They Don’t Want You to Know Basic Viral Treatments – Water is the Most Basic Treatment

Published on February 6, 2020

There has been a pathetic lack of media coverage of effective and successful approaches against viruses in general, and coronavirus in particular. It is as if the medical establishment was retarded and the medical media cruel in withholding vital and in some cases life-saving information.

There are many intelligent things we can do to avoid getting the flu, make it less miserable and certainly less life threatening. Flu activity is high and widespread across much of the United States as usual this time of year. The latest FluView surveillance from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that as of January 18, 2020, there have been 15 million cases of flu, 140,000 hospitalizations, and 8200 deaths in the US this influenza season. 70 of those deaths were young children.

The Orthomolecular people insist that the coronavirus pandemic can be dramatically slowed, or stopped, with the immediate widespread use of high doses of vitamin C. High vitamin D status would certainly be a restraint on any virus and certainly would come in handy if things get as far as ICU care, helpful in avoiding death.

I have already published a full protocol (with dosages) for the treatment of coronavirus and the regular flu. People should be running out their doors to buy sodium bicarbonate, iodine, selenium and magnesium as main methods of both avoiding and treating viral infections.

But today, we go to the most basic level of medicine, to Water Medicine to illustrate how devoid of useful information health officials and the medical media are. Its like they do not want to tell us anything useful. They are too busy trying to scare everyone.

Treating Coronavirus and Common Flu with Water

Many underestimate seasonal flu’s severity and neglect treating dehydration, a survey of U.S. physicians and consumers found. Fifty-seven percent of doctors surveyed said they considered dehydration the single most dangerous flu side effect. “Severe flu symptoms like fever and body aches often keep patients from taking in adequate fluids,” said Dr. Leanne M. Chrisman-Khawam of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. “By managing symptoms, one will be more likely to manage their dehydration as well.”[1]

Dehydration is one of the most overlooked and basic causes of disease. Physicians rarely prescribe water, and you’ll never hear of a pharmaceutical firm recommending it, but water can prevent and cure many common conditions because it is a basic or underlying cause of disease. According to a study published in the Archives of Disease in Childhood, more than 70% of preschool children never drink plain water. Pediatric medicine does not pay attention enough to dehydration that occurs when acute diseases strike and children can pay with their life for this. The fact that one of the most common lawsuits in pediatric emergency room medicine is overlooking dehydration tells us of a gapping hole in pediatric medicine that need not be there.

Children and adults easily lose too many fluids from vomiting and diarrhea. From excessive urine output, such as with uncontrolled diabetes or diuretic use. Excessive sweating, i.e., from exercise. Fever. You might not drink enough fluids because of: Nausea, Loss of appetite due to illness. Sore throat or mouth sores. Dehydration in sick children is often a combination of both — refusing to eat or drink anything while also losing fluid from vomiting, diarrhea, or fever.

The blood is 80 percent water thus hydration levels are extremely important in blood chemistry. Moderate dehydration, a 3-5% decrease in body weight due to fluid loss is sufficient to result in a substantial decrease in strength and endurance because of the decrease in oxygen carrying capacity of the blood signaling a drop in Zeta potential. Proper hydration is thus the most basic


Courtesy of Brian D. Foltz

Dehydration is an under appreciated etiology in many diseases. Most doctors fail to understand – or refuse to consider – that water plays such a huge part in disease states probably because it is too common of a substance. Water is the first thing we should take as a medicine but physicians rarely prescribe water, and you’ll never hear of a pharmaceutical company recommending it, yet water can prevent and cure many common conditions because intake of sufficient amounts of it is a basic or underlying cause of disease.

Dr. Sang Whang, author of the Reverse Aging, says the aging process is basically the accumulation of acidic wastes built up within the body. He says, “The nutrients that we deliver to our cells burn with oxygen and become acidic wastes after giving energy to our body. The body tries its best to get rid of these acidic wastes through urine and perspiration.Unfortunately, our lifestyle, diet and environment prevent our body to get rid of all the wastes that it generates. Gradually, these leftover acidic wastes accumulate somewhere within our body. Since acid coagulates blood, the blood circulation near the waste areas becomes poor, causing all kinds of degenerative diseases to develop…”

When the blood becomes concentrated and acidic, as in dehydration, then abrasions and tears are produced in the arterial system. L-lactic acidosis is thought to arise from poortissue perfusion due to dehydration or endotoxaemiawith subsequent anaerobic glycolysis and decreasedhepatic clearance of L-lactate. We must look beyond what allopathic medicine thinks and see that the body makes more cholesterol in part as a reaction to chronic dehydration, a condition where the body is trying to fix these abrasions and tears that are produced in the arterial system. Cholesterol actually saves people’s lives because it acts as a bandage – a waterproof bandage – that the body has designed.

