Reeducating Doctors To The Importance of pH

Published on March 27, 2023

My New York publisher does not like me to come down hard or belittle doctors or the western medical system they serve. They do not like when I blast big Pharma, but I cannot help myself. I am sorry (not really) to say that modern medicine and modern medical science are full of medically ignorant doctors who have no idea how blind they are about the most fundamental aspect of physiology, measured by testing for pH.

I do not know how anyone can consider themselves a doctor and not understand the importance of pH medicine. Medicine 101: Being acidic means two things. First, it means low oxygen conditions; second, it means low voltage or energy conditions because, in physics, we know that pH is a voltage measurement. If one does not understand pH medicine, then one cannot understand oxygen physiology and its importance in cancer development and treatment.

Across the board, almost everyone in the medical-industrial complex categorically refuses the truth, so nothing is surprising about medical ignorance. Unfortunately, bicarbonate physiology and pH medicine stand in the shadow of medical wrongdoing. As a result, people suffer and die prematurely because the medical establishment ignores one of the most effective, safest, and least expensive medicines on earth.

As a rule, even in healthy older people, bicarbonate levels become pathologically low because of renal deficiency and because we are exposed to toxins in our air, water, and food. In the case of most diseases, low bicarbonate/CO2 blood levels are encountered, which is why sodium, potassium, and magnesium bicarbonates should be included in every medical and health protocol. That’s right; we are talking about ordinary baking soda, and we will be speaking, in this third edition of my bicarbonate book, about magnesium as well.

The Key Role of Kidney Function in Bicarbonate Deficit Syndrome

For everyone, the physiological aging process causes a reduction of renal function which begins at the age of 25 to 30. Thus acidosis, due to a deficit of bicarbonate, begins to develop early in life as a “normal” fate. At the age of 60 to 70 years, the “normal” renal function will be reduced to about 50% of the function at the age of 25.

Patients with reduced kidney function because of various renal diseases are prone to problems of acid-base-balance and develop a deficit of bicarbonate, i.e., acidosis of the organism. This is because the ailing kidney cannot excrete the ongoing production of metabolic acids nor produce or reabsorb sufficient amounts of bicarbonate from the glomerular filtrate.

The enormous amounts of toxins in our modern age puts a high demand on the kidneys. Therefore Bicarbonate-Deficit-Syndrome (BDS) results from the amount of toxic exposure and the actual age of the kidneys. In addition, the nutritional sufficiency or deficiency of the body weighs in heavily.

Twin Sisters

Our life and health depend on having enough CO2 in the blood and tissues. Carbon dioxide is both an essential nutrient and a product of respiration. Its lack or deficiency is a starting point for bodily disturbances, including cancer. The last thing a person wants is to be bicarbonate deficient, which is the same as saying CO2 deficient.

It is essential to note that CO2 is bicarbonate’s twin sister. They are two forms of the same thing. When we take bicarbonate, the acid in the stomach or lemon in the glass turns bicarbonates into CO2. We see a constant and ultra-fast interaction between bicarbonate and CO2 in the blood. To understand bicarbonate medicine and why it is as powerful and vital as it is, one must appreciate CO2 physiology.

When we talk about bicarbonate, we are talking about CO2 because that is what sodium bicarbonate turns to when it reaches the stomach, causing increased stomach acid production and bicarbonates in the blood. The bicarbonate ion is HCO3-. Bicarbonate is a crucial buffer found in the blood. Carbon dioxide is present in the blood in several forms, such as bicarbonate, dissolved carbon dioxide, and carbonic acid, of which 90% is bicarbonate or HCO3.

Ignorance of pH issues is directly related to the killing of cancer patients with highly acidic treatments like chemotherapy and radiation. Dr. Robert Morse passionately talks about the consequences of exposing the body to acids when they should be exposed to alkaline substances like bicarbonates. Few know it, but in the early days of chemotherapy, sodium bicarbonate was simultaneously administered to buffer the intense acidity of the chemicals.

Bicarbonate CO2 Medicine.

CO2 is directly involved in “light reactions.” The role of carbon dioxide and bicarbonate in photosynthesis was always clear to researchers. Bicarbonate in plants links cell metabolism to photosynthetic electron flow. Therefore, the more CO2 in the air, the happier plants are, meaning the more green the earth will be.

Joseph Priestley observed in 1775 that “a green matter” deposited on the walls of water containers formed bubbles of pure “dephlogisticated air” (oxygen). While Ingen-Housz ( in 1779, 1796) discovered the importance of light in this process, it was Senebier in 1782 who demonstrated that the production of oxygen by plants depends on the presence of CO2. Carbon dioxide is, in fact, a more fundamental component of living matter than oxygen.

