen, and its armageddon time for viruses, bacteria, fungus, and even cancer cells can be obliviated if enough oxygen is rammed down their throats. One of the golden keys to optimizing health is creating and maintaining an environment where pathogens cannot thrive. Pathogens detest high oxygen environments, so oxidative therapy is highly effective at eliminating them.

Dr. Robert Rowan says, “Dr. Otto Warburg emphasized that you can’t make a cell ferment unless a LACK OF OXYGEN is involved. In 1955, two American scientists, R.A. Malmgren and C.C. Flanigan confirmed Warburg’s findings. They found that oxygen deficiency is ALWAYS present when cancer develops.” Because of their altered oxygen metabolism, cancerous cells are less able to handle the oxidative stress presented by oxidative therapies than normal cells.

Oxygen also works to alter toxic accumulation in the body. When there is not enough oxygen, our toxin removal system becomes insufficient. Too many toxins in the body, of course, lead to severe disease and more oxygen depletion.  

Notably, many believe that oxidative therapy is the wave of the future in the treatment of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which have resulted from the overuse of antibiotics in people and animals. Ozone, Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy (HBOT), Ultraviolet blood irradiation (UVBI), EWOT (Exercise with Oxygen Therapy), hydrogen peroxide, and chlorine dioxide are all oxidative therapies that heal and detoxify simultaneously. In addition, high dose Vitamin C therapy given intravenously, though an anti-oxidant, is also considered by some as an oxidative therapy.

Northeastern University researchers have found that inhaling supplemental oxygen—40 to 60% oxygen as opposed to the 21% oxygen in the air—can weaken immunosuppression and awaken anti-tumor cells. The new approach, some 30 years in the making, could dramatically increase the survival rate of patients with cancer, which kills some 8 million people each year. The breakthrough findings were published in Science Translational Medicine.

Dr. Michail Sitkovsky, an immune physiology researcher at Northeastern, found that supplemental oxygenation inhibits the hypoxia-driven accumulation of adenosine in the tumor micro-environment and weakens immunosuppression. This, in turn, could improve cancer immunotherapy and shrink tumors by unleashing anti-tumor T lymphocytes and natural killer cells.

Accumulated acid residues at the
cellular level drowns out Oxygen.

“Breathing supplemental oxygen opens up the gates of the tumor fortress and wakes up ‘sleepy’ anti-tumor cells, enabling these soldiers to enter the fortress and destroy it,” explained Sitkovsky, the Eleanor W. Black Chair, and Professor of Immunophysiology and Pharmaceutical Biotech­nology in the Bouvé College of Health Sciences’ Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Sitkovsky and colleagues looked at one particular property of tumors. They can live without much Oxygen in what are known as hypoxic environments. “Since the root of all problems is the lack of oxygen in tumors, a simple solution is to give tumors more oxygen,” Sitkovsky told NBC News.

Cancer Cells are Easier to Kill
when Oxygen Levels are Increased.

Sitkovsky found that a receptor on the surface of immune cells—the A2A adenosine receptor—is responsible for preventing T cells from invading tumors and for “putting to sleep” those killer cells that do manage to enter into the tumors. His latest work shows that supplemental Oxygen weakened tumor-protecting signaling through the A2A adenosine receptor and wakes up the T cells that we’re able to invade lung tumors.

The paper—titled “Immunological mechanisms of the anti­tumor effects of supplemental oxygenation”—was the result of a robust interdisciplinary collaboration between doctors and researchers at some of the country’s most prestigious universities, hospitals and medical schools.

“This is exciting work,” said Dr. Susanna Greer, director of clinical research and immunology for the American Cancer Society. “This is the kind of data that definitely makes you catch your breath a little bit.” It could be a simple approach to making cancer therapies work better, especially immunotherapy, said Greer.

“I was looking to solve the problem of the existence of tumors and anti-tumor killer cells in the same patient,” said Michail Sitkovsky, who led the study. Sitkovsky is not the first researcher to discover oxygen’s anti-tumor properties. Others have seen that oxygen weakens cancer cells making them more vulnerable to other treatments. Other researchers at UT Southwestern reported that increased oxygen coincides with greater delay in tumor growth in an irradiated animal model.

Cancers low in Oxygen are three
times more resistant to radiotherapy.

Numerous studies have shown that tumor hypoxia, in which portions of the tumor have significantly low oxygen concentrations, is linked with more aggressive tumor behavior and poorer prognosis. Increased hypoxia translates into greater resistance to treatment and an increased tendency to metastasize. Every cancer patient should be working as hard as possible to increase oxygen levels, which needs to be done in several ways simultaneously.

I love Chlorine Dioxide

However, chlorine dioxide is approximately five times more soluble than chlorine and 50 times more soluble than ozone. Even though chlorine dioxide (CLO2) is soluble, it is still a gas, and the solubility of the gas is governed by Henry’s Law. I like chlorine dioxide because it’s CL ion rips pathogens to pieces stealing as it does five electrons and overwhelms them with oxygen, as the CL atom disassociates from the pair of oxygen atoms. 

The acidic medium surrounding many pathogens triggers the decomposition of CLO2 and the subsequent liberation of nascent oxygen. Nascent oxygen is a particularly potent oxidizing agent for anaerobic organisms because it is essentially a free radical seeking not one; but two electrons. Anaerobic organisms have not developed adequate defenses against the onslaught of oxygen, particularly nascent oxygen, and quickly succumb to its lethal action.

Chemotherapy is oxidative though instead of using oxygen, it uses near-lethal poisons. There are usually significant side effects to chemo because poison is not selective. It kills healthy cells with the same facility as cancer cells.

What Are the Benefits of Oxidative Therapies?

Oxidative therapy can provide a wide range of benefits to a diverse population of patients, including but not limited to those living with:

  • Autoimmune disease 
  • Bacterial infections
  • Cancer
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome 
  • Depression
  • Diabetes 
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Fungal infections
  • Lyme disease 
  • Respiratory conditions 
  • Sleep disorders 
  • Viral infections 

As each of us is unique, the benefits of oxidative therapies will be specific to you, but in general they:

  • Activating the enzymes involved in free radical destruction
  • Destroying viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi
  • Enhancing circulation
  • Increasing tissue oxygenation 
  • Inhibiting the growth of new blood vessels that feed tumors 
  • Optimizing oxygen utilization of cells and tissues 
  • Oxidizing toxins 
  • Promoting healing and recovery after exertion 
  • Regulating the autonomic nervous system 
  • Stimulating white blood cell (immune cells) production

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Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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