Powerful Treatments For Parkinson’s Disease Hydrogen and Magnesium

Published on January 15, 2021

“When I first contacted Dr. Sircus to consult with him, I was in desperate need of help. My elderly husband, diagnosed with Parkinson’s, suddenly began to decline rapidly over five months. He had no appetite, lost weight, and gradually lost the ability to walk, even with a walker. His legs were swollen from the ankles to the hips, and his mental confusion was getting worse.”

“Dr. Sircus prescribed an intensive protocol, which included a hydrogen machine for inhalation of hydrogen gas (AquaCure). He started using the device 5-10 minutes at a time, three times a day, and slowly increasing the time until Dr. Sircus gave the green light to have him hooked up to the gas all day.”

“I didn’t know what to expect and was careful not to get up my hopes too high, but after about three weeks of inhalation, I could detect a shift for the better. It started with the appetite, which came back with a vengeance (he ate his breakfast and half of mine too), his legs are no longer swollen, and his old self started to re-emerge. Is he a healthy man yet? Of course not, but I now believe that he will improve his overall health and quality of life with continuous use of hydrogen gas.”

“The hydrogen gas has also dramatically improved my chronic ankle pain from an old injury after only two days. The pain has been reduced by more than fifty percent.”

Linda Ackerman

The benefits of hydrogen water on motor deficits have
been reported in animal P.D. models and P.D. patients.
[1]Hirayama M, Ito M, Minato T, et al

One of the most efficient ways to attenuate oxidative stress is drinking hydrogen water and inhaling hydrogen gas. The neuroprotective mechanism of hydrogen does have beneficial effects of reducing lifestyle-related oxidative damage for neurodegenerative diseases, including P.D.

Numerous forms of irreversible damage in nervous system diseases are caused by neuroinflammation, excessive oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and cell death.

With gaseous hydrogen H2, one can achieve all kinds of medical and therapeutic results—legions of experts, physicians, biochemists, physicists, and pharmacists have gotten excited about this gas that is sorely lacking in our atmosphere. In a 2015 review by Ichihara et al., there is the mention of “drastic effects,” referring to the effectiveness of H2 as a medicine. Such enthusiasm is relatively rare in the otherwise rather sober research environment.

With the search words “Ohsawa Hydrogen” or “Ohsawa Hydrogen,” anyone can quickly get an idea on the Internet of how astonishingly far the topic of hydrogen therapy has already progressed, mainly at renowned universities in Japan, Korea, China, and more recently in the USA.

Parkinson’s and Magnesium

My first experience with Parkinson’s fifteen years ago was with a patient of my wife’s. I saw her enter the office with much difficulty using a stroller. Her hands shook uncontrollably, and she was miserable. We gave her a little magnesium to take both orally and transdermally. Two weeks later, she came back, but this time she almost ran in without her stroller with the biggest smile I ever saw. Just a little magnesium had done something to her that none of her medications could.

Some people are so magnesium deficient that just supplementing with a little makes all the difference. We are getting to see, during this pandemic, how much pharmaceutical interests control the world of medicine and how much that can hurt people. We can see with our own eyes what concentrated nutritional medicine can do that pharmaceuticals can’t.

Years ago, I went to visit a woman who also has Parkinson’s disease. I left her with her some iodine, sodium bicarbonate, and magnesium, and she looked like a new woman when I visited again. Her hands barely shook. Today, with the advent of hydrogen inhalation therapy, we can promise Parkinson’s patients even more relief. All patients with chronic diseases should employ a full protocol of natural medicines for the best results. That includes breathing retraining since our breath controls not only physical parameters but also emotional and mental ones.

The National Parkinson Foundation reports that in the United States, 50,000-60,000 new cases of P.D. are diagnosed each year, adding to the one million people who currently have P.D. It is estimated that four to six million people around the world suffer from the condition.

There is no known cure for Parkinson’s disease in contemporary medicine. One main reason is that they refuse to acknowledge how toxicities from heavy metals and chemicals run head-on into nutritional deficiencies causing disease—meaning modern medicine has not the slightest idea what it’s doing when it comes to neurological disorders.

