Studying and Practicing Natural Allopathic Medicine with Dr. Sircus

Published on August 10, 2022

Forbidden Cures is a crash course in medicine and intensive care. It is a revolutionary medical approach that is easy to learn and practice at home and is safer and more effective than pharmaceutical medicine. Forbidden Cures brings coherence back to medicine just as death rates are going off a cliff. Death rates increased 40% last year according to life insurance companies. Could it have anything to do with the fact that five billion people were injected with genetic vaccines?

Importantly Forbidden Cures offers hope for those suffering blood damage from spike proteins. It also provides logical treatments for the avalanche of infections and strange diseases that are springing up with no clue as to what is causing them. It is incredibly hurtful that mainstream medicine does not want to know the actual causes.

All medical approaches that preceded the era of COVID vaccines are obsolete. None of them can address spike proteins. That was true of my Natural Allopathic Medicine until February of 2022. Then, I reorganized my entire treatment approach by making chlorine dioxide the Tiger Tank of my protocol.

Because we all need assistance and support when exploring new treatments, I am forming a low-cost group that one can subscribe to. Join others on a medical adventure where you can Study and Practice my Natural Allopathic Medical System in its most up-to-date form.

The group will offer opportunities to communicate on levels not usually seen in online groups. I will have a team of people helping me, and of course, we will all be studying and practicing together, learning how to help each other and those we love. It is a beautiful form of medicine we propose, and isn’t that precisely what we need?

The group will be comprised of people who are my private clients and those who just want to read, study, and practice the protocols from Forbidden Cures. It will also, I believe, be an exciting opportunity for long-time readers and followers of my work to engage with me dynamically.

I intend the group to be not only an adventure in healing and medicine but also an adventure in consciousness, to go where no other group has gone before at one of the most challenging moments in human history.

The Book

Whatever happens to you, no matter how severe, this book offers immediate lifesaving answers. Of course, the treatments in Forbidden Cures will not “cure” or save everyone’s life. However, the protocols will help anyone still breathing.

You will find in these pages a core protocol to treat cancer, vaccine damages, COVID, antibiotic-resistant infections, fungus diseases, Lyme, and treatments to get out of the hell diabetes brings. In addition, this approach treats neurological disorders, malaria, burns, and more things than I can mention in one paragraph.

If healthy or sick, the protocol serves as an advanced anti-aging treatment. For athletes, it will turbo-charge them. It helps us be all we can be, no matter who we are.

So, join my team and me in a quest for health—a human adventure. I hope the group will be a buttress against adversity for its members and a platform for positive and rational healing actions to ensure our health and happiness.

There is no chance that pharmaceutical companies will develop drugs to treat conditions and infections caused by spike proteins. They do not have anything for vaccine damages except their fantasies that there are no vaccine damages.

Everyone is invited to join the group, both professionals and patients!

Purchase Book Only

The book comes free to those who join because it is required reading for group membership.


Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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