Oxygen, Alkalinity & Cancer
Radical shifts in pH represents a potent method of practicing medicine. It would behoove us all to learn how to do this because we are facing the end of the age of antibiotics, and that will be brutal for those who do not jump ship from mainstream medicine. The Arm & Hammer Baking Soda Company knew and published information about using their product for medical purposes in 1926.
We can violently pull the rug out from under most pathogens by bombarding them with a blast of alkalinity. Further destruction of pathogens will result when we take high dosages of iodine, along with supplying our immune system with plenty of magnesium, selenium and sulfur.
When it comes to fighting cancer, adding cannabinoids to the above mix can pretty much ensure that your chances of outliving your cancer will be dramatically heightened. There are many other things one can add to continue to increase one’s odds, but pH bunker-buster bombs (one-half teaspoon of baking soda taken every few hours or one or two pounds or more in a bath with magnesium salts added) reach even down to the bones, as cancer survivor Vernon Johnston showed everyone.
More Alkaline, More Oxygen
Researchers found that an increase of 1.2 metabolic units (oxygen consumption) was related to a decreased risk of cancer death, especially in lung and gastrointestinal cancers.[1]
According to Annelie Pompe, a prominent mountaineer and world-champion free diver, alkaline tissues can hold up to 20 times more oxygen than acidic ones. When our body cells and tissue are acidic (below pH of 6.5-7.0), they lose their ability to exchange oxygen, and cancer cells just love that.
Those in the sports world understand the benefits of taking sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) orally before workouts or athletic events—doing so raises the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. One can actually feel the difference in performance—it is that noticeable. One of the limitations of using bicarbonate orally in this fashion is that it can provoke diarrhea during an event if taken in high enough dosages.
Alkaline, high-oxygen conditions retard cancer growth—we know that. At a pH of 8.0 or slightly greater, cancer cells and cancer-causing pathogenic microbes (viruses, bacteria, fungus) do not do well. They get sick, stagger and then die in large numbers—so quickly in some cases that the body has trouble clearing the carnage.
Oxygen-rich environments are critical for combating the growth of anaerobic bacteria (i.e., bacteria that grow in the absence of oxygen). In contrast, cancer only thrives in an oxygen-deficient (hypoxic) environment. Most cancer patients have very acidic body tissue pH, around 4 or 5.
A healthy cell breathes oxygen for energy. A cancer cell shuns oxygen and ferments sugar instead for its energy requirements.
“The ideal task of cancer therapy is to restore the function of the oxidizing systems,” wrote Dr. Max Gerson in his book, A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases and the Cure of Advanced Cancer. And for good reason! Deprive a cell of 60% of its oxygen and it will turn cancerous. “Deprive a cell of 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous,” said Dr. Otto Warburg. Deprived of air we die, but our cells have a bastardly trick up their sleeves where they can survive low-oxygen conditions. We call this condition cancer, the slow starvation of healthy cells while cancer cells thrive.
If you read my book, Sodium Bicarbonate, Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment, you will delve deeply into these subjects. The main point here is that sodium bicarbonate increases oxygen through alkalinity with the ability to pass through all tissue barriers so treatments get into the brain and the bones. High O2 levels are fortunately lethal to cancer tissue whereas normal tissues are not harmed by more oxygen. Indeed tissues normally need more O2 for the very reason they are too acidic and because of magnesium and other deficiencies.
Just about everyone knows by now that an acid pH body is more prone to illness. In an acidic environment, red blood cells cannot repel each other so they stick together like a stack of coins, forming what is called rouleau formation. When red blood cells get sandwiched, compressed against each other, they are unable to carry much oxygen. Magnesium deficiency weighs in heavily here because magnesium enhances the binding of oxygen to haem proteins.[2]
The structure of hemoglobin is easily compromised by heavy metals like mercury as are all sulfur-bearing proteins[3] like insulin, etc. Heavy metals can also encourage the blood to coagulate. Heavy metals therefore reduce the transport of oxygen.