Parkinson’s and other neurological diseases do respond well to Natural Allopathic Medicine. There are sufficient evidence and testimony to suggest that people do not have to suffer from the worsening disorder that leads to total disability. Untreated, Parkinson’s leads to a deterioration of all brain functions and an early miserable death![2]

Magnesium, Heavy Metals, and Dopamine

There is little doubt that low magnesium levels contribute to the brain’s heavy metal deposition that precedes Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s. Magnesium protects the cells from aluminum, mercury, lead, cadmium, beryllium, and nickel. Magnesium comes out on top in the class of cerebral protective agents.

Nerve cells use a brain chemical called dopamine to help control muscle movement. Parkinson’s disease occurs when the nerve cells in the brain that make dopamine are slowly destroyed. Without dopamine, the nerve cells in that part of the brain cannot properly send messages. This leads to the loss of muscle function. The damage gets worse with time.

It has been shown that continuous low magnesium intake induces complete loss of dopaminergic neurons in rats.[3][   Magnesium exerts both preventive and ameliorating effects in an in vitro rat Parkinson’s disease model involving 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+) toxicity in dopaminergic neurons.[4]

Magnesium protects dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra from degeneration. There is a significant and striking effect of magnesium for preventing neurite and neuron pathology and amelioration of neurite pathology.[5]

Magnesium Testimonial

“I have completed my first day of magnesium oil therapy on William, who has had Parkinson’s for over 20 years. His condition before starting the magnesium oil was: He couldn’t talk at all. Could not articulate what-so-ever! He was barely functional and did nothing voluntarily. The drooling was getting so bad and so constant that I was beginning to isolate him to his bedroom, and it appeared to be getting worse by the week. He also had started getting violent with me.

“I applied the magnesium oil twice yesterday, and he woke this morning and washed his own face, cleaned his teeth, and put on his robe by himself—without being told to do these things. This hasn’t happened for two years. What is more, he is not drooling.

“After only three days, his speech has been better overall. I am applying it faithfully three times a day all over him. His eyes are brighter, the concentration is more prolonged and better, and the speech is much improved. At least he can string two or three words together now and does not freeze up completely.

“Since starting the magnesium oil, his demeanor has improved immensely. No more surly ugly looks, no more stubborn refusals to swallow or do something that I ask him to do. Great improvement, and best of all, he can now communicate so he can tell me what he wants and needs.

Nancy English Vinal

Cannabis & Parkinson’s Disease

It has only recently been observed that some cannabinoids are potent antioxidants that can protect neurons from death without cannabinoid receptor activation. It seems that cannabinoids can delay or even stop progressive degeneration of brain dopaminergic systems.

Dr. Evzin Ruzicka, an attending neurologist at Charles University in Prague in the Czech Republic said, “To our knowledge, this is the first study to assess the effect of cannabis on Parkinson’s disease, and our findings suggest it may alleviate some symptoms.[6]

In a 2007 study published in Nature, researchers from the Stanford University School of Medicine report that endocannabinoids, naturally occurring chemicals found in the brain similar to the active compounds in marijuana and hashish, helped trigger a dramatic improvement in mice with a condition similar to Parkinson’s.

Dr. Robert Malenka, the Nancy Friend Pritzker Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, and Dr. Anatol Kreitzer combined a drug used to treat Parkinson’s disease (dopamine) with an experimental compound that can boost the level of endocannabinoids in the brain. When they used the combination in mice with a condition like Parkinson’s, the mice went from being frozen in place to moving around freely in 15 minutes. “They were basically normal,” Kreitzer said.


Iodine is found in large quantities in the brain and the
ciliary body of the eye. Lack of iodine may be involved
in production of Parkinson’s disease and glaucoma.
Dr. James Howenstein

Long-term iodine deficiency appears to be linked to abnormalities in the dopaminergic system, including an increased number of dopamine receptors.

The hypothesis that Parkinson’s disease may be linked to soil and hence dietary iodine deficiency, associated with glaciation, is not new.

In the brain, iodine concentrates in the
substantia nigra, an area of the brain that
has been associated with Parkinson’s disease.
Dr. David Brownstein


Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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