The Psychology of the Heart`s Feelings and Emotions

Published on December 8, 2022

In a world run mostly by minds divorced from heartfelt feelings, it might seem absurd to publish anything about feelings and emotions. We know that men like Bill Gates and the CEOs of Pfizer and Moderna and a host of politicians are trapped in the steel casing of their unfeeling minds. And then there is the host of minds who swallowed the lies that are repeated endlessly in the press and what they are suffering from including the dire effects of experimental genetic vaccines.

But there are still good people with hearts, and they deserve better than the absolute crap being dished out by governments and medical organizations around the world. This essay is for them.  

You cannot be human without feeling.
Alice Christensen

The heart represents the basic capacity to feel. All our feelings matter. All our feelings have intelligence. All have a purpose. But people have a very strong tendency and need to diminish the importance of feelings, especially the feelings of others. We can see the truth of this everywhere, especially in modern medicine and especially with everything to do with vaccines where doctors, nurses, medical associations, and pharmaceutical companies pretend they are doing no harm when in fact they are destroying people’s lives in mass. Health officials have turned themselves into death officials with no hearts. Politicians everywhere are the enemies of humanity. Good ones are so rare we can almost pretend they do not exist.

Some people believe that emotions and “emotions alone” give meaning to life, that the ability to laugh or cry, to feel alternately pensive or blissful, imbues our existence with beauty and value. Doc Childre from HeartMath asks, “What would it be like if you somehow managed to climb to the top of Mount Everest but couldn’t feel the exhilarating rush of excitement? What if you spent time with family or close friends but couldn’t feel the love between you? Our emotions are such a natural part of our existence that we take them for granted. They allow us to experience the textures and colors of life. Without them, we can still climb Mount Everest and spend time with our family and friends, but what’s the point?” The tricky part about emotions is that they can enrich our lives or destroy them.

Emotions and feelings are the most powerful forces we experience inside of us, and I hope my words give some inkling of how powerful they can be. But most humans are asleep and have allowed criminal minds to take over modern medicine. We have been had so badly that the anger that should be heard in the heavens is nowhere to be heard. So perhaps a lesson in feelings and emotions needs to be listened to.  

The knowing and feeling center of the heart is a different
order of intelligence than the thinking center of the mind.

Under the power of spontaneous feelings and emotions, human beings can perform the most heroic acts or do the most violent things. It could be said that our feelings and emotions are the fuel that propels and motivate us, and the mind is the pilot that is there to help steer or help us refine, discern, penetrate, and challenge our feelings and emotions as they occur. The mind can help us decide what feelings and emotions mean and how they should best be expressed.

How we approach and manage the inner universe of feelings and emotions is extremely important. As we shall see there are differences between feelings and emotions and there are stark differences in approaches to emotional management and control.

The moment we try to control a feeling (as opposed to an emotion) we turn the feeling into an emotion that creates more problems, stress, and inner conflict for us to deal with.

There are gray areas between what constitutes emotions and how emotions contrast with heartfelt feelings. The easiest way to differentiate feelings from emotions is that feelings are spontaneous emanations that radiate out from our deeper being and pass over and through our conscious sense of self. They pass through us as waves wash over a beach, they rise and fall and are gone.

Awareness is heightened as we become
more conscious of feelings as they occur.

Pure feelings are an expression of what is happening now in the present moment of our consciousness. A key aspect of feelings is that they get expressed at the time when the feeling is happening. It is always now for the heart but what Daniel Goleman calls the “emotional mind” can move both forward and backward in time. When a lovesick romantic lover is expecting their love object to arrive at the end of the week this emotional mind moves forward to the anticipated event. Likewise, when love is lost, the emotional mind can move backward to memories of good times gone and suffer an agony that so many radio songs have lamented about.

Emotions are like stuck feelings. We could say that emotions are negative feelings or inhibited feelings. The usage of the word negative here is dangerous and some people do divide and judge the emotional world into positive and negative judging all the negative as toxic and dangerous to the health. Anger is seen this way, but this is a mistake. Anger can be a pure feeling though if held onto it becomes a toxic emotion.

The Repression of Feelings Creates Emotion

The Oxford English Dictionary defines emotion as “any agitation or disturbance of mind, feeling, passion; any vehement or excited mental state.” Daniel Goleman clarified this with “I take emotion to refer to a feeling and its distinctive thoughts.” Goleman is mixing feelings and thoughts to equal emotion. But he makes no clear delineation between emotions and feelings. Doc Childre is not very clear in this regard either when he says, “emotions are strong feelings.”