The body manifests dehydration in the form of pain with the location of the pain being the point or points where dehydration is most settled. Tests consistently reveal that chronic pain patients suffer from chronic dehydration. A significant number of these patients also have a lower than normal venous blood plasma pH. A person with low venous plasma pH has what is termed acid blood. Acid blood is typically dark in color due to low oxygen content. [Note: The body does whatever is necessary to maintain its blood pH within a narrow window – 7.35-7.45. If this level is not maintained, it is a serious medical emergency.]

Painful joints are often a signal of water shortage, thus the use of painkillers does not cure the problem but instead exposes the person to further damage from these pain medications. Intake of water and small amounts of mineral salts will address this problem especially if that mineral is magnesium.

Dr. Norman Shealy says, “Every known illness is associated with a magnesium deficiency” and that, “magnesium is the most critical mineral required for electrical stability of every cell in the body. A magnesium deficiency may be responsible for more diseases than any other nutrient.” The benefits of drinking water are amplified immensely with water high in magnesium and bicarbonates.

Diagnosing Hydration Levels – Urine Color Chart for Hydration

Drinking enough water is crucial and when we do not drink enough, the first sign of that is darkening urine. The color of urine in a dehydrated person will be dark yellow to orange. The more hydrated we are the lighter the color of our urine. Any dark color at all in the urine could indicate a water deficiency.

The following table is a helpful guide for assessing your level of hydration. The colors are representative of the urine color as viewed when collected in a cup. Match the shade of your urine to the nearest color in the chart for interpretation. Match the shade of your urine to the nearest color in the chart for interpretation.


Level 1:This is the normal color of urine and indicates you are well-hydrated.


Level 2:This indicates you are hydrated, but could stand to drink a small glass ofwater.


Level 3:This indicates you are somewhat dehydrated and need to drink 4 oz of water within the hour or 8 oz if you’re outside and/or sweating.


Level 4:You are definitely dehydrated and need to drink 4-8 oz water now (or more if you’re sweating) and continue to drink 3 oz every hour throughout the day. Avoid caffeinated drinks.


Level 5:This is a sign of severe dehydration. Drink 16 oz of water right away and follow that with 3 oz every hour throughout the day. If your urine is darker than this, see a doctor.


Not Hydrated


All functions within the body require the presence of water. A well hydrated body enables these functions to occur quickly and efficiently. Dehydration happens when a person loses more fluids than he or she takes in. Human bodies are made up largely of water, so the right balance of fluids in our systems is needed for good health. Large amounts of fluids can be lost through fever, diarrhea, vomiting, or sweating.

Water is one of the most
important nutrients for children.

Dehydration happens very quickly in the bodies of infants and small children, who don’t have as much fluid to spare. It can quickly become very serious. Risk of dehydration among children is higher than among adults and this process of dehydration may begin rapidly. Rehydration is the crucial process of returning those fluids back to the body to restore normal functioning. Dehydration in children can be a serious medical condition. Left untreated, it can have dire consequences. Since children aren’t always aware or able to tell us if they’re dehydrated, it falls to us as parents.

Water is one of the most important nutrients for children. Very often when we read diet advice for our children all of them do not pay attention to important facts such as right usage water and other beverages. Children should always have unlimited access to harmless, pure and qualitative drinking water. 2% dehydration in childish organism will bring to 20% slowdown of physical and psychological activity. 3% dehydration may bring to heat stroke.

[1] “Zicam survey: Flu’s impact underestimated,” Phoenix Business Journal, Monday, October 3, 2005.

What’s Happening

  1. Jan 24: Treatment Recommendations For New Virus That Is Shutting Down Entire Cities
  2. Jan 27: Coronavirus Epidemic – Should We Panic Yet?
  3. Jan 28: Coronavirus Killing Even Healthy People?
  4. Jan 29: The Joke of Medical Quarantines
  5. Jan 30: Navigating Viral Storms and Avoiding Death
  6. Jan 31: Dosages and Treatments for Coronavirus Infections
  7. Feb 3: Glutathione Against the Coronavirus
  8. Feb 6: They Don’t Want You to Know Basic Viral Treatments – Water is the Most Basic Treatment
  9. Feb 10: World Ready to Freak?
  10. Feb 13: World Health Experts Have It Wrong
  11. Feb 17: Deadly Viral and Economic Reapers
  12. Feb 19: Mild Mannered Coronavirus
  13. Feb 24: The World Is Running Out Of Time
  14. Feb 28: Virus, 5G and Pollution Combine to Destroy Wuhan
  15. Mar 2: Untrustworthy Coronavirus Tests and Statistics

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Dr. Mark Sircus AC., OMD, DM (P)

Professor of Natural Oncology, Da Vinci Institute of Holistic Medicine
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
Founder of Natural Allopathic Medicine

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