The British Lung Foundation says, “Breathing in air with a higher concentration of oxygen can be used to correct a low oxygen level in the blood. If you feel breathless and tired, particularly when moving around, you may have low blood oxygen levels.”
Oxygen, a gas found in the air we breathe, is necessary for human life. Some people with breathing disorders cannot get enough oxygen naturally. They may need supplemental oxygen, or oxygen therapy. People who receive oxygen therapy often see improved energy levels, improved sleep, and an overall better quality of life.
Nurses supply and administer oxygen to patients daily. Oxygen is a serious drug, if you are in the medical profession. It is also serious nutrition for our cells, which our life depends on in a moment-to-moment sense.
Medical professors tell their students that oxygen is a drug because you need a physician’s order to give it to a patient. Whether or not it is an actual drug, you are still required to treat it as such. The FDA considers it a drug so get a prescription before taking your next breath!
A drug, broadly speaking, is anything that affects physiological functioning. In pharmacology, a drug is defined as anything that is used in the treatment, prevention, cure or diagnosis of illness. Even food is considered a drug by the FDA if any health claim is made by producers.
Oxygen is just as much a drug as any other in the eyes of the FDA but that does not mean they regulate what nurses prescribe as a matter of routine without specific medical authorization. In England, the medical establishment has been tightening up on oxygen administration. Nurses in the United States supply and administer oxygen to patients daily most often without specific doctors’ orders.
Is the oxygen provided by an oxygen concentrator considered a drug per FDA? Yes and no, it depends on the context in which it is used. The device filters air and concentrates the oxygen for delivery to patients via a nasal cannula. It is not life supporting by itself because it gives out relatively little oxygen unless you get a bigger unit, and even then, 10 liters per minute of purified oxygen does little unless you are doing 32 hours of Oxygen Multi-Step Therapy.
In reality, it is all about the purpose of usage. Breathing oxygen as we all do without assistance is not a drug, but when administered to treat, prevent or cure a disease it makes using oxygen technically into a drug. Oxygen is not a drug per FDA in the context of a device that produces concentrated oxygen by filtering ambient air. An oxygen concentrator itself is a medical device, though one does not need a prescription for it[1], but the oxygen is not considered a drug in this instance.
Hyperbaric chambers are a lifesaving state-of-the-art device for treating many diseases that do not respond to pharmaceutical drugs. Hyperbaric oxygen acts as a drug, eliciting varying levels of response at different dosages and proven effective as adjunctive therapy for many conditions. This form of therapy is especially useful for patients who cannot do EWOT training.
If one wants to treat cancer or any other disease with oxygen one needs to be a doctor. If one wants to treat their inflammation, acid conditions, low levels of oxygen, or purely gain in performance and health one does not need a prescription. Most alternative practitioners, when they work with cancer patients, are not treating the cancer, which would be illegal, but are treating the underlying conditions of cancer.
Oxygen is one of the most widely used therapeutic agents. It is a drug in the true sense of the word, with specific biochemical and physiologic actions, a distinct range of effective doses, and well-defined adverse effects at high doses when in the absence of carbon dioxide gas. It is not a pharmaceutical drug! It is nutritional no matter what doctors or FDA officials think or say.
Oxygen is widely available and commonly prescribed by medical professionals for a broad range of conditions to relieve or prevent tissue hypoxia. The cost of a single use of oxygen is low. Yet in many hospitals, the annual expenditure on oxygen therapy exceeds those of most other high-profile therapeutic agents.
If used correctly and in a timely fashion oxygen is a lifesaver. Oxygen robs the angel of death of its victims. Oxygen protects us as long as we get enough. Oxygen is the ultimate drug or giver of life. With enough oxygen, we can resist ageing, and with Anti-Inflammatory Oxygen Therapy, we actually get younger. We can reverse vascular aging by combining unlimited oxygen availability with exercise.
Everyone secretly loves oxygen because our lives depend on it on a moment-to-moment basis. Super athletes and Navy Seal types can use oxygen at high dosages to be everything they can be. To some people that is everything.
The easy availability of oxygen lies beneath a lack of commercial interest in it and the paucity of funding of large-scale clinical studies on oxygen as a drug. If one wants to see if an avalanche of oxygen can cure their cancer, they will have to experiment on themselves but all logic and medical science points to the legitimacy of such an approach.
The commonly accepted paradigm that links hyperoxia to enhanced oxidative stress and the relatively narrow margin of safety between its effective and toxic doses are additional barriers accounting for the disproportionately small number of high-quality studies on the clinical use of oxygen at higher-than-normal partial pressures (hyperoxia). This is unfortunate and reflects a great ignorance of how carbon dioxide plays the vital role of making high doses extremely non-toxic.
EWOT demonstrates how easy it is to control the dose of oxygen in contrast to many other drugs, and therefore clinically significant manifestations of oxygen toxicity are absent. The body knows exactly how much oxygen it can take when exercising so dosage actually becomes a non-issue. Any activity increases the human body’s need for oxygen. Therefore, we exercise with extra oxygen and see amazing results with Anti-Inflammatory Oxygen Therapy.
Who will benefit from oxygen therapy? Dyspnea (breathlessness) and other symptoms of hypoxia can be fundamentally addressed when oxygen is taken up to the levels spoken about by Professor van Ardennes. Oxygen is known to be helpful in selected patients with advanced cancer or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but though there is currently, no evidence for benefit in heart failure, it is ideal for treating vascular disease.
Oxygen therapy requirements vary depending on the nature of the problem. Some patients need carefully monitored concentrations of oxygen (high or low), while for others, the appropriate concentration or flow can be determined based on patient comfort. In palliative care, provision of oxygen needs to be modified based on what the patient can comfortably tolerate.
The mainstream view is that though it may be an odorless and colorless gas, as with any other drug, it has potential risks and side effects. There are situations where it may be dangerous to administer a high percentage of oxygen especially if CO2 is not produced along with the O2. Hypercapnoeic patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, who rely on their hypoxic drive to breathe, might need to be especially careful but in reality, 99% of people can use supplemental oxygen with no negative effect.
The standard of oxygen prescribing is poor in the medical world mostly because the pharmaceutical paradigm does not want to confront the truth that oxygen itself, something that is not patentable, is actually better than expensive drugs for the treatment of cancer and other diseases. Oxygen is a universal medicine, a universal drug. It is an essential nutritional gas as is carbon dioxide. Plants are not the only ones that love carbon dioxide. Our lives and the safe use of oxygen depends on carbon dioxide.
[1] In the USA oxygen is considered a prescription medication and devices for oxygen therapy require a physician’s prescription before an individual can purchase or rent them.