Diana Richardson in her book, The Love Keys, makes it clearer. “Although the words ‘emotion’ and ‘feeling’ are used interchangeably, this is a common mistake. There is a vast difference between the experience of an emotion and the experience of a feeling. This distinction is important to understand, particularly in the world of love since it offers insights into the psychology of the self.”

When we watch a tragic movie and are moved to the point of tears, we do not take time to think about what it is that is moving us, we are just feeling something welling up in our hearts. Or when we hear of a tragedy, like a loved one dying, our hearts yield up those divine tears, the ambrosia fluid of our souls.

When we begin to alight our minds onto the feelings and begin to think about what has happened, to associate, to feel bad for ourselves, we can feel the beginnings of intense emotions that commence filling our awareness. When these emotions, which are combined with mental processes, persist for hours then we see emotions turning into what is usually called moods. Moods are feelings states and in them, it becomes less clear what we should do to get out of them.

Pure feelings have no thoughts; there is no time for them in their most pure form. They come from a place beyond the thinking mind, and they are often the most essential guides that steer our life. Emotions on the other hand are something we certainly can feel, but there is a time element being introduced. There is time to think and time to brood and time to think about what we “felt.” The original feeling is past and often the opportunity to express it also is gone. When we respond to things from this more emotional space, we begin to mix feelings from the past and present together into a melting pot.

Paul Ekman, head of the Human Interaction Laboratory at the University of California in San Francisco, shows how the full power of feelings is very brief, lasting seconds rather than minutes, hours, or days. Daniel Goleman said, “because it takes the rational mind a moment or two longer to register and respond than it does the emotional mind, the ‘first impulse’ in an emotional situation is the heart’s, not the heads.”

Most of the emotions people experience from day to day seem to be generated by their thoughts and reactions to things and as such come in like a tide that never seems to run out. One of the pivotal keys to a life lived in harmony and health comes with the open expression of feelings at the time they are experienced and felt.

If we feel anger, we can roar if those feelings are intense enough. When sadness or a tragedy strikes, an animal-like wail of pain can express heartbreaking feelings. Tears of the melting heart mark our most tragic moments. Yet we inhibit these expressions and thus put ourselves at the mercy of emotional and mental storms that wreak havoc with our inner world. 

To consciously express is to appropriately express.

Einstein brings to the mind–emotion–feeling equation his genius of perception.

“I think with intuition. The basis of true thinking is intuition.
 Indeed, it is not intellect, but intuition that advances humanity.
 Intuition tells a man his purpose in life.
 One never goes wrong following his feelings.
 I don’t mean emotions, I mean feelings,
for feelings and intuition are one.”

                                                                      Albert Einstein

Einstein’s definition that feelings and intuition are one is an example of deep heart intelligence. His intuitive perceptions were the most subtle pure feelings. This is why intuition, the perceptual ability to know without knowing how you know, can be seen to arise through the heart. The heart’s intuition is activated through its sense of caring and through its sensitivity and openness to feel. The intuitions of the heart are dependent on relative states of mental and emotional calmness that are prevalent in heart-centered people.

“There will come a point in everyone’s life
 where only intuition can make the leap ahead,
 without ever knowing precisely how.
One can never know why,
 but one must accept intuition as a fact.”
                                                         Albert Einstein

Epilogue: Around the world, people are waking up and rioting against authorities, but no one is advocating demonstrating outside of FDA and CDC offices. No one is heckling employees of Pfizer or Moderna, so the vaccine massacre goes on. So deep has the vaccine programming been over the last 70 years that 5 billion people just rolled up their sleeves to take experimental genetic vaccines.

Perhaps in 2023 the millions of vaccine damages will catch up with the vaccine fanatics, but I would not count on it. It is not enough for hundreds of doctors to rant against the COVID vaccines and for people, morticians, and life insurance companies to report on the huge wave of sudden deaths. Until we take out the pitchforks and the tar and feathers the rein of pharmaceutical terror will continue. Only a tide of collective emotions and feelings will propel populations into such actions. This is happening in China over their zero COVID policies and the communist government is already sending in tanks to subdue their people.

Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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