Dr. Alina Vasiljeva and Dr. David Nias wrote, “At the end of the 19th century, scientists Bohr and Verigo discovered what seemed a strange law: a decreased level of carbon dioxide in the blood leads to decreased oxygen supply to the cells in the body including the brain, heart, kidneys, etc. Carbon dioxide (CO2) was found to be responsible for the bond between oxygen and hemoglobin. If the level of carbon dioxide in the blood is lower than normal, then this leads to difficulties in releasing oxygen from hemoglobin. Hence the Verigo-Bohr law.”

Isn’t it funny that doctors ignore this intimate relationship? Isn’t it funny that doctors overlook that most people have a deficiency in CO2 in the blood because they are breathing too fast? And even worse, isn’t it funny that though oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) has been shown to drive healthy cells toward cancer, oncologists ignore the crucial relationship between oxygen and CO2?

“Lactic acid paralyzes the T cells, and that helps leukemia cells to escape from the control by the immune system,” says Dr. Robert Zeiser, a transplant physician at the University of Freiburg in Germany. Bicarbonate plays a massive role in cancer treatments because cancer cells and tumors of all types produce excessive amounts of lactic acid because they use fermentation to keep themselves alive. (See Cancer Section Below) One of the reasons bicarbonate is such a miracle medicine, especially for cancer patients, is that it neutralizes lactic acid.

Because baking soda is alkaline, it reduces inflammation. This was shown in a study into the effects of baking soda on patients with chronic kidney disease. Likewise, sodium bicarbonate effectively reduces inflammation caused by increased acid in the blood. A study published in the journal Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy in 2015 found that sodium bicarbonate helped to reduce inflammation in the kidneys and slowed down the progress of the disease. As a result, many hospitals now include sodium bicarbonate supplements as part of their renal care.

Drinking a glass of baking soda and water can also help get instant relief from the pain and discomfort of stomach ulcers. According to the Mayo Clinic, ulcers are generally due to a bacterial infection caused by the Helicobacter pylori bacteria. This can cause inflammation in the stomach resulting in pain, heartburn, nausea, and a feeling of fullness.

Bicarbonate, the Pancreas, and Premature Death

A highly acidic pH level puts the pancreas, liver, and all the body’s organs at risk. Because of the vital role played by the liver in removing acid waste from the body, liver function is also particularly at risk when acids accumulate. In addition, when acidity prevents the liver and pancreas from regulating blood sugar, the risk of diabetes and, thus, cancer increases.

Parhatsathid Napatalung from Thailand writes, “The pancreas is harmed if the body is metabolically acid as it tries to maintain bicarbonates. Without sufficient bicarbonates, the pancreas is slowly destroyed, insulin becomes a problem, and diabetes becomes an issue. Without sufficient bicarbonate buffer, the effect of disease is far-reaching as the body becomes acid.”

Older adults are at a higher risk for death if they have low blood-bicarbonate levels. Low serum bicarbonate is directly associated with premature mortality. People with low bicarbonate levels had a higher risk of death, and their increased risk of death was 24%. Bicarbonate is very important in the body for maintaining pH levels in a normal range. For our cells and organs to work typically, the pH needs to be kept at a range of about 7.40.

A glass of ½ tsp. Baking soda and water a day can help to keep your
body’s pH levels in check and prevent it from becoming too acidic.

Bicarbonates and Cancer

Poor oxygenation or hypoxia appears to be a favorable environment
for cancer development, whereas good oxygenation favors healthy
tissue growth. Increasing CO2 levels through the use of sodium
bicarbonate is good in cancer treatment because bicarbonate drives
up CO2 levels in the blood, which increases oxygenation to the cells.

The Dana-Faber Cancer Institute says, “Normal human cells need just the right amount of oxygen — not too much nor too little — to survive and stay healthy. This critical balance is regulated by an intricate oxygen-sensing process in the body,” the discovery of which earned the 2019 Nobel Prize in Medicine shared by Dana-Farber scientist William G. Kaelin, Jr., MD, and two other researchers. “This mechanism enables people to adapt to living at high altitudes and bring more oxygen to cells during exercise.”

When normal cells are deprived of oxygen, they have two stark choices. They can die of suffocation, or to survive, they can, as a survival strategy, turn to fermentation and become cancerous. The critical inflection point is at the beginning stages of cancer, where the body is hypoxic for various reasons. Hypoxia and acid go together, which is more common than any oncologist thinks, though they do not think about such things. If doctors paid more attention to their patients’ acidity/low oxygen/hypoxic conditions, part of the war on cancer would be won.

Cancer cells have revealed multiple acid extrusion mechanisms in cancer cell growth and progression. When tumors are active, they pump lactic acid outside of the cell, creating ever-intensifying acid conditions. When the tissue surrounding a tumor becomes more acidic, it encourages the matrix around tumor cells to weaken, allowing tumors to grow, break off, spread, or metastasize more quickly.

Bicarbonates are essential because they increase tumor pH and inhibit spontaneous metastases. Bicarbonates are limiting to tumor growth, according to Issam Ben-Sahra, Ph.D., assistant professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics. Cancer cells flourish in acidic environments, so bicarbonate helps fight against cancer.