Dr. Otto Warburg published a Nobel-Prize-winning paper over 75 years ago describing the environment of the cancer cell. A normal cell undergoes an adverse change when it can no longer take up oxygen to convert glucose into energy by oxidation. In the absence of oxygen the cell reverts to a primitive nutritional program to sustain itself—it produces glucose through fermentation. The lactic acid produced by fermentation lowers the cell pH (acid/alkaline balance) and destroys the ability of DNA and RNA to control cell division. The cancer cells then begin to multiply unchecked. Therefore a cancer cell is an oxygen-starved cell.
Drs. D. F. Treacher and R. M. Leach write, “Tissues have no storage system for oxygen. They rely on a continuous supply at a rate that precisely matches changing metabolic requirements. If this supply fails, even for a few minutes, tissue hypoxaemia may develop resulting in anaerobic metabolism and production of lactate.”[4] Cancer needs anaerobic—absence-of-oxygen—conditions to grow and spread.
All normal body cells meet their energy need by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation. This energy-burning process (sugar fermentation) releases mainly lactic acid and carbon monoxide instead of carbon dioxide. Any element that threatens the oxygen-carrying capacity of the human body will promote cancer growth. Likewise any therapy that improves the oxygen function can be expected to enhance the body’s defenses against cancer.
Hypoxemia, or what might be called “blocked oxidation,” is followed by fermentation of sugar in cells, which then leads to the primary condition upon which cancer and infectious and inflammatory processes feed. Viruses are “anaerobic” creatures that thrive in the absence of oxygen. Yeast, mold and fungus live in an anaerobic environment. Most strains of harmful bacteria (and cancer cells) are anaerobic and are not comfortable in the presence of higher oxygen levels.
Things get complicated for us when our immune system has become compromised. Our tissues get lower and lower in oxygen and our cells start to suffocate, ferment, and attract pathogens, which, when all combined in a deadly mix, begin to grow in an uncontrolled manner. That is a good preliminary definition of cancer, though in my book, The Changing Landscape of Cancer, I go much further.
In Winning the War on Cancer we go deep into the nightmare of mercury and how that fits so tightly with cancer. It’s important to know that mercury binds with hemoglobin, which is responsible for oxygen transport to the tissues. When the body is polluted with mercury, less oxygen reaches the tissues.
Anything that depletes and disturbs the immune system will increase one’s chances of contracting cancer.
Acidic diets coupled with toxic emotions and stress, poor breathing,[5] chemical and heavy-metal contamination and mineral deficiencies all combine to create an acid pH in the cells. This causes low oxygen levels (hypoxia), which promotes the proliferation of destructive anaerobic microbes, and immune-suppression also results.
The alkaline and thus the oxygen levels of the body are influenced partly by our emotions. Joyous, happy, love-filled emotions tend to create alkaline-forming chemical reactions in the body. Conversely, emotions filled with anger, fear, jealousy, hate, etc. create acidic-forming chemical reactions in the body.
Stress causes acidity. Negative emotions cause acidity. If you deal with chronic stress or negative emotions, you need to launch your pH deep-penetration bunker-buster bombs and start practicing pH medicine today.
[1] http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/159225.php
[2] Terwilliger and Brown, 1993; Takenhiko and Weber; Wood and Dalgleish, 1973
[3] It has long been known that the sulfur contents of hemoglobins of different species vary. Therefore one or both of the sulfur containing amino acids must exist in different quantities in the various globins.
[4] BMJ. 1998 November 7; 317(7168): 1302–1306
[5] Improper breathing causes oxygen deficiency. Use the full capacity of your lungs by expanding both the chest and lower abdomen. Practice deep breathing for a few minutes every day. If you feel depressed, try breathing more deeply. Deep breathing also contributes to moving the lymph. The body’s cells depend on the lymphatic system as the only way to drain off the large toxic materials and excess fluid, which restrict the amount of oxygen that the cells are able to absorb. Proper breathing is one of the most important things you can do for maintaining your health. There is a right way and a wrong way to breathe. Children breathe deeply, from their diaphragm. As we age, however, our breathing shifts to the chest and becomes shallower and more rapid.