“The concept is so easy. It’s not some $100,000
per year drug. It’s literally just baking soda.”
Dr. Chi Van Dang

Bicarbonate uses the Warburg effect by raising the extracellular pH it reduces the ability of cancer cells to modify the cytosolic alkali tumor environment, which exacerbates metabolic stress across the totality of the tumor microenvironment. However, without simultaneous treatment with other elements, alkalization alone might cause various characteristics of cancer to change, merely extending life expectancy rather than completely obliterating the cancerous mass. We should never put all our eggs in one basket, depending only on one healing substance, but employ many simultaneously in a multi-prong attack on cancer cells and tumors.

There are two ways of looking at hypoxia/low oxygen levels. Some might say that a low-oxygen environment makes our blood acidic, while others say that acidic conditions make for low oxygen levels in both blood and tissues.

The first person to champion the use of bicarbonates in cancer treatment was Dr. Tullio Simoncini, who said:

“My methods have cured people for over 25 years. Many of my patients recovered completely from cancer, even in cases where official oncology had given up.”

“The best way to try to eliminate a tumor is to bring it into contact with sodium bicarbonate as closely as possible, i.e., using oral administration for the digestive tract, enemas for the rectum, douching for the vagina and uterus, intravenous injection for the lung and the brain, and inhalation for the upper airways. Breasts, lymph nodes, and subcutaneous lumps can be treated with local perfusions. The internal organs can be treated with sodium bicarbonate by locating suitable catheters in the arteries (of the liver, pancreas, prostate, and limbs) or in the cavities (of the pleura or peritoneum).”

“It is important to treat each type of cancer with the right dosage. For a phleboclysis, 500 cc at 5% or 8,4% is required; for external administrations, it is enough to taste if the solution is salty. Sometimes it is judicious to combine different administrations. For each treatment, consider that tumor colonies regress between the third and fourth day and collapse between the fourth and fifth so that a six-day administration is sufficient.”

“A complete, effective cycle comprises six treatment days on and six days off, repeated four times. This care system’s most important side effects are thirst and weakness.”

For skin cancer, a 7% iodine tincture should be spread on the affected area 20-30 times once a day, with the aim of producing a number of layers of crusts. After this treatment, cancer will be gone and stay away forever.

Israeli Discovers Baking Soda Helps Kill Cancer Cells

I have two major essays on bicarbonates and cancer, part one and part two. But there are always new things to learn about bicarbonate and its use in cancer.

Dra. Hanan Abumanhal, at Israel’s Technion Institute, says that baking soda, the simple household product familiar to everybody, may revolutionize breast cancer treatment. She and her colleagues point out that sodium bicarbonate can increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy treatment because this natural substance changes the acidity of the cancerous tumor and thus increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy.

“Many studies show and emphasize the importance of the environment of the tumor in supporting cancer cells and the ability of the cells to penetrate nearby tissues and send metastases to other organs of the body,” explained Dr. Abumanhal.

Dr. Abumanhal knew that environmental changes in the cancerous tumor tissue could affect the response of cells to treatments and encourage the development of resistance to anti-cancer therapy. “That is why it is important to develop a synergistic treatment that changes the entire environmental balance and thus ‘suffocates’ the tumor,” she explained.

Abumanhal developed nanoparticles containing baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) which can be localized on cancerous tumors. “In this way, they changed the acidity of the tissue and thus increased the penetration of chemotherapeutic drugs,” she said, explaining that a more acidic environment characterizes cancer cells than in other body tissues.

The nanoparticles of baking soda reduce the acidity in the tumor area. “Healthy cells also increase acidity when required for rapid energy production, but in cancer cells, this is the dominant pathway for energy generation; acidity makes the cancer cells more aggressive and metastatic,” she said. “Introducing baking soda using the method we have developed will make it possible to reduce the drug dose and thus reduce the side effects.”


By using a simple compound injected into the area of the tumor using very sophisticated nano-technology methods, the anti-cancer activity of chemotherapeutic drugs was enhanced. In addition, Dr. Simoncini uses hard-to-replicate intravenous application methods.

Sophisticated nano-technology methods and intravenous injections are unavailable to the typical cancer patient. So I devised a treatment plan that depends on oral and transdermal applications of bicarbonates, including all three forms: sodium, potassium, and magnesium bicarbonate.

The essence of my work is to empower people to treat themselves at home using a combination of the most potent medicines, natural, of course, and employing the newest medical technologies like combining hydrogen and oxygen gas, FDA-approved infrared appliances, PEMF devices that radiate Shumannn waves, and breathing retraining devices.

Being prepared to care for ourselves at home makes sense in a chaotic world. But unfortunately, hospitals are dangerous and super expensive, and most doctors want to administer hazardous drugs and vaccines that hurt more than they help. There is no substitute for bicarbonates and pH medicine, just as there is no substitute for magnesium in human physiology. The sad truth about modern medicine is that most of their drugs make us more acidic and drive down magnesium levels.


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Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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